How's your template metaprogramming ninja skills?

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16 comments, last by MJP 11 years, 3 months ago
I've never done too much template metaprogramming. Just a little here and there. Today, my professor talked about it briefly and I thought I'd try and do something cool. Here's my attempt at something cool.

It's a Fibonacci number generator. The "cool" part is that it has support for big integers, and it converts big integers to strings (char arrays, really) at compile time.

// I'm too lazy to comment this really well.
// If you're compiling with g++ and you hit the template instantiation limit, you
// can use -ftemplate-depth-NN to increase the maximum
// Written by Michael Bradshaw
// Some indentation my be messed up in this code paste...
#include <iostream>
// Various math functions
template <unsigned int b, unsigned int i>
struct log
    enum { value = !!(i / b) + log<b, i / b>::value };
template <unsigned int b>
struct log<b, 0>
    enum { value = 0 };
template <unsigned int i>
struct log2
    enum { value = log<2, i>::value };
template <unsigned int i>
struct log10
    enum { value = log<10, i>::value };
template <unsigned int b, unsigned int e>
struct pow
    enum { value = b * pow<b, e - 1>::value };
template <unsigned int b>
struct pow<b, 0>
    enum { value = 1 };
// I would use numeric_limits, but it's max() function isn't a constant
// expresion (in C++03)
template <typename T>
struct limits
    enum { max = (T)(-1) };
// Conditional epxressions
template <bool expression, typename if_true, typename if_false>
struct if_then_else
    typedef if_true result;
template <typename if_true, typename if_false>
struct if_then_else<false, if_true, if_false>
    typedef if_false result;
// A big integer struct... really it's just a linked list, but it has special rules about
// keeping each element's values within the specified base (and carrying over when needed)
template <unsigned int v, typename next_big_uint>
struct big_uint
    enum { base = pow<10, log10<limits<unsigned int>::max>::value / 2>::value,
  value = v % base };
    typedef typename if_then_else<v < base,
     typename big_uint<next_big_uint::value + v / base,
typename next_big_uint::next>::canonical>::result next;
    typedef big_uint<v % base, typename next::canonical> canonical;
// End of the linked list
template <unsigned int v>
struct big_uint<v, void>
    enum { base = pow<10, log10<limits<unsigned int>::max>::value / 2>::value,
  value = v % base };
    typedef typename if_then_else<v < base,
    typename big_uint<v / base,
     void>::canonical>::result next;
    typedef big_uint<v % base, next> canonical;
// Having a zero case lets some canonicalization be done
template <>
struct big_uint<0, void>
    enum { base = pow<10, log10<limits<unsigned int>::max>::value / 2>::value,
  value = 0 };
    typedef void next;
    typedef big_uint<0, void> canonical;
// Logic for adding two big integers
template <typename a, typename b>
struct add
    typedef typename big_uint<a::value + b::value,
 typename add<typename a::next,
      typename b::next>::result>::canonical result;
template <unsigned int av, typename b>
struct add<big_uint<av, void>, b>
    typedef typename big_uint<av + b::value, typename b::next>::canonical result;
template <typename a, unsigned int bv>
struct add<a, big_uint<bv, void> >
    typedef typename big_uint<a::value + bv, typename a::next>::canonical result;
template <unsigned int av, unsigned int bv>
struct add<big_uint<av, void>, big_uint<bv, void> >
    typedef typename big_uint<av + bv, void>::canonical result;
// Fibonacci implementation detail... just keeps the public interface pretty 
template <unsigned int i, typename a, typename b>
struct detail_fib
    typedef typename detail_fib<i - 1, b, typename add<a, b>::result>::result result;
template <typename a, typename b>
struct detail_fib<0, a, b>
    typedef typename add<a, b>::result result;
// Pretty public interface for the Fibonacci sequence; given the parameter i, it
// calculates the ith number in the Fibonacci sequence
template <unsigned int i>
struct fibonacci
    typedef typename detail_fib<i - 2, big_uint<0, void>, big_uint<1, void> >::result result;
template <>
struct fibonacci<0>
    typedef big_uint<0, void> result;
template <>
struct fibonacci<1>
    typedef big_uint<1, void> result;
// Some math functions for taking the log10 of a big integer
template <typename v>
struct big_log10
    enum { value = log10<v::base>::value + big_log10<typename v::next>::value };
template <unsigned int v>
struct big_log10<big_uint<v, void> >
    enum { value = log10<v>::value };
// Got this idea from
// Modified it a bit; compile time strings! Yay!
template <typename v, unsigned int n = big_log10<v>::value + 1, unsigned int i = 0>
struct cstring : public cstring<v, n, i + 1>
    static const char dummy;
template <typename v, unsigned int n>
struct cstring<v, n, n>
    static const char dummy;
    static char str[n + 1];
template <typename v, unsigned int n>
const char cstring<v, n, n>::dummy =  0 * cstring<v, n, 0>::dummy;
template <typename v, unsigned int n>
char cstring<v, n, n>::str[n + 1] = {cstring<v, n, n>::dummy}; // fill str with all zeros
// Used to actually populate the string; given a big integer v and a string index i,
// it computes the corresponding character for the reversed string (the logic is
// easier if you reverse the string)
template <typename v, unsigned int i, bool use_this = i < log10<v::base>::value>
struct to_string_detail
    enum { value = '0' + (v::value / pow<10, i>::value) % 10 };
template <typename v, unsigned int i>
struct to_string_detail<v, i, false>
    enum { value = to_string_detail<typename v::next, i - log10<v::base>::value>::value };
// Use to_string_detail to extract characters and actually populate the string
template <typename v, unsigned int n, unsigned int i>
const char cstring<v, n, i>::dummy = cstring<v, n, n>::str[i] = to_string_detail<v, n - 1 - i>::value + 0 * cstring<v, n, i + 1>::dummy;
// Same as cstring<n>, really, but just a different name to convey meaning
template <typename n>
struct to_string : public cstring<n> 
int main()
    std::cout << "Fibonacci number generate (at compile time!)\n"
     << "F_N indicates the Nth Fibonacci number" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "F_0:\t" << to_string<fibonacci<0>::result>::str << std::endl;
    std::cout << "F_50:\t" << to_string<fibonacci<50>::result>::str << std::endl;
    std::cout << "F_100:\t" << to_string<fibonacci<100>::result>::str << std::endl;
    std::cout << "F_150:\t" << to_string<fibonacci<150>::result>::str << std::endl;
    std::cout << "F_200:\t" << to_string<fibonacci<200>::result>::str << std::endl;
    std::cout << "F_250:\t" << to_string<fibonacci<250>::result>::str << std::endl;
    std::cout << "F_300:\t" << to_string<fibonacci<300>::result>::str << std::endl;
    std::cout << "F_350:\t" << to_string<fibonacci<330>::result>::str << std::endl;
    std::cout << "F_400:\t" << to_string<fibonacci<400>::result>::str << std::endl;

