Issue with frustum extraction using glm.

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0 comments, last by MarkS_ 11 years ago

I was trying to extract the view frustum from matrices made via glm. I was having no luck with it and finally got it to work by transposing the mvp matrix before extracting the planes. I find this odd as I have done this before using the fixed function pipeline and I have never had to transpose the combined modelview and projection matrix.

This is the frustum extraction code I'm using. I got it from: , and modified it to use glm. I've gone over the code and I cannot see anything wrong. Any ideas? It works now, but shouldn't, and I am not sure why.

The mvp matrix is defined as:

projection = glm::perspective(fov,aspect,0.1f,1000.0f);
view = glm::lookAt(glm::vec3(0.0,0.0,10.0),glm::vec3(0.0,0.0,-10.0),glm::vec3(0,1,0));
mvp = projection * view * glm::mat4(1.0f);

float InvSqrt(float x)
float xhalf;
int i;
xhalf = 0.5f * x;
i = *(int*)&x;
i = 0x5f3759df - (i >> 1);
x = *(float*)&i;
x = x * (1.5f - xhalf * x * x);
return x;
void frustum::CalculateFrustum(glm::mat4 mvp)
float t;
float m00,m01,m02,m03;
float m10,m11,m12,m13;
float m20,m21,m22,m23;
float m30,m31,m32,m33;
mvp = glm::transpose(mvp);
m00 = mvp[0][0];
m01 = mvp[0][1];
m02 = mvp[0][2];
m03 = mvp[0][3];
m10 = mvp[1][0];
m11 = mvp[1][1];
m12 = mvp[1][2];
m13 = mvp[1][3];
m20 = mvp[2][0];
m21 = mvp[2][1];
m22 = mvp[2][2];
m23 = mvp[2][3];
m30 = mvp[3][0];
m31 = mvp[3][1];
m32 = mvp[3][2];
m33 = mvp[3][3];
planes[0].x = m30 - m00;
planes[0].y = m31 - m01;
planes[0].z = m32 - m02;
planes[0].w = m33 - m03;
t = InvSqrt(planes[0].x * planes[0].x + planes[0].y * planes[0].y + planes[0].z * planes[0].z);
planes[0].x *= t;
planes[0].y *= t;
planes[0].z *= t;
planes[0].w *= t;
planes[1].x = m30 + m00;
planes[1].y = m31 + m01;
planes[1].z = m32 + m02;
planes[1].w = m33 + m03;
t = InvSqrt(planes[1].x * planes[1].x + planes[1].y * planes[1].y + planes[1].z * planes[1].z);
planes[1].x *= t;
planes[1].y *= t;
planes[1].z *= t;
planes[1].w *= t;
planes[2].x = m30 - m10;
planes[2].y = m31 - m11;
planes[2].z = m32 - m12;
planes[2].w = m33 - m13;
t = InvSqrt(planes[2].x * planes[2].x + planes[2].y * planes[2].y + planes[2].z * planes[2].z);
planes[2].x *= t;
planes[2].y *= t;
planes[2].z *= t;
planes[2].w *= t;
planes[3].x = m30 + m10;
planes[3].y = m31 + m11;
planes[3].z = m32 + m12;
planes[3].w = m33 + m13;
t = InvSqrt(planes[3].x * planes[3].x + planes[3].y * planes[3].y + planes[3].z * planes[3].z);
planes[3].x *= t;
planes[3].y *= t;
planes[3].z *= t;
planes[3].w *= t;
planes[4].x = m30 - m20;
planes[4].y = m31 - m21;
planes[4].z = m32 - m22;
planes[4].w = m33 - m23;
t = InvSqrt(planes[4].x * planes[4].x + planes[4].y * planes[4].y + planes[4].z * planes[4].z);
planes[4].x *= t;
planes[4].y *= t;
planes[4].z *= t;
planes[4].w *= t;
planes[5].x = m30 + m20;
planes[5].y = m31 + m21;
planes[5].z = m32 + m22;
planes[5].w = m33 + m23;
t = InvSqrt(planes[5].x * planes[5].x + planes[5].y * planes[5].y + planes[5].z * planes[5].z);
planes[5].x *= t;
planes[5].y *= t;
planes[5].z *= t;
planes[5].w *= t;

Never mind. I was accessing the mvp matrix in reverse. It would seem that mvp[0][1], for instance, is actually mvp[1][0]. This is counter to previous custom OpenGL-specific matrix code that I've written and used successfully. And, of course, glm has virtually no documentation on the matter.

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