string parsing troubles...

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2 comments, last by shatter 22 years, 6 months ago
here is my source...I keep getting a segmentation fault on the second call to stringparse! Can anybody tell me why? #include #include #include #define maxname 25 #define maxline 100 #define maxstudent 10 //User defined types and structures //ID is a type that defines a student typedef struct student_id { char id[8]; char name[25]; int age; int quiz[5]; float ave; float height; }ID; //function declarations void openfile(FILE **); void stringparse(char *, char *); void line_to_struct(ID*, char*, char*); int main() { //local declarations FILE *file_ptr; char array[maxline]; char *array_ptr; char *firstspace_ptr; ID studentarray[maxstudent]; ID student1; ID *student1_ptr; //main code openfile(&file_ptr);//opens the file for reading fgets(array,sizeof(array),file_ptr);//places one line of the file in an array //pointer initializations array_ptr=&array[0]; firstspace_ptr=&array[0]; student1_ptr=&student1 line_to_struct(student1_ptr,array_ptr,firstspace_ptr); printf("%s\n",; printf("%s\n",; return(0); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Takes in a FILE pointer and asks for a filename. It then opens it for reading. If the file does not exist it returns an Error and exits the program. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void openfile(FILE **infile) { //local declarations char filename[maxname]; printf("Please enter the name of the file you would like to open: "); scanf("%s",filename); *infile=fopen(filename, "r"); if(*infile==NULL) { printf("The file you entered does not exist\n"); exit(8); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Takes an array and looks for spaces. It advances firstspace to the first character that is not a space and leaves the array_ptr at the same place. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void stringparse(char *array_ptr, char *firstspace_ptr) { firstspace_ptr=strchr(array_ptr,'' ''); *firstspace_ptr=''\0''; firstspace_ptr++; while (*firstspace_ptr=='' '' && *firstspace_ptr!=''\0'') { firstspace_ptr++; }; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- line_to_struct fills a struct called ID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void line_to_struct(ID *student_ptr, char *array_ptr, char *firstspace_ptr) { stringparse(array_ptr,firstspace_ptr); strcpy((*student_ptr).id, array_ptr); array_ptr=firstspace_ptr; stringparse(array_ptr,firstspace_ptr); //-this call bombs the prog //strcpy((*student_ptr).name,array_ptr); //strcpy(array_ptr,firstspace_ptr); // stringparse(array_ptr,firstspace_ptr); // student.quiz.quiz1=array_ptr; // array_ptr=firstspace_ptr; // stringparse(array_ptr,firstspace_ptr); // student.quiz.quiz2=array_ptr; // array_ptr=firstspace_ptr; // stringparse(array_ptr,firstspace_ptr); // student.quiz.quiz3=array_ptr; // array_ptr=firstspace_ptr; // stringparse(array_ptr,firstspace_ptr); // student.quiz.quiz4=array_ptr; // array_ptr=firstspace_ptr; // stringparse(array_ptr,firstspace_ptr); // student.quiz.quiz5=array_ptr; // array_ptr=firstspace_ptr; // stringparse(array_ptr,firstspace_ptr); // student.height=array_ptr;*/ } ICQ 11133295 AIM shatterstar98 MSN
ICQ 11133295AIM shatterstar98MSN

  //You need to use a char** in order to return a char* as// a parameter for firstspace_ptr.void stringparse(char *array_ptr, char *firstspace_ptr){firstspace_ptr=strchr(array_ptr,'' '');//This points firstspace to NULL! Bad programmer, bad! set it to array_ptr*firstspace_ptr=''\0'';//This does not advance through the string, it just adds!firstspace_ptr++;//BOOM!  You''re reading RAM at address 0x00000001while (*firstspace_ptr=='' '' && *firstspace_ptr!=''\0''){firstspace_ptr++;};}  

You''re not advancing through the array_ptr string, your just adding one to a single byte value!
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I don't agree with all Magmai Kai Holmlor said but he is right about that you have to use char** firstspace_ptr. Also, strchr returns NULL if it doesn't find what it's looking for, so you have to check for that. Here is how I would write it( I haven't been able to test it since I don't have a compiler on this machine). Btw, about your while loop: if firstspace_ptr == ' ' it is always != '\0' so you don't need that test.

      void stringparse(char *array_ptr, char **firstspace_ptr){   *firstspace_ptr = strchr(array_ptr,' ');   if( *firstspace_ptr != NULL )   {      **firstspace_ptr = '\0';      *firstspace_ptr++;      while( **firstspace_ptr == ' ' )      {         *firstspace_ptr++;      }   }   else   {      *firstspace_ptr = array_ptr;   }}    

I don't know why you want to do **firstspace_ptr = '\0' but I
suppose you have your reasons. However it doesn't set the pointer to point to NULL as Magmai claimed.

Edited by - lowlevel on October 19, 2001 4:46:22 AM
Thanks for the help guys! I will work on it.
ICQ 11133295AIM shatterstar98MSN

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