Change addressing mode with ID3DXSprite

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7 comments, last by blueshogun96 11 years, 1 month ago

Hi, I currently use mirror addressing mode when drawing texturized meshes. And it works great.


However, when I try to tile sprites with the ID3DXSprite interface, I overload the RECT parameter in the Draw() method. For example, the texture is 64x64 pixels, but I want to tile it for 200x200 pixels big. But the sprite is still in Clamp addressing mode. Where do I change it to mirror or wrap?

SetRect(&texBox, 0, 0, 200, 200);
sprite->Draw(pTexture, &texBox, &Center, &Position, Color);


Solved: Did not realize that the Begin() method of ID3DXSprite set it defualt to clamp. I do that SetSamplerStates as above, AFTER Begin()....

Ok, I hate to bump this but I ran into another problem.

When I render my GUI I need to have different addressing modes for different sprites.

But, it seems that I can only set it once after begin(). If I try to set the addressing mode on per sprite basis, the change gets ignored. Should I be able to change the addressing mode on a per sprite basis?

You need to Flush the current batch before changing the addressing mode.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

hmmm. So the ID3DXSprite interface has buit in batching? neat.

Behind the scenes ID3DXSprite is just a wrapper around vertex/index buffers and draw calls - it's not a native interface at all.

So, when you call ID3DXSprite::Begin all that's happening is that some state is set up. Call ID3DXSprite::Draw and all that happens is some data is added to a dynamic vertex buffer. ID3DXSprite::Flush actually issues the DrawIndexedPrimitive call (which may be also issued by Draw if the buffer would overflow). ID3DXSprite::End calls a Flush and restores the state to what it was before Begin was called.

You can log a frame using PIX and examine the D3D calls that the interface makes to confirm (also useful to troubleshoot issues such as this).

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

Will ID3DXSprite optimize/batch by drawing everything that shares a texture at the same time?

I haven't checked in PIX but I would be shocked if it didn't - why not try it yourself? Draw something like 4000 (or 40000 or whatever it takes) sprites with the same texture, then draw them individually with a Flush call after each, and see what the performance difference is like.

Alternatively run your program under PIX and check the D3D calls being made.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

I prefer to avoid using ID3DXSprite to avoid confusion and portability (I found out the hard way that the 360 XDK didn't support it). What I ended up doing is writing my own 2D sprite rendering code with an Orthographic projection and HLSL shaders. Then you won't have to worry about state blocks, implement your own batching code, renderstates are a bit more straight forward, etc.

I can share it if you'd like. Right now, I'm on my Macbook again, so I have no Direct3D code on it's HDD.


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