Collada skeletal animation help

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3 comments, last by Ronan085 10 years, 12 months ago


I have recently been building a very very simple game engine for myself and i have run into alot of trouble trying to implement animation

What i have been doing so far is converting from collada into my own file format and have been able to load static meshes.

But i cant seem to understand how to load skeleton animations

I have read the following tutorials but cant seem to think of how to implement it my way

if anyone know how to explain it i would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks smile.png



Hello Ronan085,

I've also used the tutorial from and had no problems parsing the skeleton data, except for inconsistent exporters.

As you've seen in the various resources the explanation is not done in a few lines, so please specify where exactly you're stuck.

Jan F. Scheurer - CEO @ Xe-Development

Sign Up for Xe-Engine™Beta

I am just a bit confused on what information is exactly needed

Would i be right to say that this is all i need besides the geometry :

  • Bone Name
  • Bone Parent
  • Joint Matrix
  • Bind shape matrix
  • Bind Pose
  • Joint inverse Bind poses
  • Root Bone
  • Bone Weights
  • Animation Time
  • Transformation :
  • Interpolation Type
  • Skinning Equation
or is there other things i need too

Yes thats about it.

What you're looking at is a tree structure, Skeleton on root, followed by children having more children.

children also have animation frames. the weights and bone indices affecting a vertex need to go into your vertex structure.

The bone names are used inside the collada document, be sure to parse name|sid|id attribute for the name in this order to handle different exporters.

Jan F. Scheurer - CEO @ Xe-Development

Sign Up for Xe-Engine™Beta

Thank you :)

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