Third Person Camera Tweaking rotation curve

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1 comment, last by 11 years, 2 months ago

I'm currently in the process of tweaking our camera rotation for PC with the mouse. But I'm kind of stuck on getting a nice speed and acceleration to it that feels natural for the mouse. Got it pretty much nailed down the gamepad, a linear curve works pretty well for the camera rotation on the gamepad.

My question is if anybody fiddled around with this before that could help me out and might help me speed up my tweaking process.

We have an ad-hoc solution so you can attach an input controller whenever so we can support both keyboard/mouse and gamepad during a game and these can be used interchangeably. To give you a feel of how the rotation is done right now I'll provide a snippet of code:
namespace Input
    class MouseController : InputController
        MouseState myLastState;
        const float MouseSensetivity = 0.5f;

        public MouseController()
            myLastState = Mouse.GetState();

        public InputState GetState()
            MouseState mouse = Mouse.GetState();
            InputState state = new InputState();
            state.cameraRotation.X = ((float)mouse.X - myLastState.X) * MouseSensetivity;
            state.cameraRotation.Y = ((float)mouse.Y - myLastState.Y) * MouseSensetivity;

            /* ...A lot of more input code... */
            /* ...Not concerning rotation...  */

            Vector2 screenCenterPosition = new Vector2(Core.Instance.myDefaultViewPort.Width / 2, Core.Instance.myDefaultViewPort.Height / 2);
            if (Root.Instance.myGFXManager.IsFullScreen == false)
                screenCenterPosition.X = Root.Instance.myWindow.ClientBounds.Center.X;
                screenCenterPosition.Y = Root.Instance.myWindow.ClientBounds.Center.Y;
            Mouse.SetPosition((int)screenCenterPosition.X, (int)screenCenterPosition.Y);
            myLastState = Mouse.GetState();
            return state;
I've tried a lot of several modifications to the state.cameraRotation vector but haven't really found anything that feels nice. or even work at all.

Thanks on before hand!
Developer and Maker of rbSFML and Programmer at Defrost Games


Can you maybe link to a video of the type of 3rd person camera rotation you're trying to achieve. The implementation I have for my game just does it by rotating the camera based on the distance the cursor is from the center of the screen, but I'm not sure what kind of smooth rotation curve you're trying to implement.

Can you maybe link to a video of the type of 3rd person camera rotation you're trying to achieve. The implementation I have for my game just does it by rotating the camera based on the distance the cursor is from the center of the screen, but I'm not sure what kind of smooth rotation curve you're trying to implement.

Could be that I have a bug if a linear curve works enough for you. I don't know I just find it that it feels a bit off when I am moving around and rotating the camera. I find the speed to be a bit off and the rotation to be a bit "laggy". It isn't lagging it just feel like it. Also do you reset the mouse position to the center again?

Looking at it now I might know what. The input state expects the rotation vector to be between -1 and 1 so the vector is clamped to that range. The Mouse position is in pixels right, so in order to get any kind of movement I have to move by at least one pixel. With the sensitivity I have in the example I only need to move 2 pixels in order to rotate at "full speed".

Here's a revised version:
state.cameraRotation.X = (((float)mouse.X - EuphoriaGame.Root.Instance.myWindow.ClientBounds.Center.X) * MouseSensetivity) / (Core.Instance.myDefaultViewPort.Width / 2);
state.cameraRotation.Y = (((float)mouse.Y - EuphoriaGame.Root.Instance.myWindow.ClientBounds.Center.X) * MouseSensetivity) / (Core.Instance.myDefaultViewPort.Height / 2);
Increased the sensitivity to 20 and also doubled the actual rotation speed. Now it's starting to feel right, still not there but getting there. Thanks, I think I only needed someone else to tell me that they used a linear curve as well. I was going off waaaaay in the wrong direction.

Thanks again Rorakin :)
Developer and Maker of rbSFML and Programmer at Defrost Games

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