Suggestion on libraryes to use

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5 comments, last by BaneTrapper 11 years, 7 months ago
I am well experienced in c++, and i am looking for a library to use.
I used SDL a long time, but its not under development, and is for c. Plus it has some issues, like full screen mode leak.

I started with Warcraft3 GUI editor, went intro Warcraft3 JASS(scripting),
then java, and finally c++ which i did study thorough. Made few brick breaker clone, did chubby 5min 2d rpg using SDL.

I got shout down while tying to find a TEAM, that SDL is old and unused and i did not know other libraries.
What library (suggestions / recommendation) would you give,
that are used to make (like 2d rpg) games nowadays.
and if possibly new & under development.
Have you considered trying out C# with XNA?

If your looking for quick game development for PC's and Console its great.
For a long time I was part of the whole "I need to do it the hard way and stick with C++"

Since I've moved over to c# I love the quick development times.
SDL 2.0 is under development, but it seems to be a ninja stealth project that is barely mentioned on the official website, and details of it are hidden buried in forum threads, so it's excusable that one would think SDL is dead. (It kind of baffles me why they keep it so low key, especially when their 'stable' version is getting so damned stale.) Still, they are attempting to modernize it.

You could take a look at the OpenGL-centric SFML library. It's pretty decent, as long as you're okay with GL only.
I second SFML: Great documentation, community, and tutorials.

However, if you already know SDL, and if it's working, why not stick with it? If some person comes and tells you, "SDL is dead!", ignore them.
It's good for you to know the pros and cons of different libraries, but it's not good to assume that everything everybody says is fact - use it as motivation to research into the matter, but not as motivation to completely change what you are doing just because somebody said to.

Also, "new" doesn't always equal "better". SDL is stable, and yeah, while a bit crufty and stale development-wise (while working on SDL 2.0), a lack of development doesn't mean it's suddenly broken or inadequate.

My suggestion: Play with SFML 2.0 (unofficial release but stable), and play with SDL 2.0 (unofficial release, maybe unstable), and try them both out and see what works for your project.

However, if you already know SDL, and if it's working, why not stick with it? If some person comes and tells you, "SDL is dead!", ignore them.
It's good for you to know the pros and cons of different libraries, but it's not good to assume that everything everybody says is fact - use it as motivation to research into the matter, but not as motivation to completely change what you are doing just because somebody said to.

Also, "new" doesn't always equal "better". SDL is stable, and yeah, while a bit crufty and stale development-wise (while working on SDL 2.0), a lack of development doesn't mean it's suddenly broken or inadequate.

I was satisfied with sdl, i still am. But baking a game that cant go fullscreen just bugs me. So i will check up SFML 2.0.
i got shouted at because i was looking for graphical artist, and i noted i only know SDL.
I did state i am looking for someone who wants his art to be shown... i did not expect professional, i expected a noob who likes to draw.

[quote name = 'FLeBlanc']
Well i do not know how much it takes for you to program a game.
I do rapid typing. And reuse code from my previous game. So i flush games pretty fast, but at end of it all i am happy with c++ do not need to go easier.
Only problem is time... I work most of day, can hardly get some time to program.

I was satisfied with sdl, i still am. But baking a game that cant go fullscreen just bugs me. So i will check up SFML 2.0.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'baking' a game, but assuming that was just a typo, SDL can go fullscreen:

SDL_Surface *screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(1024, 728, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE|SDL_FULLSCREEN);

i got shouted at because i was looking for graphical artist, and i noted i only know SDL.[/quote]
*shrugs* I would rather know SDL really well, then a dozen APIs very poorly. But if you know SDL very well, it might actually be beneficial to pick up another just for extra experience with new libraries.

SDL_Surface *screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(1024, 728, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE|SDL_FULLSCREEN);

I did research allot and SDL_FULLSCREEN flag will cause leak on Windows OS.
i had a leak on game and i was unsure where the leak was coming from, was torched for month.
Had lost spirit ,cause i was unable to find error. Finally on forum a person told me that SDL_FULLSCREEN will leak on Windows OS.
Did some googling and he was correct.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'baking' a game, but assuming that was just a typo

I was satisfied with sdl, i still am. But baking(I meant MAKING) game that cant go fullscreen just bugs me. So i will check up SFML 2.0.

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