Stuck in late development

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20 comments, last by Codarki 11 years, 7 months ago
Don't lose hope in what you've worked so hard for, if you ever watch the movie, Indie the movie (Which is a documentary on indie developers) I noticed that the main thing that the majority of them felt was hopelessness. But after they were proud with what they created, plus I've been needing a good RTS :)
Your problem is quite obvious. You have tried to take on more than you chew. You simply need to hire another programmer to help you finish up. And yes, you can find other programmers who will go after your bugs and fix them. I would recommend one of the many freelancing websites.

All the successful projects you mentioned were completed by at least a handful of programmers. Some of them by a small army. And here you are, trying to do it all alone. It is ok to ask for help.

Maybe the reason games like Counter-Strike [....] are successful is because they haven't gone through such phases. They are the product of a bug-free development.

Oh god no.

I played the original CS games back on the HL engine; between the HL engine bugs and the CS game bugs it certainly wasn't bug free.

There was the old problem of 'bunny hopping' which was a movement bug.
There was a CS Beta 6.0 release where the hand gun aiming was off by about a foot.
There have been reload bugs.
Logic bugs.
Graphical bugs such as the simple Half-Life shadow system showing shadows through the walls.

Believe me; Counter Strike had and still has bugs.

Where you can getting confused is that you don't see the worst of them because they are caught internally before they are released; if they were developing your game and came across this bug then they would fix it and the end user would never see it.

All game development has bugs; as to how many the end user sees is another matter but as the developer you can see behind the curtain and have to deal with them.
If any bugs can delay the shipping of a product, they will.

- Murphy's Law of Programming
Do professional games go through this or do the pros never make such mistakes? Will I ever achieved pro-dom?[/quote]
Every coder, no matter his age, skill, or experience, creates bugs. However, "pros" know how to fix them efficiently (this is what beta phases, playtesting, QA and code reviews are for). There are many types of bugs. Depending on your experience as a coder, it is generally fairly easy to identify which category any one bug fits in, and decide how hard it will likely be to fix it. Here are some examples of bugs you may encounter (or have already):

Your sample output is missing the first line of data. Your GUI says your player has one bullet left, but he won't shoot. All your sprites are drawn except the last one. You deftly browse your code to the correct line and chuckle as you realize your loop or condition has a one-off error. You correct the bug, and everything works fine. Hurray!

You fire up your program after a sweaty two hours of restless coding. You hit "Play", but nothing happens. You click again, and again - the game just won't work. You read through some of your GUI code, and realize you wrote & instead of &&, messing up a boolean condition on the mouse position, and spitefully ignored the compiler warning, because warnings are for wussies and just run my code already. You remind yourself to look at the compiler output from time to time and easily fix the offending line.

Your game is running fine. However, you are unhappy because every now and then, it will suddenly freeze for no apparent reason and you need to kill it from the task manager. You are aware that your game uses multiple threads, because multithreading is cool, and you have read horror stories about race condition and mutex deadlocks on the web. After a few hours, many cups of coffees and several kilobytes of skimmed-through log output, you discover an edge case in which your render thread *could potentially* finish its frame work before the logic thread, something completely unconceivable to you because your graphics effects are so awesome, and since both threads need to lock the log file to write information you will never need to read anyways, the lock would enter a deadlock state and your main loop will be stuck. You correct this by introducing a condition where each thread is aware of who holds the lock, and you note this as bad design, to be fixed in an upcoming version - because todo lists are also cool.

You have encountered the most difficult to track down bug in all of existence. You get shivers up your spine as you slowly realize that your code contains an Heisenbug: a bug that appears only when you are not looking out for it, and vanishes as soon as you attempt to track it down. No amount of debugging or desperately printing out variables will help you here - your only chance of survival is your own brain. You must analyze the code line by line, several hundred times, until you finally discover where you went wrong. If at all possible, brief somebody else on the code and have him debug it - it is well-known that programmers are partial to their own code and will have difficulty locating their own bugs.

A friend has inserted a header file containing a single line of code akin to #define true false, named it stdcmath.h (a plausible name for a standard header which does not actually exist) and included it in your program, password-protected the extra file and made it hidden for bonus points. You would have never solved the mystery, except that in this brief moment of desperation, as you frustratingly threw your hands in the air as a tribute to your friend's incredible pranking skills, your mouse cursor randomly lands on a constant in your code, revealing the deed as the logic-breaking macro appears before your eyes. Luck is also a factor in fixing bugs - just deal with it and consider yourself lucky you only spent four days on this.

