Unity Raycast issue

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6 comments, last by medevilenemy 10 years, 11 months ago

Hi all. Since my last post, my team has convinced me to switch to Unity3D from my own homebrew engine. So, I'm in the process of reimplementing some features that I had completed in my engine. Specifically, automatic doors and ladders. I'm using a pair of raycasts, one in either direction from the player center (at least, I think its from the player center) to detect appropriate "interactable" objects as follows:

Physics.Raycast(thisTransform.position, -Vector3.right, out hit, rayInteractableDistX, InteractableNonGroundMask) for left and

Physics.Raycast(thisTransform.position, -Vector3.right, out hit, rayInteractableDistX, InteractableNonGroundMask) for right

Where thisTransform is the player's transform. The problem I'm having is that these raycasts don't seem to work when the player overlaps the target object (ie: When the player is standing in the middle of the doorframe). Because one of the ways of exiting climb mode is to not be touching a climbable anymore, this is entirely preventing climbing from working, and seems to cause the door to close on the player as well.

What am I doing wrong?

There was a saying we had in college: Those who walk into the engineering building are never quite the same when they walk out.

Update: I've read that Physics.LineCast should do the trick, because it will detect anywhere on the line, however it doesn't seem to be working.

There was a saying we had in college: Those who walk into the engineering building are never quite the same when they walk out.

Update: I've read that Physics.LineCast should do the trick, because it will detect anywhere on the line, however it doesn't seem to be working.

Use SphereCast as that will take care of issues with errors.

My objects are all configured as triggers so that won't work. I did, however figure it out after some experimentation and research. It seems, and I'm not quite sure why, that LineCasts don't like to detect things approaching from the side of their start (ie: line from left to right, it didn't want to detect things coming from the left). The way I got around this, in a way that allows detection from any position within the desired area (including the center) was to do two line casts, one from either side of the desired area and spanning to its opposite. This is quite functional, though admittedly rather inefficient.

There was a saying we had in college: Those who walk into the engineering building are never quite the same when they walk out.

My objects are all configured as triggers so that won't work. I did, however figure it out after some experimentation and research. It seems, and I'm not quite sure why, that LineCasts don't like to detect things approaching from the side of their start (ie: line from left to right, it didn't want to detect things coming from the left). The way I got around this, in a way that allows detection from any position within the desired area (including the center) was to do two line casts, one from either side of the desired area and spanning to its opposite. This is quite functional, though admittedly rather inefficient.

Why can't you use a OnTriggerStay, OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerExit in that case and make the bounding trigger big to encapsulate the whole area.

That's an interesting thought. It would probably be a bit more complicated to code, since it would need to distinguish between the various types of colliding objects and figure out which ones it cares about after the fact, but doable. I don't what, if any, practical benefit there'd be, but its worthy of some research. <bookmarks discussion for future reference>

There was a saying we had in college: Those who walk into the engineering building are never quite the same when they walk out.

Why would it be more complicated. If you put the script on the collider object i.e. the ladder object then you could send a callback to the colliding gameobject. Something like the following :-

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider)


collider.gameObject.SendMessage("OnCollissionEnter", this, SendMessage,DONTRequireReceiver);


void OnTriggerStay(Collider collider)


collider.gameObject.SendMessage("OnCollissionStay", this, SendMessage,DONTRequireReceiver);


void OnTriggerExit(Collider collider)


collider.gameObject.SendMessage("OnCollissionExit", this, SendMessage,DONTRequireReceiver);


Now with this you get a message on from the triggers that something happened and the character itself can handle what it is supposed to do. The DontRequireReceiver ensures that if the game object which don't have this function hit then you can be sure that it won't throw an exception.

Because the interactions involved aren't simple if collided do this. There are other characteristics and controls involved (though nothing unmanageable). However, any difference in complexity is probably not terribly big, since I'm already using SendMessage -- the piping for figuring out when/how to send the messages would just be different. I'll almost certainly end up rewriting bits of the code for greater efficiency as I add more capabilities to it, so who knows what the final form will look like.

There was a saying we had in college: Those who walk into the engineering building are never quite the same when they walk out.

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