A star

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20 comments, last by Chad Smith 11 years, 2 months ago

I have tried renaming map and YES! I AM SURE I HAVE DELETED using namespace std.

Try posting your current code.

Its posted at the beggining.... It's the same. I have gone back to what i had on the first place as by changing the names, i started getting hundreds of errors

If your current code is exactly the same as the code you originally posted then you still need to remove the using namespace std from the file and all the include files that you include as well as add std:: in front of the identifiers from the std namespace. If the code is not exactly the same as the code that you originally posted, then try posting your current code along with the current errors.

I can get your original code to compile by removing the using directive and the #include "include.h" and inserting std:: in the appropriate places.

its the same, but without using namespace std, include "include.h", and with all the std::s. Do you really need it again?

Why do you think I'm asking?

there is no point.... you aren't gonna help in anyway like that. I just need a pre-made implementation please

We are not going to do your homework for you. We may assist you by providing information about the issues with your code, but we're not going to do the work for you. YOU are the one coming to us for help in solving the issue, US implementing it for you would not help YOU to solve YOUR problem. More importantly, it wouldn't teach you anything either.

In time the project grows, the ignorance of its devs it shows, with many a convoluted function, it plunges into deep compunction, the price of failure is high, Washu's mirth is nigh.

Thank you for all the -1s.... I am just desperate as I have been trying to fix this for weeks. I have realised that the error isn't in the code... It is just in my project. I am using Code::Blocks and SFML. Even if I don't include it in the main function and even if I don't include anything froom the rest of the project in it. It returns all the same errors (see above). It is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen, and I have no idea what might be causing it. Is there some compatibility issue with codeblocks or just something? The code for the working one is this:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>

int n=60; // horizontal size of the map
int m=60; // vertical size size of the map
int map[60][60];
int closed_nodes_map[60][60]; // map of closed (tried-out) nodes
int open_nodes_map[60][60]; // map of open (not-yet-tried) nodes
int dir_map[60][60]; // map of directions
const int dir=8; // number of possible directions to go at any position
// if dir==4
//static int dx[dir]={1, 0, -1, 0};
//static int dy[dir]={0, 1, 0, -1};
// if dir==8
static int dx[dir]={1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1};
static int dy[dir]={0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1};

class node
    // current position
    int xPos;
    int yPos;
    // total distance already travelled to reach the node
    int level;
    // priority=level+remaining distance estimate
    int priority;  // smaller: higher priority

        node(int xp, int yp, int d, int p)
            {xPos=xp; yPos=yp; level=d; priority=p;}

        int getxPos() const {return xPos;}
        int getyPos() const {return yPos;}
        int getLevel() const {return level;}
        int getPriority() const {return priority;}

        void updatePriority(const int & xDest, const int & yDest)
             priority=level+estimate(xDest, yDest)*10; //A*

        // give better priority to going strait instead of diagonally
        void nextLevel(const int & i) // i: direction

        // Estimation function for the remaining distance to the goal.
        const int & estimate(const int & xDest, const int & yDest) const
            static int xd, yd, d;

            // Euclidian Distance

            // Manhattan distance

            // Chebyshev distance
            //d=max(abs(xd), abs(yd));


// Determine priority (in the priority queue)
bool operator<(const node & a, const node & b)
  return a.getPriority() > b.getPriority();

// A-star algorithm.

// The route returned is a string of direction digits.
std::string pathFind( const int & xStart, const int & yStart,
                 const int & xFinish, const int & yFinish )
    static std::priority_queue<node> pq[2]; // list of open (not-yet-tried) nodes
    static int pqi; // pq index
    static node* n0;
    static node* m0;
    static int i, j, x, y;
     int xla = 60;
     int ydy = 60;
    static char c;

    // reset the node maps

    // create the start node and push into list of open nodes
    n0=new node(xStart, yStart, 0, 0);
    n0->updatePriority(xFinish, yFinish);
    open_nodes_map[x][y]=n0->getPriority(); // mark it on the open nodes map

    // A* search
        // get the current node w/ the highest priority
        // from the list of open nodes
        n0=new node( pq[pqi].top().getxPos(), pq[pqi].top().getyPos(),
                     pq[pqi].top().getLevel(), pq[pqi].top().getPriority());

        x=n0->getxPos(); y=n0->getyPos();

        pq[pqi].pop(); // remove the node from the open list
        // mark it on the closed nodes map

        // quit searching when the goal state is reached
        //if((*n0).estimate(xFinish, yFinish) == 0)
        if(x==xFinish && y==yFinish)
            // generate the path from finish to start
            // by following the directions
            std::string path="";
            while(!(x==xStart && y==yStart))

            // garbage collection
            delete n0;
            // empty the leftover nodes
            while(!pq[pqi].empty()) pq[pqi].pop();
            return path;

        // generate moves (child nodes) in all possible directions
            xla=x+dx[i]; ydy=y+dy[i];

            if(!(xla<0 || xla>n-1 || ydy<0 || ydy>m-1 || map[xla][ydy]==1
                || closed_nodes_map[xla][ydy]==1))
                // generate a child node
                m0=new node( xla, ydy, n0->getLevel(),
                m0->updatePriority(xFinish, yFinish);

                // if it is not in the open list then add into that
                    // mark its parent node direction
                else if(open_nodes_map[xla][ydy]>m0->getPriority())
                    // update the priority info
                    // update the parent direction info