As you can see, all bugs are not created equal, and they come in all shapes and sizes, and it is extremely easy to introduce bugs in your program. Any one line you add or remove can produce a bug that will affect a completely different section of your code. Sometimes, introducing one bug can remove another, and similarly, fixing one bug can actually create more bugs, and if the new bugs are similar to the old one, it may mislead you to believe that you did not actually fix anything. Even a professional developer will produce more bugs than features, and accepts this fact by fixing most of them.

As developer it is your responsibility to seek and destroy them, it is part of your job and you cannot evade this task. You don't have to fix every single bug (because that is impossible), but you want to fix the ones that are visible to the user, or at least most of those. If possible, get a play-tester (friend or whatever) to play through the game and write down each bug he encounters with a helpful description. When you get the list back, make it your goal to fix each bug on the list. When done, get a different tester to play again, and reiterate until there are no (or very few unimportant) bugs left. At this point your game is reasonably "bug-free", as any bugs left (while still bothering you as a conscientious developer) are essentially invisible to the end user and thus irrelevant to anybody other than you.

If this makes you feel better, this is not something you need to explicitly work towards. Your ability to correct bugs will naturally improve as you write more and more bugged code. I suggest you give up your RPG for now if it really is too hard to maintain it, and try some smaller games. Later on, you will be able to go back to your RPG, look over the code and think to yourself "man, this is bug-riddled!" and rebuild it from scratch with a better design. In order to gain experience, you should hopefully limit yourself to small projects. God knows I spent years of my life just writing small applets of limited functionality, but which actually worked. Each of those had dozens of bugs gradually acquired over time, and which I had to painstakingly fix, but I learnt a lot from it. So will you - get to it!

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

Thanks for the read, I never finished something big yet but it scares me to death finding and fixing hundreds of bugs for a big game. Something i do to make my life easier, or at least thinking i am doing that is documenting and commenting on the fly. For every method i make i write a comprehensive comment. I also put something in like this "!CONTROLS!" so if there is something wrong with the controls i can search all my methods that have something to do with controlls quickly.

What makes me scared the most is a snowball effect, When you fix one bug 2 new arize and when you fix those you have 4.
One common source of bugs is when something is incomplete. Design can generally be done depth first or breadth first. Usually, it is something in between. You want the breadth, to get a result that can be seen. It is boring to go depth first, especially if you are uncertain.

One thing that works well for me is to focus on breadth first, but mark remaining tasks with a "TODO" in the source code, to make sure they are not forgotten.
[size=2]Current project: Ephenation.
[size=2]Sharing OpenGL experiences:
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it."
--Brian W. Kernighan[/quote]

Debugging is just part of it. And it's quite rewarding when you do finally fix a bad bug.

Unfortunately if you've gotten to a near complete state and allowed bugs to remain in the software till this point, you will have a lot of code to go through. It's often easier to ensure you're properly testing your code during development and try to deal with the majority of problems as they arise; you could perhaps even use TDD.

OP: This. If your codebase is full of bugs so late in development, it probably means you haven't been testing your code properly, and by that I mean automated unit tests and integration tests. It's likely that if you didn't test small units early enough, your integration was a bit sketchy, and the rot has spread over time throughout your codebase.

I would start testing now. Set up a unit testing framework and get your hands a tools to analyze code coverage. Start writing tests for low-hanging fruit: math computations, for example. Work from there. Keep an eye on your coverage percentage. With every commit you make to your version control system (you are using one, right?), try to improve that percentage.

Granted, code coverage isn't everything. The tests still need to be meaningful. But it's one very effective way to keep your code healthy and gain back some confidence in the stability of your game.

Also, it sounds like you're burnt out. I can sense your frustration. As others have said, take a break. Just get away from it for while and come back to it later with a fresh perspective. It also might help to talk with a friend or colleague about it. Have you heard of rubber ducking? If not, look it up. Sometimes just talking through the problem in detail can reveal new insights. If you don't have a friend or colleague you can talk to, you could even post on the forums here and talk about the issues in detail. Or start writing a design spec for your game (or update an existing one to reflect what is currently in the code). Or write some blog posts. Whatever. The points, in order to get out of this mess you need to change your mode of thinking. I believe Einstein was quoted saying, "Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.”

Hope that helps. Good luck.

What makes me scared the most is a snowball effect, When you fix one bug 2 new arize and when you fix those you have 4.

But as others have said before, not all bugs are created equal. For each showstopper fixed you get two simple glitches - it is definitely a progress :-D
But seriously take a time off. It seems that at moment you only see the amount of work still ahead and it demotivates you. But if you return later after certain pause, you will first and foremost see the work already done. You will probably surprised, how much good code you have produced in addition to bugs ;-)
Lauris Kaplinski

First technology demo of my game Shinya is out:
Khayyam 3D - a freeware poser and scene builder application:

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