Low level design of a tiled based movement game

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0 comments, last by skullfire 11 years, 2 months ago

So, I want to make a 3D tiled turned based strategy game like Fire Emblem. My only problem thus far is coming up with a solution on how to implement a tile based environment and the possible movement each unit can move. For the movement my though was using something as A*, but modify, but just not sure how to mimic the tiled logic. I will be using Unity to build this game on. If anyone knows any good articles or ideas on how to achieve it would be appreciated.


Heya Cdranding,

I implemented a 3d tile system on Unity, creating the maps procedurally for the GGJ. What i ended up using was A* on top of the matrix that represented the map, and on unity just use the character motor to move the units within from tile to tile.

What I would've liked was to actually autogenerate a navmesh on the created tiled map, so that the units could move through corridors and edges in a seemingly smarter manner, as well as move in straight lines from one place to another, diagonally. I couldn't get this to work though, since apparently Unity doesn't support seting another navmesh on existing actors

Good luck!

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