Anyone else have any cool template metaprogramming demos?

Edit: Here's some output for those of you too lazy to compile this sucker wink.png:

Fibonacci number generate (at compile time!)
F_N indicates the Nth Fibonacci number
F_0: 0
F_50: 12586269025
F_100: 354224848179261915075
F_150: 9969216677189303386214405760200
F_200: 280571172992510140037611932413038677189525
F_250: 7896325826131730509282738943634332893686268675876375
F_300: 222232244629420445529739893461909967206666939096499764990979600
F_350: 413462646668428032346940119724892718502248750418536685577487386752440
F_400: 176023680645013966468226945392411250770384383304492191886725992896575345044216019675
[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]

I haven't found much use for complex math like the fibonacci sequence wink.png

I think the only similar thing in my engine is a template to find the nearest power of 2 that's equal or smaller to the input (and another for equal or greater):

template<int V, int I> struct Pow2Down_Try;
template<bool B, int V, int I> struct Pow2Down_Select
	const static int value = I-1;//bust, use prev I
template<int V, int I> struct Pow2Down_Select<false,V,I>
	const static int value = Pow2Down_Try<V, I+1>::value;//valid, try next I
template<int V, int I> struct Pow2Down_Try
	const static int value = Pow2Down_Select< (1<<I > V), V, I >::value;//see if we've bust or not
template<int V> struct Pow2Down
	const static int value = Pow2Down_Try<V,1>::value;//start at 2^1 and increment the exponent until over V, then back up to previous (good) value

