linking a pos/neg value, just as pointer?

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8 comments, last by cozzie 11 years, 1 month ago


I have a fairly simple question (I think), on which I'm afraid I'm thinking to simple.

Here's what I want to achieve:

Class: camera


6 frustumplanes (mFrustumPlane[6])

2 d3dxvector3's (XYZ), pVtx, nVtx (positive and negative extents of a bounding box)


bounding box


2 d3dxvector3's (XYZ) with min and max extens of a bounding box

What do I do know:

- for each bounding box check, I check which X, Y, Z from the min/max vertices I need to use to fill the pVtx/nVtx

- this is done for each of the 6 planes, within each bounding box check

- the normal per plane determines which X, Y, Z I need to use from the min and max vertices of the box

What do I want to do:

- for each frame, determine which min/ max X Y Z values I need to use

- reuse this information for each bounding box check

So I have to find a way to do the following:

- within update frustum function: determine per plane if the X, Y and Z are positive or negative (and save this information)

- withing bounding box check function: continue directly using the correct min and max XYZ vertices values, based on the normal per plane (positive or negative X Y Z)

I thought of doing thing by creatig a X, Y, Z bool per plane of the frustum, and set to true when the X/ Y or Z is positive and to false, when it's negative. Then I don't need to check this for each bounding box check.

The only thing is, that I would then still need to check the bool values for each box check.

Can someone help me in the right direction?

Here's the current code of the bounding box check function:

int CD3dcam::BoxInFrustum(BOUNDINGBOX *pBoundingBox)
	bool intersect = false;
	float dist;

	for(int i=0;i<6;++i)
		// find the nearest and farthest point along normal direction
		_pvtx = pBoundingBox->min;
		if(mFrustumPlane.a >= 0) _pvtx.x = pBoundingBox->max.x;
		if(mFrustumPlane.b >= 0) _pvtx.y = pBoundingBox->max.y;
		if(mFrustumPlane.c >= 0) _pvtx.z = pBoundingBox->max.z;

		_nvtx = pBoundingBox->max;
		if(mFrustumPlane.a >= 0) _nvtx.x = pBoundingBox->min.x;
		if(mFrustumPlane.b >= 0) _nvtx.y = pBoundingBox->min.y;
		if(mFrustumPlane.c >= 0) _nvtx.z = pBoundingBox->min.z;

		// check positive vertex; further along the normal's direction
		dist = D3DXPlaneDotCoord(&mFrustumPlane, &_pvtx);
		if(dist < 0) return OUTSIDE;		// wrong side of plane, completely outside

		// check negative vertex; less far along the normal's direction
		dist = D3DXPlaneDotCoord(&mFrustumPlane, &_nvtx);
		if(dist < 0) intersect = true; // return INTERSECT;  	// intersecting, negative vertex within frustum
	if(intersect) return INTERSECT;
	return INSIDE;

Crealysm game & engine development:

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Anyone? Maybe a lookup table? (didn't do anything yet with those though)

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me

What's the question?? What are you trying to do? It's not very clear from your post.

Is there something wrong with the code or you're looking for optimizing it??

Hi vortez. Thanks for the reaction.

I'll try to explain with a small code example below (similar principle)

What I basically want to do is 'save a pointer' which I can use in another function.

Currently I do the check for each plane's normal every time I run CheckAABB instead doing it once in UpdateFrustum (the normals of the planes only change once per frame/ UpdateFrustum). So I want to get rid of 'if checking' the same over and over again when it doesn't change.

