Pause not working

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4 comments, last by incertia 11 years, 5 months ago
Ok, its still myPong game and another problem.
I tried implementing pause in the game, but it does not work consistently. I have to try 10-15 times to actually pause a game.
I suppose the problem is connected with Pygame Key.set_repeat


that I coded to be able to move paddle by holding arrow keys without pressing them continuosly.

The code for pausing game is:

elif event.type ==KEYDOWN and event.key == K_SPACE:
if mygame.pause == 0:
mygame.pause =1
mygame.pause = 0

You are correct in that set_repeat() is causing you headache. What is happening is that every time you press the spacebar to pause, it is actually pausing many times in a row. It is taking you several tries to actually land on a paused state. I would recommend you either poll keys for paddle movement, or keep track of paddle velocity when using the event based input handling.

An example:
[source lang="python"]# Event Based Example
paddle.vy = 0 #velocity going up and down

# ... some game logic here

elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_DOWN:
paddle.vy += 1
elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_DOWN:
paddle.vy -= 1
elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_UP:
paddle.vy -= 1
elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_UP:
paddle.vy += 1

# Polling Based Example

keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()

if keys[K_DOWN]:
paddle.y += 1
elif keys[K_UP]:
paddle.y -= 1


In the event based example, you would update the actual position of the paddle in your update function that should be called to update game entitites.

Please note that this is a basic example. You would probably want to incorporate a timestep into both methods, so that you don't notice the paddle speeding up or slowing down based upon framerate.
Hmmm, I have not been aware there is event based and polling based method for processing input. I am lacking in this knowledge, so if you or anyone can expand on this topic, or give a good link...
Anyway, thanks a lot dmreichard

An easy way to think about event-based vs polling in this context is being reactive vs proactive, respectively. For example, when you press or release a key this adds an event corresponding to that action in the pygame event queue. One normally retrieves the event queue and then interates through it for events they are interested in capturing. You are therefore reacting to the event.

Polling is the opposite of being reactive. You are basically on each iteration of the game loop saying, "Is this key being pressed right now?" as opposed to "Did this key get pressed?"

There are many resources on the uses and benefits of each, and a google search should turn up useful information.

I found the actual pygame API reference located at to be most beneficial versus any tutorial on pygame for explaining the library itself.
Ok, I changed processing for paddle controling keys to polling and left quiting and pausing event based. And of course I removed set_repeat statment.
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_RIGHT]:
if keys[K_LEFT]:
direction = -1
elif keys[K_RIGHT]:
direction = 1
direction = 0
Everything is running as it should, altough I have another issue, but thats for another topic.

Thanks a lot
Another way to get around this is to detect if the key was down the last time you checked for input.

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