OpenGL mesh with light

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2 comments, last by cr88192 11 years ago

I wrote code for mesh and light but when i'm trying to see this things they don't show. On the screen i see only black color nothing else

My code is here


I'm assuming that you had your scene and meshes and textures and all that stuff working and displayed on the screen before you tried to insert a light - if this is the case did you make sure that your shaders compiled? I noticed that you used two different extensions for your lighting shader and regular shaders - you have .glsl and .fragmentShader and .vertexShader

Other than that your lighting verttex and fragment shaders look okay to me as long as your setting the uniforms correctly in your code and they are compiling and linking together they should work. I've been wrong before though.

My mesh wasn't work properly so i was thinking that is because i don't have lights

assuming relevant:

maybe verify that the mesh draws as intended without using lighting (fullbright);

maybe verify (if applicable) that things like vertex normals are correct;

maybe try to verify if any calculations should behave as intended;


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