Hope this clears up the question.

typedef struct VECTOR3
	float x, y, z;

typedef struct PLANE
	VECTOR3		normal;
	float		distance;

typedef struct AABB
	VECTOR3		corners[8];

class myFrustum
	PLANE		mPlanes[6];
	VECTOR3		positiveExtent;
	VECTOR3		negativeExtent;

	void UpdateFrustum();
	void CheckAABB(VECTOR3 pMin, VECTOR3 pMax);

void myFrustum::UpdateFrustum()
	// calculate the actual frustum planes (not relevant to this example)
	// mPlanes[ ] is updated using new matrices etc

		if(mPlanes.x > 0) 
			// ......: store that plane has positive X value OR 
			// that in CheckAABB pMax.x needs to be used

		if(mPlanes.x < 0) 
			// ......: store that plane has negative X value OR 
			// that in CheckAABB pMin.x needs to be used

		// DO the same for Y and Z values

void myFrustum::CheckAABB(VECTOR3 pMin, VECTOR3 pMax)
	positiveExtent.x = // pMin.x of pMax.x, depending on what 'pointer' is stored in UpdateFrustum function

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me

You need the bounding box centre and size instead of min and max, then each plane can store a sign per component.

pvtx.x = centre.x + size.x * plane.sign.x

If for some reason you need to store min and max, you can calculate centre and size quite easily.

Hi clay.

Thanks, sounds like a very good solution, I'll go work on it.

Alhtough I don't now how to set a '+' or '-' value to a variable, what type would that be? (no int)

Crealysm game & engine development:

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Hi clay.

Thanks, sounds like a very good solution, I'll go work on it.

Alhtough I don't now how to set a '+' or '-' value to a variable, what type would that be? (no int)

a bool would work. but that's an int in c++ however...

you also may want to consider using bounding spheres instead of boxes, if your application allows that. (point-plane-distance test is easy and quick, no fiddling with signs :) )

Float is best for the sign as you are going to use it to multiply another float.

Thanks, I'll probaly just use an integer, where negative sign would be '-1' and positive '1'.

Multiplying will then give me the needed result

update; replies just passed each other, i'll use a float then with either -1.0f or +1.0f as value to multiply by

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me

Thanks all, just implemented it and all looks good.

Some code 'snippets':

// creating the AABB, NEW: calculate center and size

void CreateAABB(TVERTEX *pVtxArray, DWORD pStart, DWORD pNr, BOUNDINGBOX *pBox)
	// MIN and MAX vertices
	pBox->min.x = pVtxArray[pStart].position.x;
	pBox->min.y = pVtxArray[pStart].position.y;
	pBox->min.z = pVtxArray[pStart].position.z;

	pBox->max.x = pVtxArray[pStart].position.x;
	pBox->max.y = pVtxArray[pStart].position.y;
	pBox->max.z = pVtxArray[pStart].position.z;

	for(DWORD vc=pStart;vc<pStart+pNr;++vc)
		if(pVtxArray[vc].position.x < pBox->min.x) pBox->min.x = pVtxArray[vc].position.x;
		if(pVtxArray[vc].position.x > pBox->max.x) pBox->max.x = pVtxArray[vc].position.x;

		if(pVtxArray[vc].position.y < pBox->min.y) pBox->min.y = pVtxArray[vc].position.y;
		if(pVtxArray[vc].position.y > pBox->max.y) pBox->max.y = pVtxArray[vc].position.y;

		if(pVtxArray[vc].position.z < pBox->min.z) pBox->min.z = pVtxArray[vc].position.z;
		if(pVtxArray[vc].position.z > pBox->max.z) pBox->max.z = pVtxArray[vc].position.z;

	pBox->size.x = pBox->max.x - pBox->min.x;
	pBox->size.y = pBox->max.y - pBox->min.y;
	pBox->size.z = pBox->max.z - pBox->min.z;

	pBox->center = pBox->max - (pBox->size / 2.0f);

	// FULL 8 vertices of the AABB		
	pBox->boxArrayBase[0].x = pBox->min.x;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[0].y = pBox->min.y;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[0].z = pBox->min.z;

	pBox->boxArrayBase[1].x = pBox->max.x;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[1].y = pBox->max.y;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[1].z = pBox->max.z;

	pBox->boxArrayBase[2].x = pBox->max.x;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[2].y = pBox->max.y;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[2].z = pBox->min.z;

	pBox->boxArrayBase[3].x = pBox->min.x;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[3].y = pBox->max.y;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[3].z = pBox->min.z;

	pBox->boxArrayBase[4].x = pBox->min.x;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[4].y = pBox->min.y;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[4].z = pBox->max.z;

	pBox->boxArrayBase[5].x = pBox->max.x;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[5].y = pBox->min.y;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[5].z = pBox->max.z;

	pBox->boxArrayBase[6].x = pBox->max.x;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[6].y = pBox->min.y;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[6].z = pBox->min.z;

	pBox->boxArrayBase[7].x = pBox->min.x;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[7].y = pBox->max.y;
	pBox->boxArrayBase[7].z = pBox->max.z;

	pBox->created = true;

