'Continue' statement usage?

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6 comments, last by cozzie 11 years, 2 months ago


A probably fairly simple question, but I seem to have usef the c++ 'continue' statement incorrect.

What I do is the following (pseudo code)





if(materials[material].index[meshes].uses = false) continue;

// otherwise do thing with this mesh



What I try to achieve is that 'continue' stops the iteration for meshes[m] and goes to the next iteration in this for loop, meshes[m+1].

From debugging it looks like it's not doing that.

Any ideas/ suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?

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= should be ==? or is that just an error in your post?

Maybe you should post the full code i cant see anything wrong with the current one apart from the syntax errors...


The problem here is that you are using = instead of == (unless this was a typo), so that materials[material].index[meshes].uses = false will actually evaluate to the expression on the right-hand side of the equals sign. This means that the if statement's condition will never evaluate as true and so the continue statement won't be executed.

You don't have to use the continue statement for this anyway if you rewrite the code as follows:

        if(materials[material].index[meshes].uses )
            // otherwise do thing with this mesh

This is also more readable as you don't have an arbitrary jump in your code there, breaks and continue statements complicate the flow of your code as when you reread it you have to pay attention that you jump out of the current loop. Whilst my implementation allows you to read the thing in one go, and also there is only a true branch in this if which makes the logic far easier to follow.

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cozzie, on 28 Jan 2013 - 12:50, said:

The for condition is invalid AFAIK.

cozzie, on 28 Jan 2013 - 12:50, said:

There's no mesh mentioned earlier in your pseudocode.

cozzie, on 28 Jan 2013 - 12:50, said:
if(materials[material].index[meshes].uses = false) continue;

The = is an assignment, not an equality operator
There's no material mentioned earlier in your pseudocode.
materials is not an array

Please, even when posting pseudocode, be consistent.
We cannot see what the problem is if you obscure it in typos.
Also, when it's a small snippet of code which has flow errors, it's probably better just to post the code.

Thanks, I'll check the real code to see if the '=' is OK in the real code.

Maybe it's also a good idea to do what nightcreature mentioned (also more readable).

Crealysm game & engine development: http://www.crealysm.com

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++ for NightCreature's post: don't test a boolean against true or false, just test the boolean. The boolean itself *is* true or false. If your bool variables are named sensibly the code is more readable without the comparison. Use the 'not' operator to test for false, i.e. if (!something.isDead()) ...

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Got it, it was not the continue statements causing all the unneccesary state changes, but me running the same function for blended mesh instances going through each effect, material and mesh.

The real code was/ is:

				if(!mRenderQueue.MatUsesEffect(fx, mat)) continue;
				if(!pD3dscene->PreSelectMaterial(mat, fx)) return false;							// 2x SetFloatArray, 1x SetTexture									   							
					mesh = mRenderQueue.mMaterialData[mat].meshIds[m];
					if(!mRenderQueue.MeshUsesEffect(fx, mesh)) continue;
					if(!pD3dscene->mMeshes[mesh].SetBuffers(mD3ddev)) return false;					// 1x SetStreamSource, 1x SetIndices

I might change the 'continue' style by making it more readble



do stuff


instead of if(!...) continue;

Now off the fix my indices for going through blended mesh instances.

Crealysm game & engine development: http://www.crealysm.com

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