Delay shoot until the bullet arrive to the hit point

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10 comments, last by JTippetts 11 years, 3 months ago

I asked this question (as a reply) before here:

But I think this question should be separated since it's not related to the accuracy.

In real life the bullet will arrive to the target based on the speed and distance.
So, I'm trying to find a way to delay the bullet arrival time for certain amount of time in milliseconds (depends on how far is the target).
The following should do the trick but definitely it will not only delay the bullet arrival but it will delay rendering as well:

    // Delay until the bullet arrive (based on the bullet speed and the distance)

Maybe I can create a thread for shooting and do the above code in that thread then use a callback method to get the shooting result?
I need suggestion on what is the best way to do it without affecting the rendering, BTW I'm using a single method that I call for shooting and it should get me the shooting results every time I call it.
What is the backbone of your game? What is the structure? This is purely a game logic issue and should have no effect on threading, rendering, etc. as long as you have a clear idea of your game structure.

In my personal frameworks, I implement this sort of thing using some sort of timer class. Say your trajectory and ballistics calculations indicate that the optimal time to fire will be 2 seconds in the future, given the target's current velocity. That means the entity doing the firing needs to go into a suspended state. Of course, all the other entities shouldn't be suspended just because one is. So what I typically do is register a Timer with my central control mechanism for 2 seconds, and set up the entity to listen for the event that gets triggered when the timer expires. Each time through the main loop, all existing timers are decremented by the time step, and any that go below 0 are caused to transmit their signals and removed from the list. Considering that the backbone of my game is a message pump, it is easy enough for an expiring Timer to transmit a message through the pump targeted at the entity that wants to listen for it.

Note also that your entity logic should be intelligently structured so that the entity doesn't become locked in his waiting state. Say the target switches direction, requiring new calculations and a new timer. You need to be able to cancel the old timer and instantiate a new one. Or say, while your entity is waiting to fire another opponent ambushes it from another direction. The entity needs to be able to react appropriately to this new change in priorities, canceling the timer on his optimal shot and entering a defensive state. So the suspend state shouldn't be anything so crude as a busy-waiting while loop or thread, but instead just an AI state dependent upon the appropriate set of control and environmental factors.

Edit: Reading your post a second time, it seems that making the shot isn't the question, but waiting for the shot to arrive is. But, again, what I said applies: this is a timing issue (possibly even a collision one) rather than a threading or busy-wait issue. When the bullet arrives at its target (or collides with anything at all) it will transmit a signal through the central event system to the affected object.

I have been thinking that I could create a timer, but is it better to have the time class work on a separate thread?

Also, using a timer class means I will be relaying on callbacks to get the raycasting hit result? Is that right?

Here is what you can do.

For each frame, you calculate the distance the bullet has traveled ( time * velocity ), then make a new ray at a new origin deeper into the scene for the next frame. If the intersect depth test is farther then the bullet is ( time*velocity ) then the bullet has not yet reached the mesh the ray points through.

This will enable you at great distances to have the bullet travel through your scene, on a per frame basis. What you do is that the bullet is streched to be (time*velocity) long in size. And for each frame that bullet is moved one notch ahead, everything intersected in that frame gets hit.

Resolved by creating a timer class, I'm wondering if it's a good idea to make the timers class work on a separate thread for better performance.

Resolved by creating a timer class, I'm wondering if it's a good idea to make the timers class work on a separate thread for better performance.

Profile first to see if it's a bottleneck. (Note that it almost certainly won't be, unless it's doing something stupid; the computing going on in a timer class will be trivial.) Simply making something multi-threaded isn't necessarily a magic bullet to make things faster. I typically reserve multi-threading (if I even use it; I have yet to make a game intensive enough that it is actually necessary) for heavy tasks: background streaming of data, maybe some AI, things that can largely be done in great chunks in relative isolation, since interleaving of access and communication between threads can complicate the process. Decrementing a few timers and passing on signals just isn't the kind of computing- or memory-access-heavy work that would necessitate multi-threading, in my opinion, making any gains from the effort minimal at best.

In short: don't complicate your code unless you absolutely have to.
Why do you need to delay it i don't get it.
Are you talking about how fast it fire. Because a projectile should not be delayed.

@ankhd: In real life, a bullet should take time (in milliseconds) to arrive to the target depends on it's speed and how far is the target.

@ankhd: In real life, a bullet should take time (in milliseconds) to arrive to the target depends on it's speed and how far is the target.

Of course, you can also simulate that by giving the bullet an appropriate velocity when it is spawned. No need for a timer at all.

@JTippetts: I don't get it.

If the player is shooting at a distance of 3 miles, of course the bullet should take more time to arrive at 3 miles while less time to arrive at 1 mile.

I'm looking for a way to delay the bullet arrival according to the target distance.

BTW, It's not a bullet mesh, I'm using raycasting for shooting (so I'm talking about delaying the raycasting).

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