How to use glfwSetKeyCallback?

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3 comments, last by Dark Engineer 11 years ago

I have this function

bool Camera::onKeyboard( int Key )
	bool Ret = false;

	switch (Key)
	case GLFW_KEY_UP:
			m_pos += (m_target * STEP_SCALE );
			Ret = true;
		} break;
			m_pos -= (m_target * STEP_SCALE );
			Ret = true;
		} break;
			glm::vec3 left = glm::cross(m_target, m_up );
			left *= STEP_SCALE;
			m_pos += left;
			Ret = true;
		} break;
			glm::vec3 right = glm::cross(m_up, m_target);
			right *= STEP_SCALE;
			m_pos += right;
			Ret = true;
		} break;
	return Ret;

Adn when i try to make function and run it

void GLFWCALL Camera::keyWrapper(int Key)

it doesn't work. Can someone help me how to do it correct?


First, to register the callback you need to make the function either a static member function, or a non-member function. Let's make it a static member:

class Camera {
    bool onKeyboard(int);
    static bool keyWrapper(int);

The static member needs to wrap the static member or non-member function call to a member function call with some instance of the camera class. Let's assume you have a global pointer to your camera. The wrapper function calls the keyboard handler on the global instance of the camera:

Camera *cameraInstance = nullptr;
bool Camera::keyWrapper(int key)
    return cameraInstance->onKeyboard(key);

Then set the camera pointer to your camera object and register the wrapper function.

Camera myCamera = ...;
ameraInstance = &myCamera;

Since GLFW doesn't handle member functions, you need to wrap the member function call in a static or non-member function call, and handle the object from the outside.



don't work

error C2664: 'glfwSetKeyCallback' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'bool (__cdecl *)(int)' to 'GLFWkeyfun'
1> None of the functions with this name in scope match the target type

I assumed your code had the correct parameters for the callback, but apparently it takes two parameters; the key and the state of the key. Just change the wrapper callback to

static bool keyWrapper(int key, int action);

and adjust the rest of the code accordingly.

It doesn't show errors but if i want to put this cameraInstance to the Camera class and my class is used by one another class then shows

1>main.obj : error LNK2005: "class Camera * cameraInstance" (?cameraInstance@@3PAVCamera@@A) already defined in Camera.obj
1>Pipeline.obj : error LNK2005: "class Camera * cameraInstance" (?cameraInstance@@3PAVCamera@@A) already defined in Camera.obj
1> fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found

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