Website for code library?

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1 comment, last by Servant of the Lord 11 years, 6 months ago
I've developed a class called "Range" which keeps track of a number between a min and max number. It's useful for keeping track of any data which could be represented by a progress bar (hitpoints, mana, cooldown time, etc) and generating a random number within the range. I think other people would find it useful within their projects, so I'd like to share it. Is there a section on this site for freely sharing reusable code? In case there isn't, I'm copy/pasting it below. You're free to use it in any way with no strings attached and no guarantee of fitness/correctness.

Note: My code sample is relatively trivial and generic enough to be usable in any game/app. It's 95% tested, but not very rigorously as it should be.

Range.cs - C# XNA Version:

using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
namespace EricsLib
/// <summary>
/// The range class gives you a number which is between a min and max number.
/// Usages: -Keeping track of hitpoints or similar metrics
/// -keeping track of ability cool down timers
/// -Generating random numbers within a range
/// -Storing direction angles or other circular data (use looping values)
/// </summary>
public class Range
float m_max, m_min; //the thresholds for the meter value
float m_regen; //how many points you want to regenerate/degenerate every second
float m_current; //the current value of the meter
bool m_loopValues; //if this is 'true', then the current value will loop between min and max values instead of being capped.
public Range()
m_max = 100;
m_min = 0;
m_current = 100;
m_regen = 0;
m_loopValues = false;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a range with the current value at max value and min at zero
/// </summary>
/// <param name="max">the highest range value allowed</param>
public Range(float max)
m_max = max;
m_current = max;
m_min = 0.0f;
m_loopValues = false;
/// <summary>
/// creates a range value with the current value defaulted to the max value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min">lowest range value</param>
/// <param name="max">highest range value</param>
public Range(float min, float max)
m_max = max;
m_min = min;
m_current = max;
m_loopValues = false;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a range
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min">lowest range value</param>
/// <param name="max">highest range value</param>
/// <param name="current">current range value</param>
public Range(float min, float max, float current)
m_max = max;
m_min = min;
m_current = current;
m_loopValues = false;
/// <summary>
/// creates a range value with regeneration/decay value set so the current value increases/decreases over time
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min">lowest range value</param>
/// <param name="max">highest range value</param>
/// <param name="current">current value in range</param>
/// <param name="regen">the change in current value over time</param>
public Range(float min, float max, float current, float regen)
m_max = max;
m_min = min;
m_current = current;
m_regen = regen;
m_loopValues = false;
public Range(Range Copy)
if (Copy == null)
m_max = Copy.m_max;
m_min = Copy.m_min;
m_current = Copy.m_current;
m_regen = Copy.m_regen;
m_loopValues = Copy.m_loopValues;
/// <summary>
/// The current value will always be between min and max values
/// </summary>
public float Current
return m_current; //E: I'm assuming this gets truncated.
//do some quick bounds checking
if (value > m_max) //value is greater than specified max value
if (m_loopValues)
//the remaining looped value should be seamlessly added to the minimum value if it overflows the max
m_current = m_min + (value % m_max); //tested
m_current = m_max;
else if (value < m_min) //value is less than specified minimum value
if (m_loopValues)
m_current = m_min + (value % (m_max - m_min)); //tested
m_current = m_min;
m_current = value;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the current value to a random number between the min and max range values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="SetCurrent">Flag on whether you want to set the current value to the randomly generated number</param>
/// <returns>the value of current</returns>
public float Random(bool SetCurrent)
double d = Calc.random.NextDouble();
float diff = m_max - m_min;
diff *= (float)d;
if (SetCurrent == true)
m_current = m_max - diff;
return m_max - diff;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a random float which lies between min and max value of the range.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public float Random()
return Random(false);
public float Max
return m_max;
m_max = value;
public float Min
return m_min;
m_min = value;
public float Half
return (m_min + m_max) / 2.0f;
/// <summary>
/// Per second regeneration/decay value for the current value of the meter
/// </summary>
public float RegenRate
return m_regen;
m_regen = value;
public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
//are we regenerating/decaying over time?
if (m_regen != 0)
Current += m_regen * (gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds);
public void SetToMax()
m_current = m_max;
public void SetToMin()
m_current = m_min;
public bool IsEmpty()
return (m_current <= m_min);
/// <summary>
/// Set/Get the current value as a percentage of the min and max values
/// </summary>
public float Percent
return ((m_current - m_min) / (m_max - m_min)) * 100;
m_current = m_min + ((value / 100) * (m_max - m_min));
/// <summary>
/// if this is 'true', then the current value will loop between min and max values instead of being capped.
/// Default: false
/// </summary>
public bool LoopValues
return m_loopValues;
m_loopValues = value;
/// <summary>
/// Tells you if the current range value is at the maximum value
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsMax()
return m_current == m_max;
/// <summary>
/// Tells you if the current range value is at the minimum value
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsMin()
return m_current == m_min;

