Any suggestions for better code? Python "Guess the number"

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3 comments, last by DavitosanX 11 years, 3 months ago

Hello everyone! I haven't been able to spend time programming for some months now, so I decided to brush up my very few skills by writing simple programs. I opted for "Guess the number" since it's pretty basic stuff (or so i thought). My main trouble was that I wanted to let the player quit by typing "quit", instead of asking for a number, for example "0".

If any other newbie has tried out this program, the problem is when the user tries to input anything other than a number. Python (not without reason) doesn't type-cast it into anything with int(), so the program crashes. The following is my solution to this problem, but it doesn't look very elegant at all.

I would appreciate any suggestions on making the code better. Thanks!

from random import *
print("\n* * * Welcome! * * *\n\nGo ahead and try to guess a number from 1 to 10. If you feel like quitting, type QUIT\n")
playing = True
validating = True
number = randint(1,10)
while playing:
    while validating:
        guess = input("Your guess? ")
            if str.upper(guess) == "QUIT":
                print ("Goodbye!")
                validating = False
                playing = False
                print("\nI don't think that was a number\n")
    if playing == False:
    if int(guess) == 0:
        print ("Goodbye!")
        playing = False
    elif int(guess) < number:
        print("\nA little higher...\n")
    elif int(guess) > number:
        print("\nA little lower...\n")
        print("\nYou got it!\n")
        playing = False

Starting out in game programming? Me too! Check out my blog, written by a newbie, for the newbies.

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My Python is rusty, but you should be able to do a string check to see if the input is "quit" first, and if not, do the int() cast and proceed as usual. That'll eliminate the exception handling piece.

Of course, the other side of that is that having a program that can robustly deal with unexpected inputs is a very Good Thing™, so it's really up to you if you value shorter code or more robust code at this point :-)

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

As ApochPiQ said, you can use string check methods to check your inputs, but the pythonic way is to use try/except blocks as you did.

Here is how you could do with if/else statements.
validating = True
guess = input("Your guess? ")
while validating is True:
    # checks for quit
    if guess.isalpha() and guess.upper() == "QUIT":
        print ("Goodbye!")
        validating = False
        playing = False
    # checks for valid number
    elif guess.isdigit():
        validating = False
        guess = int(guess)
    # bad input, continue validating
        print("I don't think that was a number")
        guess = input("Your guess? ")
One thing I would recommend avoiding is repeating the same computation over and over, which is what you are doing when you use int(guesss) repeatedly. Calculate it once and store the result somewhere.

Thanks a lot for your replies. I didn't know there were isalpha() and isdigit(). I tried looking up the subject searching "validate type in python", maybe it was a bad choice of words.

One thing I would recommend avoiding is repeating the same computation over and over, which is what you are doing when you use int(guesss) repeatedly. Calculate it once and store the result somewhere.

I'll try to remember this. Good advice.

All in all, I guess I wasn't too far off anyway, which is good news. Thanks again!

Starting out in game programming? Me too! Check out my blog, written by a newbie, for the newbies.

Also, if you don't mind a 5 seconds ad, here's a great free ebook for beginners on the subject of pygame:

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