Rightside window alignment[curses]

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-1 comments, last by Alternate-E 11 years ago

This is an edit to a previous post I had up here asking for help on this topic. Since I figured out what the hell was up I thought I'd share my finding in hopes of providing an obvious and straight-forward approach for some other frustrated soul. After a weeks worth of a headache, the answer to right side alignment was to calculate the max x coordinate minus the window size. In my case, window size was 25, in turn the drawn window overshot the standard screen by 25 ich happens with (n, PD)curses, you can try bitshifting to some degree of success but it depends on what you're trying to accomplish. I needed a very specific sized window with specific placement. So, I had to take a step back and find a second obvious approach. Here's the function as it stands now:

void eventfeed(void)
    int maxy, maxx, newx;

    getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx);

    newx = maxx - 25;

    WINDOW *feed;
    feed = newwin(0, 25, 0, realx);

    box(feed, 0, 0);

This aligns a 25 character window to the right side of a curses terminal, God speed.

Editor // Joy-Toilet.com

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