3D Collision Detection, is an object inside an object

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1 comment, last by Tim Lawton 10 years, 12 months ago

Hey there,

I've rendered 4 zones which have an x,y,z coordinate and are all 100.0f by 100.0f and completely flat across the 'z' axis, resulting in this:


Now, I have a struct which holds the coordinates of a player in 3D space

struct PLAYER
      float x, y, z;

and I want to check if the player's coordinates are inside the more or less 2D grid, it doesn't need to check against the y axis as the player can not move up or down the y axis.

The problem is my CheckZone() function I am trying to create, so far it looks like this, but I'm struggling to work to this as I on a basic level for programming:

void Application::CheckZone()
	Player = {Player.x, Player.y, Player.y};

	float Section1[4][2] =
		{0.0f, 0.0f},
		{0.0f, 80.f},
		{80.0f, 0.0f},
		{80.0f, 0.0f}

	if(Player == Section1[][])
		//Trigger element in Section1

I'm getting "Error: expected an expression" from the 2 array boxes in the if statement, as well as the Player statement, I'm having trouble understanding some basic programming here, any help would be greatly appreciated

EDIT: On closer inspection the title can be mis-leading, I'm not trying to check an object against an object, instead the coordinates for the grid which are decoupled from these arrays.


int isin(float x,float z,float x1,float z1,float x2,float z2)


if (x<x1) return(0);

if (x>x2) return(0);

if (z<z1) return(0);

if (z>z2) return(0);


if ( isin(player.x,player.z,0.0f,0.0f,80.0f,80.0f))
// player is in region 0,0 through 80,80
// player is not in region 0,0 through 80,80

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"




Wonderful, thanks so much :)

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