Cleaning up my code.....

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11 comments, last by random-decay 22 years, 6 months ago
yeah...looks good.. just one thing... change NUM_COMBOS to arSize inside the

  void FrequencyTable( const int arr[], int arSize, int r ){	cout << "Frequency:" << endl;	for ( int i = 0; i < arSize; i++ )	{		float p = float ( arr[i] * 100 ) / r;		if ( p != 0 )		{			cout.setf( ios_base :: fixed );			cout.precision( 2 );		}		cout << i  + OFF_SET  << "   " << p << "%" << endl;		cout.unsetf( ios_base :: fixed );	}}  

Did someone say "banana"?

Alright, thanks for all your help!
no problem

Did someone say "banana"?


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