reset fail in d3d retail mode but success in debug mode

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1 comment, last by Steve_Segreto 10 years, 11 months ago

hi there. I have a problem when I want to resize the windows size .I adjust the windows size and then use reset function to reset the device . It success in d3d debug mode but fail in d3d retail mode.... and the reset function return

HRESULT: 0xfaacfaca (4205640394)
Name: Unknown
Description: n/a
Severity code: Failed
Facility Code: Unknown (6828)
Error Code: 0xfaca (64202)
I don't know why it's fail and I don't know any way to find the reason because there are nothing to ouput the retail mode.... Do you have any ideas.thank you .


OK . I have find the reason.... when I use ShowWindow(g_hMainWnd, SW_NORMAL); It fail ...... When I use ShowWindow(g_hMainWnd, SW_RESTORE); It success. 3Q

I think you mean SW_SHOWNORMAL. Have you read through this?, the return value of ShowWindow does not necessarily indicate an error. Also SW_SHOWNORMAL should not be called on resets, just first time initialization.

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