simple 3D game program

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3 comments, last by powly k 11 years, 2 months ago


Recently I started learning OpenGL in C++. Now I am familiar with OpenGL, but I am confused with updating values of object.

I started working on a free fall ball and collision with ground.

My question is where do I have to update my object values?

Simple program must be very helpful.

Thanks in advance.



What have you got working so far?

What have you got working so far?

I am fallowing openGL superbible 5th edition, based on the examples in that book, I can able to move object with keyboard but I am applying dynamics to objects. Here I am missing where to update values of object.

Hope this makes clear of query..


Well, could you paste code which you have so far? We are not wizards and we have not seen your code, so we do not know what is wrong with it.

The same thing that moves the ball when you press a button should move it based on gravity and collisions. Probably a glUniform with the object location. Make your shader active, update the values, render.

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