BSP alternatives?

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6 comments, last by efridine 22 years, 6 months ago
From my understanding of BSP and octree data structures, they are well suited to handling mainly large static meshes. I am interested in scenes with a large number of dynamic objects relative to static objects. What methods for scene management and geometry culling are more efficient for dealing with large numbers of dynamic objects? any pointers to books or resources would be greatly appreciated rodrigo
I would have to say possibly Quad or Oct trees but I havent exprimented with them much you could always mix a bsp with other types of geometry handling just a thought
I suggest trees of triangles. With Triangles, you can easily create any shape, and it is easy to modigy it. I believe the technical term for it is Triangle-Bin Trees. If you want more info, you can easily search yahoo for more information

Brad Hittle
Binary Triangle Trees are used for Terrain AFAIK. The same applies to Quadtrees. Voxels may be interesting, but they eat a bit too much CPU Power, currently its not the way to go IMHO, perhaps with voxel accelerator-boards.

Octrees can be used for dynamic objects, at least its a lot easier than using BSPs for that purpose. Thats really a hard topic, there are very few engines which support dynamic scenes.
Donwload the white paper (and the demo) here:

really interresting.

Why English rules?? C pas très malin tout ça!
Jester, studient programmerThe Jester Home in French
does anyone have an idea what kind of scene management sports games like FIFA or Madden use?
thanks for the tips by the way.
An octree or quadtree would work. You make a nested structure of bounding cubes, and collide the viewing frustrum with the scene graph. Whichever cubes collide, have thier childred tested to see if they collide - if there''s a bsp or mesh or anything else that can be renderer, render it.

You could have BSP tree nodes in the octree for static scenery, and animated mesh nodes for things that move.
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
Octree/Bsp mixtures are commonly used to day afaik... Seems to work great for inside/ouside mixed scenes...


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and no!, there are NO kangaroos in Austria (I got this questions a few times over in the states
Visit Rarebyte! and no!, there are NO kangaroos in Austria (I got this question a few times over in the states ;) )

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