How to make a 1Demensional Array Loose Octree?

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11 comments, last by Lassini 10 years, 10 months ago

So My current octree is node-pointer based, where each node has 8 child nodes. I was reading that you can achieve O(1) insertion/deletion by using a 1Demensional Array. Unless I'm wrong, the 1D array is not optimal for searching the tree when frustum culling? So I was thinking of having both, where I use the 1D array for insert/delete objects, and the parent/child nodes when traversing the tree.

I've been trying to think how to map my parent/child data structure to a more flat 1Demensional array. I wanted to know if anyone had done this and can give me any tips/pointers.

I was thinking maybe making an array for each depth?

My Children nodes are in a 3D array



Given through your title that you already have a "Loose Octree", insertion time should already be pretty damn fast. I'd be interested in this technique here too, but there shouldn't be that much gain, if you really have a loose octree, since your method will look pretty much like this:

   //call to insert node
 void InsertNode(BoundingVolume& volume, T data){
        //acccess volume and octree max size
        float volumeSize = volume.MaxExtents(), treeSize = m_size;
        int depth = 0;

        //until node box is smaller than the volume
        while(treeSize > volumeSize)
            treeSize /= 2;
            depth += 1;
            //break on max depth
            if(depth > Node<T>::MAX_DEPTH)
        //adjust depth and size
        depth -= 1;
        treeSize *= 2;

        //find node
        Node<T>* pNode = FindFittingNode(volume, treeSize, depth);
        //insert data into node
        pNode->InsertData(volume, data);

        //link volume and node for update
        m_mNodeData[&volume] = pNode;

	Node<T>* FindFittingNode(const BoundingVolume& volume, float treeSize, unsigned int depth)
		D3DXVECTOR3 vCenter(volume.m_vCenter.x + m_size, volume.m_vCenter.y + m_size, volume.m_vCenter.z + m_size);
		//calculate absolut position
		unsigned int x = (unsigned int)(vCenter.x / treeSize);
		unsigned int y = (unsigned int)(vCenter.y / treeSize);
		unsigned int z = (unsigned int)(vCenter.z / treeSize);
		Node<T>* pNode = &m_node;
		//iteratively choose next child node
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i != depth; i++)
			//pick node if it isn't split

			unsigned int currentDepth = depth - i;
			//calculate position at current depth
			//todo: check for invalid positions
			unsigned int currentDepthX = x >> currentDepth;
            unsigned int currentDepthY = y >> currentDepth;
            unsigned int currentDepthZ = z >> currentDepth;
			//calculate childs index
            unsigned int childIndex = currentDepthX + (currentDepthZ << 1) + (currentDepthY << 2);
			//get new node
			pNode = pNode->Children()[childIndex];
			//modify absolut positions to new child
			x -= currentDepthX << currentDepth;
			y -= currentDepthY << currentDepth;
			z -= currentDepthZ << currentDepth;																																												

		return pNode;

Now tell me where you'd think that this one-linear array might speed things up? Maybe there is a completely different implementation, but for mine, there wouldn't be too much gain (given that it is already fast, 3 ms for 1.000.000 object insertion, and there is probably place for optimization).

This is my Current way of building the Octree. The actual function takes a depth parameter and recursively calls it until the desired depth is reached.


Function BuildNodes() {
for x
  for y	
    for z
	mChild[x][y][z] BuildNodes

So then I was thinking If I Indexed all the nodes at a certain depth layer by iterating z, then y, then x. So node[0] is front-bottom-left, and node[n] is back-top-right. The volume would index by iterating z, then Y, so the entire left side, and then repeating that as you go right (x axis). I was thinking given the depth level I can calculate offsets I need to figure out where my node should be placed in this array. I will be storing pointers basically for fast node retrieval on insert/delete operations.

m = 2 ^ depth
xOffset = m^2
yOffset =  m
z = 0  //No offset needed for z

So, Using width, CenterPosition, and Depth, I can calculate these values:

So then I could update the array and point to the correct node.
depthNodes[ xIndex * xOffset + yIndex * yOffset + zIndex] = this; // This being the child node when BuildingNodes()

And that was for the sake of this question. I would probably make depthNodes a 2D array where the actual call would look like this
depthNodes [depth] [ xIndex * xOffset + yIndex * yOffset + zIndex] = this;

So would this work? am I over-thinking it? critiques?

