Collision Jitters on some occasions

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5 comments, last by Mekuri 10 years, 10 months ago

Hey there.

I recently began on a new project, inspired by my Ludum Dare entry, and I decided to some more solid collision detection than in my other project.

I've finally reached a result that I am fairly happy with, but I experience jitters, that I don't fully understand. When I move right and collide with something, my sprite jitters.. But when going left, it works exactly as intended. Also there are a few corner cases where there's some small jitter.

I do the collision detection and seperation like this:

1. Do horizontal movement.

2. Check and resolve horizontal collisions.

3. Do vertical movement.

4. Check and resolve vertical movement.

For both the horizontal and vertical step, I first check for rectangular collision, and then pixel based within the rectangle.

Since I divide both movement and collision handling up in horizontal and vertical, I have a hard time understanding why it jitters.

The code I am using is the following:

Player class handles movement and velocity

private void Movement()
            PreviousPosition = position;
            //TODO: Add custom controls, by saving keys in a list or something, and then compare pressed keys to that list, and act accordingly.
            if (InputController.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.A) || InputController.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
                movement = -1.0f;
            else if (InputController.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D) || InputController.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
                movement = 1.0f;
                movement = 0f;

            //For testing jump strength - Final version will have a fixed strength!
            else if (InputController.IsKeyPressed(Keys.OemMinus))
            velocity.X += movement * BASE_SPEED;
            velocity.X *= AIR_DRAG;

            velocity.Y += GRAVITY;
            velocity.X = MathHelper.Clamp((float)Math.Round(velocity.X, 4, MidpointRounding.ToEven), -MAX_MOVE_SPEED, MAX_MOVE_SPEED);

            if (isOnGround)
                velocity.Y = MathHelper.Clamp(-velocity.Y * .8f, -MAX_JUMP_SPEED, -BASE_JUMP_POWER);
                isOnGround = false;
            velocity.Y = MathHelper.Clamp((float)Math.Round(velocity.Y, 4, MidpointRounding.ToEven), -MAX_JUMP_SPEED, MAX_FALL_SPEED);

        public override void ApplyHorizontalMovement()
            position.X += velocity.X;
            position.X = (float)Math.Round(position.X);

        public override void ApplyVerticalMovement()
            position.Y += velocity.Y;
            position.Y = (float)Math.Round(position.Y);        

Movement() is called every update cycle.

Notice the apply movement methods, those are called by the "playfield" class, during collision handling, as you can see in the following code:

blic void WorldCollision(Sprite sprite, bool verticalMovement)
            if (verticalMovement)
            for (int x = sprite.Bounds.X / TILE_SIZE - 1; x < sprite.Bounds.X / TILE_SIZE + 2; x++)
                for (int y = sprite.Bounds.Y / TILE_SIZE - 1; y < sprite.Bounds.Y / TILE_SIZE + 2; y++)
                    Rectangle tmp = new Rectangle(x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE);                    
                    if (sprite.Bounds.Intersects(tmp))
                       if (StaticTileInfo.GetCollisionType(_world[x, y].Type) != Collision.Passable)
                           if (PixelbasedCollision(sprite.Bounds, sprite.GetTextureData, tmp, GetTileColorData(x, y)))
                               if (StaticTileInfo.GetCollisionType(_world[x, y].Type) == Collision.Spike)
                                   sprite.IsDying = true;
                                   if (verticalMovement)
                                       float intersectionDepth = RectangleExtensions.GetVerticalIntersectionDepth(sprite.Bounds, tmp);
                                       sprite.Position += new Vector2(0, intersectionDepth);
                                       if (StaticTileInfo.GetCollisionType(_world[sprite.Bounds.Center.X / TILE_SIZE, (sprite.Bounds.Bottom + 1) / TILE_SIZE].Type) == Collision.Impassable ||
                                           StaticTileInfo.GetCollisionType(_world[sprite.Bounds.Left / TILE_SIZE, (sprite.Bounds.Bottom + 1) / TILE_SIZE].Type) == Collision.Impassable ||
                                           StaticTileInfo.GetCollisionType(_world[sprite.Bounds.Right / TILE_SIZE, (sprite.Bounds.Bottom + 1) / TILE_SIZE].Type) == Collision.Impassable)
                                           sprite.IsOnGround = true;
                                           sprite.Velocity = new Vector2(sprite.Velocity.X, 0);
                                       float intersectionDepth = RectangleExtensions.GetHorizontalIntersectionDepth(sprite.Bounds, tmp); 
                                       sprite.Position += new Vector2(intersectionDepth, 0);
                                       sprite.Velocity = new Vector2(0, sprite.Velocity.Y);
                WorldCollision(sprite, true);

