[Insanely Noobish] Visual Studio 2012 not happy with wglext.h

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3 comments, last by floorman 11 years ago


I recently got the "Beginning OpenGL Game Programming 2nd Edition" book and I am trying to recreate the code from Chapter 2 from scratch. (I don't like working off code that has already been written for me) but Visual Studio has a problem with the Header file "wglext.h" and complains of the following error:

IntelliSense: identifier "GLushort" is undefined	c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\GL\wglext.h	476

The same applies for GLsizei, GLuint and basically all other OpenGL 'primitives'. I have the GL header files and lib files all installed to where they need to be.

This problem is probably trivial - sorry about that, but I'm having problems.



Include gl/gl.h first.


Thanks for the reply, that issue has been solved. But for some reason other Linker errors are coming up now.

Error	17	error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _gluPerspective@32 referenced in function "public: void __thiscall GLExample::onResize(int,int)" (?onResize@GLExample@@QAEXHH@Z)	C:\Users\Floorman\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Nehe\Chapter2\Chapter2\GLExample.obj	Chapter2

But I added the lib files into the /lib/ folder? the DLL files are also where they need to be. What's going on now?

You need to add the library files to your project so the linker knows what library files to use. That one in particular needs glu32.lib.

Excellent, everything is sorted now. Thanks very much for your help! :)

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