DirectX 8, where's DirectDraw??

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14 comments, last by dacrisxp 22 years, 6 months ago
I''m currently making a game engine using the Direct3D 8 SDK. I would like to know where to find some source code for writing a basic DirectDraw wrapper for Direct3D 8. Your help is appreciated.
Well, DirectDraw and Direct3D are merged in DX8. You can either use the DDraw 7 interface or you can do some 2D stuff in D3D. here is a good article about 2D in D3D.

Invader X
Invader''s Realm
But if you have the choice, it will probably be better doing it with DX7. This way you should get (AFAIK): more speed than with using the 3d stuff, more versatility (in some cases), and some other pros. I think that, at the current time, that decision of taking DD away was a bad move... but in the future D3d will surely be a better option.

--H. Hernán Moraldo
--DK--H. Hernán Moraldo up to the HHM's developers' newsletter.
quote:Original post by DoctorK
This way you should get (AFAIK): more speed than with using the 3d stuff

AFAIK, Modern 3D cards (3dfx voodoo 3 upwards) are heavily optimised for drawing textured triangles at the expense of framebuffer access (pixel plotting and blitting). Its even worse for cards like the GeForce, because while you have the framebuffer locked to write pixels to it, the GPU has to idle.

If you`re planning to use modern hardware, you get more speed and flexibility by using D3D8 (you can use alpha blending, and hardware accelerated scaling and rotation). Its harder to write though...

The tutorial InvaderX mentioned is well worth a look.
Agreed. It should be just as fast or faster, expecially if you are doing rotation, scaling, and blending.

If you have a geForce3, watch nVidia''s image processing sample. It can do a find edges filter at 100+ fps. That''s really, really fast (and 2D).
Author, "Real Time Rendering Tricks and Techniques in DirectX", "Focus on Curves and Surfaces", A third book on advanced lighting and materials
I read the article. Are there any downloadable wrappers for 2-D graphics under D3D8?
You''re in luck, I have created a D3D (2D Sprites) wrapper, its available on my site at:

  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

Thanks a lot, but you''re kinda late . I already figured out a wrapper (without D3DXSprite), and I''m no longer in the mood to learn another wrapper :D. However, how do I make my program load a 640x480 texture and display it correctly? Currently, the texture is loaded w/ default parameters (0,0 for width&height), and it looks like a 256x256 texture stretched to 640x480! How do I make it not stretch? (In other words, can I load just one part (256x256) from the texture and display that on one part (0.4 x 0.5333) of the material, and then load the next part, and display it on the next part of the material?

Here''s the code for my simple wrapper functions:

// Create Rectangle (Creates a rectangular primitive w/ size specified)
LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER8 CreateRectangle(float x, float y, float w, float h)
float PanelWidth = w;
float PanelHeight = h;

dx8.pd3dDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(4 * sizeof(PANELVERTEX), D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY,

g_pVertices->Lock(0, 4 * sizeof(PANELVERTEX), (BYTE**)&pVertices, 0);

//Set all the colors to white
pVertices[0].d = pVertices[1].d = pVertices[2].d = pVertices[3].d = 0xffffffff;

//Set positions and texture coordinates
pVertices[0].x = pVertices[3].x = -320 + x;
pVertices[1].x = pVertices[2].x = -320 + PanelWidth + x;

pVertices[0].y = pVertices[1].y = 240 - y;
pVertices[2].y = pVertices[3].y = 240 - PanelHeight - y;

pVertices[0].z = pVertices[1].z = pVertices[2].z = pVertices[3].z = 1.0f;
pVertices[1].u = pVertices[2].u = 1.0f;
pVertices[0].u = pVertices[3].u = 0.0f;

pVertices[0].v = pVertices[1].v = 0.0f;
pVertices[2].v = pVertices[3].v = 1.0f;


return g_pVertices;

// similar to DDraw one, but sets a texture & displays a rectangular primitive.
void Blt(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 texture, int x, int y, int w, int h)
dx8.pd3dDevice->SetTexture(0, texture);
dx8.pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
dx8.pd3dDevice->SetStreamSource(0, CreateRectangle((float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h), sizeof(PANELVERTEX));
dx8.pd3dDevice->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 0, 2);

// Loads texture & returns pointer to it
LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 LoadTexture(char *filename, int w, int h)
// Set black as our source color key. Use 0xFFFF00FF for magenta instead.
// Use 0x00000000 for no ''color key'' substitution
D3DCOLOR colorkey = 0xFF000000;
// The D3DX function will fill in the following image info for us
//D3DXIMAGE_INFO SrcInfo; // Optional

// Load image from file - maintain size of original file.
// It is also possible to specify a new height/width and ask D3DX to filter
// the image to the new size (stretch/shrink). See SDK docs for details.
D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx( dx8.pd3dDevice, filename, w, h, 0, 0,
colorkey, NULL , NULL, &pd3dTexture);
// Check the return value here, etc

// Remember, textures sizes may be larger or smaller than your image,
// to allow for legal texture sizes & maximums on user''s hardware
return pd3dTexture;

Please look over my code, and suggest a method to solve the problem mentioned above.

Thanks for all your help!
D3DX tries to do alot of work for you, but in some cases, it may produce suboptimal results.

Try this...

1. Create a 256x256 texture (remember, you can ask the device what it''s max dimensions are before you load textures)

2. Call IDirect3DTexture8->GetSurfaceLevel to get the surface interface.

3. Call D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFileA to load only a subset into that surface.

Yes, sometimes it can be alot of work, but once you get the wrapper together, this is much better than DirectDraw looking forward to "modern cards". Also, current cards support much bigger textures and future cards will drop the powers of 2 requirements. So, you have to jump through some hoops, but Direct3D is still a better way to go from the standpoint of learning longer term skills.
Author, "Real Time Rendering Tricks and Techniques in DirectX", "Focus on Curves and Surfaces", A third book on advanced lighting and materials
The max size for textures in DX8 is 256X256. If you want to display larger stuff you have to create a surface.

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