OpenGLES Game engine

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4 comments, last by blueshogun96 11 years, 2 months ago

Hi guys, I'm looking for a C++ OpenGLES 2 3D game engine.

First of all, I don't want to use Unity and other unity-like engines and stuff. is great, but it's complicated and a bit too big for my taste.

Also, I can't find any tutorials or docs on how to use gameplay3d on linux.

I'm just looking for simple, small and free C++ framework that will run on Android.

Some features that I need :

Shader loading

Basic model loading

Animation support and maybe some UI controls.

Good documentation

Thank you smile.png


Unfortunately, I personally don't know of any. I always write my own engines when possible.

Is there a reason why you need a pre-written OpenGL ES engine? I can't imagine it being too difficult.


Well, I'm just very afraid of writing game engine, and I don't know all about models, animations and stuff.

Also, I think that my engine will be to slow.

Can you recommend me some books or content on making game engines ?

Thank you :)

The best way to overcome your fears is to attack them head on! If you're just starting off, using a pre written engine may make things easier, but eventually down the line, you can't always rely on someone else's code. That's one lesson I've learned in life. I couldn't avoid writing my own code forever.

Tbh, OpenGL ES isn't really tough once you know how to use it. And if you think OpenGL ES is bad, imagine living in 1997 and using Direct3D 3.0, now THAT was hard (but I'd give ANYTHING to go back to those days)! It's important to focus more on having a working engine first, then optimize it as necessary.

As far as books go, I have only a few books specific to writing game engines, but they're DirectX based. If you know OpenGL ES well enough, porting it won't be too hard though.

1. Game Coding Complete by Mike McShaffry

2. Tricks of the [Windows] Game Programming Gurus by Andre Lamothe

3. Programming a Multiplayer FPS in DirectX by Vaughan Young

All really good books (#2 is a bit old though), and the underlying principles of game engines aren't specific to DirectX either. That's why I recommend them. Unfortunately, I don't have any game engine books that use OpenGL, nor do I have any books on OpenGL ES.

Oh, I forgot to ask you this, how much experience with C++ and OpenGL ES do you have?


With C/C++ about 2+ years, and with OpenGLES about 15 days biggrin.png

But, I've done some C#/Xna (3D) last year.

I'm going to start writing my own engine, feature by feature.

Seriously, thank you :)

Sure anytime!

There's some books on OpenGL ES 1.1 and 2.0, but I haven't read any of them and there's lots of 'em that got some mediocre reviews. I'll link to the two top rated ones on

Be warned that the 2nd one (which is for android) uses OpenGL ES 1.x. It's kinda old, but the transition to 2.0 isn't too tough.

Just remember, to take your time and don't rush. Try not to sweat the small stuff and learn at a pace that works best for you!


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