HLSL pixel shader works with magic number (0.3333) but not with (1 / 3) why?

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3 comments, last by kubera 11 years, 4 months ago

trying to make a simple effect on a fullscreen triangle (triangle generated on the vertex shader using SV_VertexID) and on the pixel shader im trying color the triangle depending on its text coords (that is also generated on the vertex shader).

when i compare uv.x or uv.y with a magic number (like 0.3333 for example) it works just fine but when i use generic values (like 1 / 3 instead of using 0.3333) it doesnt work.

this is a simple example that shows the problem:

struct VSOutput
float4 position : SV_POSITION; // screen space
float2 uv : TEXCOORD; // [0,1] coords

PSOutput PS(VSOutput input)
PSOutput output = (PSOutput)0;
float oneThird = 1 / 3;
float twoThird = 2 / 3;
float x = input.uv.x;

if(x < oneThird)
output.diffuse = float4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
else if(x > twoThird)
output.diffuse = float4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
output.diffuse = float4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

return output;

this outputs blue for the entire fullscreen triangle (meaning that only the "else if(x > twoThird)" test works) BUT if i change from "x < oneThird" and "x > twoThird" to "x < 0.3333" and "x > 0.6666" it outputs 3 color stripes and eveything works great.

conclusion: using 0.3333 instead of 1 / 3 and using 0.6666 instead of 2 / 3 works great, the other way around it doesnt work. is there something im missing?

thanks in advance.
yet, another stupid signature..
You're missing precision and the internal representation of floating point numbers.
1 / 3 == 0 (integer division)
1.0f / 3.0f == 0.333333f (floating-point division)
wow i cant believe i fell for that.. well thanks a lot for the help :)
yet, another stupid signature..
For such magics you would consider using relattions <, <= etc, not ==.
It is more safe for floats.

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