You are not quite off-track, but it is probably a little too complicated. The idea with calculating the index is pretty good, but I'd advice you to rather have a look at how my implementation handles this. Recursion is inevadable, if you wan't your tree to have optimizations like "don't add a node to the 5th depth, if even the first child node doesn't have any other objects" (in this case you would want to insert the node in the 1st depth, of course).

        //acccess volume and octree max size
        float volumeSize = volume.MaxExtents(), treeSize = m_size;
        int depth = 0;

        //until node box is smaller than the volume
        while(treeSize > volumeSize)
            treeSize /= 2;
            depth += 1;
            //break on max depth
            if(depth > Node<T>::MAX_DEPTH)
        //adjust depth and size
        depth -= 1;
        treeSize *= 2;

This calculates the desired depth. We have the roots size, so by deviding this size by 2 repeadately, we can determine the maximum depth the child may go. But as it would be contra-productive to, as said before, insert a tiny node into the 6th depth if e.g. the fourth parent of that node doesn't even have any nodes (nor their children), we recursively determine the indizes for x, y and z - just instead only for the final depth, for each depth from the top down:

		for(unsigned int i = 0; i != depth; i++)
			//pick node if it isn't split

			unsigned int currentDepth = depth - i;
			//calculate position at current depth
			//todo: check for invalid positions
			unsigned int currentDepthX = x >> currentDepth;
                        unsigned int currentDepthY = y >> currentDepth;
                        unsigned int currentDepthZ = z >> currentDepth;
			//calculate childs index
                        unsigned int childIndex = currentDepthX + (currentDepthZ << 1) + (currentDepthY << 2);
			//get new node
			pNode = pNode->Children()[childIndex];
			//modify absolut positions to new child
			x -= currentDepthX << currentDepth;
			y -= currentDepthY << currentDepth;
			z -= currentDepthZ << currentDepth;																																												

Note how this is almost brancheless - and we don't need to compare any boxes etc.. at all. Now there where only two possible ways of optimization that would come from your idea (as far as I can see):

- if you drop the " pNode->IsSplit() " - check, you might indeed save some work, namely the whole recursive calculation - you can just calculate the deepest index right away. But this comes at the cost of very deep tree hierachies, specially for branches with very few, small objects. This will potentially lead to a far worse culling time - since you need to do many redundand checks for a loose octree anyway, this will quickly outweight the slighly increased insert time.

- Otherwise, such a singe array would only save the "pNode->Children()" call. The compiler will almost certainly inline this, so this doesn't matter anyway. If you insert a whole lot of objects in a row, this might actually be better for the cache - but thats just assumptions.

That being said, I think if you have an implementation similar to mine, you aren't already too off-track. Think about it. 3 ms for insertion one million objects, increasing only linearly - unless you want to insert 10 million objects per second at 60+ FPS, this should be pretty sufficient.


This is my First Octree, obviously, and also my first attempt at a scene manager.

Do you remake your loose octree each frame? or only for objects that have moved?

Do you remake your loose octree each frame? or only for objects that have moved?

No, while I'm also looking still for a better solution for this, I currently notify the octree via a specifiy component in my Entity/Component system when an object has moved, and from there on, I remove the object entirely from the tree and insert it back again. As I said, I'm pretty sure there is a better solution to this, but it there are more important things for me to do right now - and as previously, there is already space for an enourmous number of objects to being moved per frame. and its way better than any none-loose octree!

