Lack of Image/Music Files

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4 comments, last by CC Ricers 11 years, 3 months ago

Lately, I've been cloning games in C# with XNA (ex: tetris, bejeweled, and a few others) for the purposes of learning. (Note that there isn't an extreme amount of polish as I'm doing this simply as an exercise). Now that I have a basic understanding of how this stuff works I'd like to work on more advanced projects. One that comes to mind (but may be slightly overboard for my current programming ability) is Final Fantasy Tactics. The problem with this is I have absolutely no idea how I would ever get textures (or heck, music or sound) for more advanced projects like these (which is the only thing currently stopping me).

Before you say - "oh, just go to X website and download 7 images from there, and go to Y website and get 4 images from there" - I want to mention that these will not be polished products. This is an exercise so if I have to hunt down images and whatnot then it simply ruins the entire point.

Any ideas?

(Note: I'm comfortable with C++, C# and XNA stuff, currently learning AS3 and Java in school, so if I should devote my time toward something else as a game programmer, I'm open to those suggestions as well).

Well if you don't want to get art from the internet, you can have someone create them for you, or you can create them yourself. If you create them yourself, you don't have to put in too much details, since you say they will not be polished.

Simple colored tiles for tetris or other simple games are quite easy to draw up yourself (even in paint if you know how the gradients work) but for anything more complicated you're going to want to either get someone better to draw them (unless you are an artist), download sprites from some website or just use programmer art...

But I fail to see how hunting down images from the internet ruins the entire point. How long can it possibly take to find some sprites you like? Plus since the games aren't going to be polished, I assume you are not going to sell them, therefore there are no licensing issues to worry about.

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

And more generally:

Thanks for the responses. seems quite good, but I suppose I'll have to stick with working through programming books as I can't seem to find the package I'm looking for (example: here's the result, here are the required resources, now implement it).

Getting enough content is probably the biggest challenge of making an RPG.

Aside from Open Game Art, give a try. It's free and relatively new, but the quality of most of the content looks promising. Keep in mind that the site isn't made specifically for game art, but there is game-ready content available. If anything, you can just take the Blender scenes to render 2D images of character and scene sprites.

New game in progress: Project SeedWorld

My development blog: Electronic Meteor

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