OPenCL global memory read write understanding

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1 comment, last by smallGame 11 years, 4 months ago

I wrote a simple kernel, I read and write in global memory, but I have some troubles.
From my understanding any work item A could write in the global memory, and any work item B could read what was written by A even if they are not in the same work group. (of course if synchronization is correct)

__kernel void Test(volatile __global int* volatileGlobalMemory) // CL_MEM_READ_WRITE memory flag, size 10
size_t globalId = get_global_id(0);
// Init array to zero
if (globalId < 10)
volatileGlobalMemory[globalId] = 0;
// atomic histogram
int indexBucket = globalId % 10;
// Here everything is fine we have the expected hitogram inside all work items and work group
// Copy just once; this seems to work only on the first work group, I don't understand why ???!!!
if (globalId == 0)
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
volatileGlobalMemory += volatileGlobalMemory[i - 1];
// This value is correct on the first work group, wrong on the other ones, why ?
int a0 = volatileGlobalMemory[0];

Thanks for your help,
There is no intra-workgroup synchronization within a kernel. The barrier
instruction only performs synchronization within a given workgroup. The OpenCL specification does not guarantee consistency between different workgroups - see section 3.3.1 of the specification.
Thanks lerlinghagen smile.png !!

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