Remaking the octree every frame is generally a bad idea. With the loose octree, we don't even have to reconstruct it when an object moved. I prefer to construct the whole octree node-wise up to the maximum depth at load time, and keep track of whether the node is split via a boolean flag. This way, there is no memory allocation/deallocation needed at runtime - which makes things even faster. Like I said before, only split a node when eigther itself has at least one object in it, or at least one of its child nodes is split. On object removal, you check that constraint - if there is no more objects are left in a node (and its child nodes), it is marked as "not split" - and later one, we don't need to check that node anyway.

For a tree with depth of 7

I guess I"m talking about arrays of pointers with the following sizes:

Depth 0 = 1

Depth 1 = 4

Depth 2 = 64

Depth 3 = 256

Depth 4 = 1024

Depth 5 = 4096

Depth 6 = 16384

Depth 7 = 65536

Is that too much memory to allocate for fast O(1) insert speed? Also, Now I'm thinking about your "split/Non Split" idea, and I think if I were to insert using the 1D array, I could then recursvily call it's parent to keep setting "isSplit = true". Having a flag to help speed up Frustum calls which WILL need to recursivly traverse the tree, is a good idea, so thanks for mentioning that.

Also, thanks for the responses.

For a tree with depth of 7

I guess I"m talking about arrays of pointers with the following sizes:

Since an octree has 8 nodes each, I'm not totally sure what you did there, but the formular should go 8^depth, so thats at least:

Depth 0 = 1

Depth 1 = 8

Depth 2 = 64

Depth 3 = 512

Depth 4 = 4096

Depth 5 = 32768

Depth 6 = 262144


Without counting the you have to reserver memory for the parent notes too, so you actually need to add all the depths before, too.

Note that even my extremely strong 16 gb, Intel Core i7 couldn't handle a depth beyond 8 properly. If you want to go the "one array" route you basically got only a few sensical choices, and if you want to go O(0), you will need actually need to allocate all depths. So if you need more than depth 7-8, you will need to go with an approach that allows creation and destruction of nodes in memory. But it shouldn't be necessary, unless you want to support extreme large scenes, etc... . I'm still not so sure how this one buffer approach will turn out since, as I already established, will give you no real means of speed in comparison to the method I implemented, it will furthermore restrain you to a certain implemention (with my method I would e.g. be able to kill "dead" nodes if I decided to use the octree on static geometry or single modules - I don't see much chances for your method, there) - but I'd be glad if you could tell us about the results after you are done.

Opps, Yea my math was off. I will try your method when I get home off work tonight.

I tried building an octree using a 1D array, but as Julian said, memory problems arise with depths of 8 or more.

I'm curious as to how Julian was indexing his 1D array of octants? My implementation was breaking a 32-bit integer into groups of 3-bits that represented each depth, which maxed out at 10 depths with about 4GB of memory minimum with no data.

Key Format:
32-bit Unsigned Integer Max Octree Size = 10 depths (8 octants per depth = 2^3 = 3 bits)

00           000 000 000 000     000
(unused) ... (0) (1) (2) (3) ... (N)

[N = largest octree, max = 10]
[0 = smallest octree]

3-bit Octree position of octants:

TOP                BOTTOM
+-----------+    +-----------+
| 011 | 001 |    | 111 | 101 |
|-----+-----|    |-----+-----|
| 010 | 000 |    | 110 | 100 |
+-----------+    +-----------+

I found that indexing whether with 1D, 2D, or 3D arrays will still have to traverse exactly like octrees with nodes or it wouldn't be an Octree. The natural indexing method of octrees is by moving through depths. "Loose" octree would only be viable if one could calculate the index in one go, rather than a recursive nature. It is possible you will save 1 to 5 instructions using a 1D array for insertion, but space is just as valuable as runtime and as a standard practice you should never be maxing out the users memory.

I really wished 1D octree would of worked, but my findings have shown that I rather have a 20-30 depth octree with little memory impact!

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