// update AABB, NEW: update center and size

bool UpdateAABB(BOUNDINGBOX *pBox)
	if(!pBox->created) return false;

//	8 AABB corners need to be transformed by the latest world matrix
//	now find the 2 extents

	pBox->min.x = pBox->boxArray[0].x;
	pBox->min.y = pBox->boxArray[0].y;
	pBox->min.z = pBox->boxArray[0].z;

	pBox->max.x = pBox->boxArray[0].x;
	pBox->max.y = pBox->boxArray[0].y;
	pBox->max.z = pBox->boxArray[0].z;

	for(int vc=0;vc<8;++vc)
		if(pBox->boxArray[vc].x < pBox->min.x) pBox->min.x = pBox->boxArray[vc].x;
		if(pBox->boxArray[vc].x > pBox->max.x) pBox->max.x = pBox->boxArray[vc].x;

		if(pBox->boxArray[vc].y < pBox->min.y) pBox->min.y = pBox->boxArray[vc].y;
		if(pBox->boxArray[vc].y > pBox->max.y) pBox->max.y = pBox->boxArray[vc].y;

		if(pBox->boxArray[vc].z < pBox->min.z) pBox->min.z = pBox->boxArray[vc].z;
		if(pBox->boxArray[vc].z > pBox->max.z) pBox->max.z = pBox->boxArray[vc].z;

	pBox->size.x = pBox->max.x - pBox->min.x;
	pBox->size.y = pBox->max.y - pBox->min.y;
	pBox->size.z = pBox->max.z - pBox->min.z;

	pBox->center = pBox->max - (pBox->size / 2.0f);

	return true;

// remark: the full 8 corners (boxArray) are transformed each frame as input

/* checking the AABB with frustum */

// part of UpdateFrustum

	for(int i=0;i<6;++i)
		D3DXPlaneNormalize(&mFrustumPlane, &mFrustumPlane);

		// calculate sign (+ or -) per frustum plane, to find P/N vertex in AABB checks
		if(mFrustumPlane.a >= 0) mFrustumPlaneSign.x = 1.0f;
		if(mFrustumPlane.a < 0)	mFrustumPlaneSign.x = -1.0f;

		if(mFrustumPlane.b >= 0) mFrustumPlaneSign.y = 1.0f;
		if(mFrustumPlane.b < 0)	mFrustumPlaneSign.y = -1.0f;

		if(mFrustumPlane.c >= 0) mFrustumPlaneSign.z = 1.0f;
		if(mFrustumPlane.c < 0)	mFrustumPlaneSign.z = -1.0f;

// part of checking the AABB function

		// find the nearest and farthest point along normal direction
		_pvtx.x = pBoundingBox->center.x + (pBoundingBox->size.x / 2.0f) * mFrustumPlaneSign.x;
		_pvtx.y = pBoundingBox->center.y + (pBoundingBox->size.y / 2.0f) * mFrustumPlaneSign.y;
		_pvtx.z = pBoundingBox->center.z + (pBoundingBox->size.z / 2.0f) * mFrustumPlaneSign.z;

		_nvtx.x = pBoundingBox->center.x - (pBoundingBox->size.x / 2.0f) * mFrustumPlaneSign.x;
		_nvtx.y = pBoundingBox->center.y - (pBoundingBox->size.y / 2.0f) * mFrustumPlaneSign.y;
		_nvtx.z = pBoundingBox->center.z - (pBoundingBox->size.z / 2.0f) * mFrustumPlaneSign.z;

Still struggling though with some rotation issues (if ! 90, 180, 270 or 360 degrees).

If some wants to take a peek, includes link to youtube capture:

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