Correct Usage Of MeshConvert.exe in DirectX SDK

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5 comments, last by CoOlDud3 11 years ago

Hi, I have a Terrain.OBJ file in the location "C:\". I want to convert it to Terrain.X using MeshConvert.exe so that I could import it in my DirectX Game. But when I input this:-

>meshconvert /x input C:\Terrain

I get a message saying: "Too many input files provided: Terrain".

Can anyone tell me the correct way of doing this PLEASE? wink.png.


When using absolute path as command line parameter it is common to place it in between quotes like "C:\Terrain..." . See if it works that way?

This didn't work I get this message: "Too many input files provided: C:\Terrain".

Put extension with file name: meshconvert /x "C:\Terrain.obj"

meshconvert /x "C:\Terrain.obj"

Gives me "Cannot Load Specified Input File".

I believe a part of it would be correct if I try this way:

meshconvert /x input "C:\Terrain.obj"

But then this gives me: "Too many input files provided: C:\Terrain.obj"

Just tried it myself doesn't work for me either. Sorry i never used this tool before, but parameters should be correct.

According to the MeshConvert.exe Project when we input the "filename", It's the same as "filename" in the function D3DXLoadMeshFromX(L"filename.x", ..........);

You are right the parameters should be correct! sad.png

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