using sf::String to get a variable on screen

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4 comments, last by Crusable77 11 years, 3 months ago

Hello, i have a frame rate, but i don't know how to get it to display on screen using sf::String. How do i get a variable on screen? I am using sfml 1.6.


I never worked with sfml, but this seems to be what you're looking for.

I too haven't used SFML, but you can always use std::stringstream. Usage is similar to std::cout and std::cin (you can use std::istringstream and std::ostringstream if you want):

#include <sstream> int main() { // ... int fps = 60; std::stringstream stream; stream << "FPS: " <<< fps; sf::String text(stream.str(), MyFont, 50); // Render text to screen }

If you are using a NUL terminated character array based API (i.e. "C strings"), you can use the c_str() member of the returned std::string.

sf::String takes a std::string or similar (using sf::String::SetText(text)).

sf::String rightly doesn't provide a half-dozen different functions like SetInt() or SetBool() or SetFloat(), that'd be unnecessary. If every display-type class has to provide functions for setting every type of variable, it'd be alot of redundant work.

Instead, classes like sf::String provide a SetText() which takes a std::string, and you can use other functions to convert an int to a std::string.

If you're using C++11, you could use std::to_string(myInt) to convert your int to a string, like this:

int myInt = 357;
std::string myString = std::to_string(myInt);
sf::String myDisplayableText;

Note: In reality, you don't want to create the sf::String every frame. Instead, sf::String should be owned by the class that contains it as a member-variable, and SetText() should only be called when the text changes. Ask questions if you don't understand what I mean.

If you aren't using C++11, and are just using 'C++' (which is probably C++03) then you can use a function like this:

#include <sstream>

std::string IntToString(int value)
	//Uses a stringstream to format text, similar to std::cout,
	//but without printing anything on the screen.
	std::stringstream sstream;
	//Pass the value into the stringstream.
	sstream << value;
	//Get the contents as a std::string.
	return sstream.str();


Servant of the Lord put a similar code.

Thanks :)

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