Top of the line vs Old crap

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31 comments, last by riuthamus 11 years, 3 months ago

So, how would we get something to look like this:



Their lights seem to... have a brighter center. How would we go about doing this? This is what ours looks like:


We attempted to boost up the bloom to amplify it but our bloom either sucks or.... its just not working right. The bloom is MAXED btw. ( not ideal for getting the effect we might need in some locations )



Actually, i made a new post, since it is kinda off topic with this one. Thanks

You don't need to keep view space position for the logarithmic depth. You can use the value of w, since it contains the view space depth after projection:

output.Position.z = log(0.001 * output.Position.w + 1) / log(0.001 * FarPlane + 1) * output.Position.w;

That's because the projection matrix (D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH) is:

w       0       0               0
0       h       0               0
0       0       zf/(zf-zn)      1
0       0       -zn*zf/(zf-zn)  0

And thus w ? z, w ends up with the view space depth.

Kinda off topic, i just saw your video of your engine. Fucking amazing! A job well done and thank you for the help with this. qui and you certainly have been a huge help.

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