There's usually some funky C++ voodoo going on in binding systems, e.g. InfoFromSig tells me the return type and argument types of member function, and LuaTypeMapping tells me if a type should be bound to lua as an integer (or enum), float, object, or not bound (void):

template<class F> struct InfoFromSig;
template<class R, class T>                            struct InfoFromSig<R(T::*)(void )> { typedef ArgStore<R,Nil,Nil,Nil> Storage; typedef R Return; };
template<class R, class T, class A>                   struct InfoFromSig<R(T::*)(A    )> { typedef ArgStore<R,  A,Nil,Nil> Storage; typedef R Return; typedef A A; };
template<class R, class T, class A, class B>          struct InfoFromSig<R(T::*)(A,B  )> { typedef ArgStore<R,  A,  B,Nil> Storage; typedef R Return; typedef A A; typedef B B; };
template<class R, class T, class A, class B, class C> struct InfoFromSig<R(T::*)(A,B,C)> { typedef ArgStore<R,  A,  B,  C> Storage; typedef R Return; typedef A A; typedef B B; typedef C C; };

namespace LuaMapping
	enum Type
		Object = 0,
	struct ObjectTag  { char c; };
	struct IntegerTag { char c[2]; };
	struct NumberTag  { char c[3]; };
	eiSTATIC_ASSERT(Object  == (Type)(sizeof( ObjectTag)-1));
	eiSTATIC_ASSERT(Integer == (Type)(sizeof(IntegerTag)-1));
	eiSTATIC_ASSERT(Number  == (Type)(sizeof( NumberTag)-1));
	ObjectTag  Check(...);
	IntegerTag Check(s32);
	IntegerTag Check(u32);
	NumberTag  Check(float);
	NumberTag  Check(double);
	NumberTag  Check(u64);
	NumberTag  Check(s64);
template<class T> struct LuaTypeMapping
	const static LuaMapping::Type value = (LuaMapping::Type)(sizeof(LuaMapping::Check(*(T*)0))-1);
template<> struct LuaTypeMapping<void>
	const static LuaMapping::Type value = LuaMapping::Void;

I have to object to a definition of logarithm that says that the logarithm of 0 is 0. You should define the logarithm of 1 as 0, simplify your formula (no need for the funky `!!') and let the compiler complain if someone tries to evaluate the logarithm of 0.

I don't have it on me, but as an exercise I wrote a template meta-program which generated code to do arbitrary RGB/RGBA pixel format conversions, and it did so by taking in a type_traits structure for the source and destination format. This meant that I could add new formats just by defining the appropriate structure to describe it. It also maintained properly-scaled integers on up-conversions, and the compiler's constant-folding and other optimizations resulted in really tight assembly when I looked at it.

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

I have to object to a definition of logarithm that says that the logarithm of 0 is 0. You should define the logarithm of 1 as 0, simplify your formula (no need for the funky `!!') and let the compiler complain if someone tries to evaluate the logarithm of 0.

I did that to keep things really simple. How's the following?

 // b = base, n = number, r = recursion depth level
template <unsigned int b, unsigned int n, unsigned int r = 0, bool recurse = n >= b, bool valid = (n > 0) && (b > 1)>
struct log;
template <unsigned int b, unsigned int n, unsigned int r, bool recurse>
struct log<b, n, r, recurse, true>
    enum { value = log<b, n / b, r + 1>::value };
template <unsigned int b, unsigned int n, unsigned int r>
struct log<b, n, r, false, true>
    enum { value = r };
I'm not sure how much I like the above. Is there a better way to do it?
[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]
How's this?

template <unsigned int b, unsigned int n>
struct log
  enum { value = log<b, n / b>::value + 1 };

template <unsigned int b>
struct log<b, 1>
  enum { value = 0 };
How's this?

Try log<10, 2>::value, or log<10, 20>::value, etc.
[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]

How's this?


Try log<10, 2>::value, or log<10, 20>::value, etc.

Hmmm... Good point. I'll give it some more thought. In the meantime, I believe this works (but it still does something funky with log(0), so I don't love it):
template <unsigned int b, unsigned int n>
struct log
  enum { value = log<b, n / b>::value + 1 };
template <unsigned int b>
struct log<b, 0>
  enum { value = -1 };
I do a little metaninja stuff every now and then. I think the only one I really thought was worth explaining lives here.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

I once tested my metaninja skills by challenging myself to write a C++ program that would solve the game of tic-tac-toe at compile time, but I failed. sad.png I tried for about 3 hours before I decided it wasn't worth my time and I would rather do things at runtime than writing code that is really hard to understand.

However, I am still curious of what a solution might look like. Any takers?

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