                    // replace the node
                    // by emptying one pq to the other one
                    // except the node to be replaced will be ignored
                    // and the new node will be pushed in instead
                    while(!(pq[pqi].top().getxPos()==xla &&
                    pq[pqi].pop(); // remove the wanted node

                    // empty the larger size pq to the smaller one
                    if(pq[pqi].size()>pq[1-pqi].size()) pqi=1-pqi;
                    pq[pqi].push(*m0); // add the better node instead
                else delete m0; // garbage collection
        delete n0; // garbage collection
    return ""; // no route found

int main()

    // create empty map
    for(int y=0;y<m;y++)
        for(int x=0;x<n;x++) map[x][y]=0;

    // fillout the map matrix with a '+' pattern
    for(int x=n/8;x<n*7/8;x++)
    for(int y=m/8;y<m*7/8;y++)

    // randomly select start and finish locations
    int xA, yA, xB, yB;
        case 0: xA=0;yA=0;xB=n-1;yB=m-1; break;
        case 1: xA=0;yA=m-1;xB=n-1;yB=0; break;
        case 2: xA=n/2-1;yA=m/2-1;xB=n/2+1;yB=m/2+1; break;
        case 3: xA=n/2-1;yA=m/2+1;xB=n/2+1;yB=m/2-1; break;
        case 4: xA=n/2-1;yA=0;xB=n/2+1;yB=m-1; break;
        case 5: xA=n/2+1;yA=m-1;xB=n/2-1;yB=0; break;
        case 6: xA=0;yA=m/2-1;xB=n-1;yB=m/2+1; break;
        case 7: xA=n-1;yA=m/2+1;xB=0;yB=m/2-1; break;

    std::cout<<"Map Size (X,Y): "<<n<<","<<m<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"Start: "<<xA<<","<<yA<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"Finish: "<<xB<<","<<yB<<std::endl;
    // get the route
    clock_t start = clock();
    std::string route=pathFind(xA, yA, xB, yB);
    if(route=="") std::cout<<"An empty route generated!"<<std::endl;
    clock_t end = clock();
    double time_elapsed = double(end - start);
    std::cout<<"Time to calculate the route (ms): "<<time_elapsed<<std::endl;

    // follow the route on the map and display it
        int j; char c;
        int x=xA;
        int y=yA;
        for(int i=0;i<route.length();i++)
            c =route.at(i);

        // display the map with the route
        for(int y=0;y<m;y++)
            for(int x=0;x<n;x++)
                else if(map[x][y]==1)
                    std::cout<<"O"; //obstacle
                else if(map[x][y]==2)
                    std::cout<<"S"; //start
                else if(map[x][y]==3)
                    std::cout<<"R"; //route
                else if(map[x][y]==4)
                    std::cout<<"F"; //finish
    getchar(); // wait for a (Enter) keypress

This works fine on its own if you want to try it
To implement it to my project, I created a .cpp file and copied all of this code (apart from the main). I then said #include "Astar.cpp" in my main.cpp, where the main is and all other files are included.length();i++)>;y++)>;i++)>;y++)>.h>.h>

I can pretty much promise you that the problem is with your code, and not a bug or problem with Code::Blocks itself, especially if you think #include-ing a .cpp file is the right way to do things. It's generally a bad idea to #include a .cpp file. You should include only .h header files.

I am puzzled by some of your architectural choices. You have a node class so you are trying to use C++, but then you have a whole raft of static globals and a global pathFind function, when all of that stuff should probably live inside a class of its own so that you can avoid the static global hell you have now. Declare your classes in AStar.h, implement them in AStar.cpp, then #include AStar.h wherever you need to use it. Be sure to use include guards (something along the lines of #pragma once or #ifndef ASTAR_H #define ASTAR_H #endif) if you need to include AStar.h into multiple compilation units where there might be a chance that it gets included twice.

Also, I note that even though several posters strongly recommended that you post the actual code that you have a problem with, you still decided to post code that, by your own words, "works" rather than the actual code that does not work. (I put the word works in quotations, because I haven't gone through the process of digging through that code to see if it actually does work or not, and from a cursory examination, I highly doubt that it doesn't have any bugs especially since it looks to me like you're going to end up leaking memory like crazy.

Look carefully at your new/delete calls in findPath(). You allocate a node, but then you call pq[pqi].push(*n0), pushing the newly allocated node by value onto the priority queue. Then you delete the new node. If all you are going to use the new node for is to push it by value (which results in the contents of the node being copied into a new node maintained by the queue) then why do you need to even new/delete a node at all? Just use a local. I mean, if you were storing pointers to nodes in your queue then yes, sure, you could dynamically allocate, but you aren't storing pointers. All those new/delete calls are doing is slowing your code down and giving you an awesome and exciting way to potentially leak memory all over the floor.

I am puzzled as well by your use of an array of 2 priority queues for your open set. In your section for generating moves, you include some code that gives me chills to look at with the comment "replace the node by emptying one pq to the other one." Oh, God, why? Keeping the open list updated is already one of the more performance-heavy operations of a pathfinder; why in the name of St. Peter would you want to make it even slower by doing a full queue copy just to update a node?

You earlier asked for a premade solution. I'm not going to give that to you either, but I highly suggest you check the long-time go-to list of pathfinding links at http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~amitp/gameprog.html to learn a bit more. You also might want to brush up on your C++ skills and structure. Remember this: if you have some kind of weird compilation error, the error is almost certainly in your code, not the compiler. Some people do still find compiler bugs, whatever the platform. However, those bugs generally crop up only in very advanced usage; all the basic usage cases such as what you are attempting will have long ago had their bugs ironed out.

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