Range.cs - C# Unity3D version:

using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace EricsLib
/// <summary>
/// The range class gives you a number which is between a min and max number.
/// Usages: -Keeping track of hitpoints or similar metrics
/// -keeping track of ability cool down timers
/// -Generating random numbers within a range
/// -Storing direction angles or other circular data (use looping values)
/// </summary>
public class Range
float m_max, m_min; //the thresholds for the meter value
float m_regen; //how many points you want to regenerate/degenerate every second
float m_current; //the current value of the meter
bool m_loopValues; //if this is 'true', then the current value will loop between min and max values instead of being capped.
public Range()
m_max = 100;
m_min = 0;
m_current = 100;
m_regen = 0;
m_loopValues = false;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a range with the current value at max value and min at zero
/// </summary>
/// <param name="max">the highest range value allowed</param>
public Range(float max)
m_max = max;
m_current = max;
m_min = 0.0f;
m_loopValues = false;
/// <summary>
/// creates a range value with the current value defaulted to the max value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min">lowest range value</param>
/// <param name="max">highest range value</param>
public Range(float min, float max)
m_max = max;
m_min = min;
m_current = max;
m_loopValues = false;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a range
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min">lowest range value</param>
/// <param name="max">highest range value</param>
/// <param name="current">current range value</param>
public Range(float min, float max, float current)
m_max = max;
m_min = min;
m_current = current;
m_loopValues = false;
/// <summary>
/// creates a range value with regeneration/decay value set so the current value increases/decreases over time
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min">lowest range value</param>
/// <param name="max">highest range value</param>
/// <param name="current">current value in range</param>
/// <param name="regen">the change in current value over time</param>
public Range(float min, float max, float current, float regen)
m_max = max;
m_min = min;
m_current = current;
m_regen = regen;
m_loopValues = false;
public Range(Range Copy)
if (Copy == null)
m_max = Copy.m_max;
m_min = Copy.m_min;
m_current = Copy.m_current;
m_regen = Copy.m_regen;
m_loopValues = Copy.m_loopValues;
/// <summary>
/// The current value will always be between min and max values
/// </summary>
public float Current
return m_current; //E: I'm assuming this gets truncated.
//do some quick bounds checking
if (value > m_max) //value is greater than specified max value
if (m_loopValues)
//the remaining looped value should be seamlessly added to the minimum value if it overflows the max
m_current = m_min + (value % m_max); //tested
m_current = m_max;
else if (value < m_min) //value is less than specified minimum value
if (m_loopValues)
m_current = m_min + (value % (m_max - m_min)); //tested
m_current = m_min;
m_current = value;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the current value to a random number between the min and max range values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="SetCurrent">Flag on whether you want to set the current value to the randomly generated number</param>
/// <returns>the value of current</returns>
public float Random(bool SetCurrent)
double d = Calc.random.NextDouble();
float diff = m_max - m_min;
diff *= (float)d;
if (SetCurrent == true)
m_current = m_max - diff;
return m_max - diff;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a random float which lies between min and max value of the range.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public float Random()
return Random(false);
public float Max
return m_max;
m_max = value;
public float Min
return m_min;
m_min = value;
public float Half
return (m_min + m_max) / 2.0f;
/// <summary>
/// Per second regeneration/decay value for the current value of the meter
/// </summary>
public float RegenRate
return m_regen;
m_regen = value;
public void Update()
//are we regenerating/decaying over time?
if (m_regen != 0)
Current += m_regen * Time.deltaTime;
public void SetToMax()
m_current = m_max;
public void SetToMin()
m_current = m_min;
public bool IsEmpty()
return (m_current <= m_min);
/// <summary>
/// Set/Get the current value as a percentage of the min and max values
/// </summary>
public float Percent
return ((m_current - m_min) / (m_max - m_min)) * 100;
m_current = m_min + ((value / 100) * (m_max - m_min));
/// <summary>
/// if this is 'true', then the current value will loop between min and max values instead of being capped.
/// Default: false
/// </summary>
public bool LoopValues
return m_loopValues;
m_loopValues = value;
/// <summary>
/// Tells you if the current range value is at the maximum value
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsMax()
return m_current == m_max;
/// <summary>
/// Tells you if the current range value is at the minimum value
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsMin()
return m_current == m_min;
If you want to share code publicly, the proper place to do it is on something like github or bitbucket. And instead of saying "You're free to use it in any way with no strings attached and no guarantee of fitness/correctness", it would be better include a proper source code license file with your code.

Also, if you want your code to be "tested", you should actually write tests for it. If you don't know how, do some research on unit testing and NUnit. You can include the test code with your code above. Otherwise, I not consider this to be "tested" code, now matter how many manual tests you performed.

Hope that helps.

And instead of saying "You're free to use it in any way with no strings attached and no guarantee of fitness/correctness", it would be better include a proper source code license file with your code.


@slayemin: Here's some licenses that you might want:

Suggestion for "free to do whatever": MIT license
Suggestion for "free to do whatever but give me credit and share changes": LGPL

Suggestion for "I don't care at all, just use the code if you want!": Public domain ((this isn't actually a license) [size=2]This only works for countries that have public domain, and you can just ignore the countries that don't - people in those countries will use it anyway and it becomes their problem)

For art, music, photographs, and other non-code works, see Creative Commons.

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