HLSL preprocessor directives

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1 comment, last by 21st Century Moose 11 years ago

I'm exploring using preprocessor directives in my shaders but I read that the #ifdef preprocessor directive only checks the defined token in the hlsl file, i.e. #define in the same file (or an included file).

So my question is, if I wanted to compile several versions of a shader with different tokens defined, how do I do that from c++?

Thanks in advance


Sorry, just found out I can pass in defines in the D3DXCreateEffectFromFile method

One thing that may not be totally obvious from the docs is that your D3DXMACRO array needs to be NULL terminated; i.e name and value of the last D3DXMACRO in the array should both be NULL.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

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