private bool PixelbasedCollision(Rectangle rect1, Color[] data1, Rectangle rect2, Color[] data2)
            int top = Math.Max(rect1.Top, rect2.Top);
            int bottom = Math.Min(rect1.Bottom, rect2.Bottom);
            int left = Math.Max(rect1.Left, rect2.Left);
            int right = Math.Min(rect1.Right, rect2.Right);

            for (int y = top; y < bottom; y++)
                for (int x = left; x < right; x++)
                    Color color1 = data1[(x - rect1.Left) + (y - rect1.Top) * rect1.Width];
                    Color color2 = data2[(x - rect2.Left) + (y - rect2.Top) * rect2.Width];

                    if (color1.A != 0 && color2.A != 0)
                        return true;
            return false;

        private Color[] GetTileColorData(int x, int y)
            Color[] tmp = new Color[TILE_SIZE * TILE_SIZE];
            _tileSheet.GetData<Color>(0 * TILE_SIZE, new Rectangle(_world[x,y].Variant * TILE_SIZE, (int)(_world[x,y].Type - 1) * TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE), tmp, 0, tmp.Length);
            return tmp;

I've also made a small video showing the issues I am having:


I hope I provided all the information necessary. I know there's a lot of code, but I was hoping someone with experience might immediately know the error just from seeing the movie :-)

Thanks for reading!

Check out the game I am making here -


This looks suspect:

if (velocity.X > -.1f && velocity.X < .1f) velocity.X = 0;

This looks suspect:

if (velocity.X > -.1f && velocity.X < .1f) velocity.X = 0;

I removed the above- It was some code I forgot to remove, from when I played around with the physics, earlier. It did not change anything though.

Thanks for the input.

Check out the game I am making here -

                                    if (verticalMovement) { float intersectionDepth = RectangleExtensions.GetVerticalIntersectionDepth(sprite.Bounds, tmp); sprite.Position += new Vector2(0, intersectionDepth); if (StaticTileInfo.GetCollisionType(_world[sprite.Bounds.Center.X / TILE_SIZE, (sprite.Bounds.Bottom + 1) / TILE_SIZE].Type) == Collision.Impassable || StaticTileInfo.GetCollisionType(_world[sprite.Bounds.Left / TILE_SIZE, (sprite.Bounds.Bottom + 1) / TILE_SIZE].Type) == Collision.Impassable || StaticTileInfo.GetCollisionType(_world[sprite.Bounds.Right / TILE_SIZE, (sprite.Bounds.Bottom + 1) / TILE_SIZE].Type) == Collision.Impassable) sprite.IsOnGround = true; else sprite.Velocity = new Vector2(sprite.Velocity.X, 0); } else { float intersectionDepth = RectangleExtensions.GetHorizontalIntersectionDepth(sprite.Bounds, tmp); sprite.Position += new Vector2(intersectionDepth, 0); sprite.Velocity = new Vector2(0, sprite.Velocity.Y); } 

This if (verticalMovement) part also looks a bit suspect, there is a condition in which the position gets updated but not the velocity? That can't happen for horizontal movement though. The position and velocity always get updated symmetrically.

This is more suspect:

velocity.X = MathHelper.Clamp((float)Math.Round(velocity.X, 4, MidpointRounding.ToEven), -MAX_MOVE_SPEED, MAX_MOVE_SPEED);

It could round velocity differently for left and right. Log velocities and positions while jittering or not jittering to find out if it is the case.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

                                    if (verticalMovement) { float intersectionDepth = RectangleExtensions.GetVerticalIntersectionDepth(sprite.Bounds, tmp); sprite.Position += new Vector2(0, intersectionDepth); if (StaticTileInfo.GetCollisionType(_world[sprite.Bounds.Center.X / TILE_SIZE, (sprite.Bounds.Bottom + 1) / TILE_SIZE].Type) == Collision.Impassable || StaticTileInfo.GetCollisionType(_world[sprite.Bounds.Left / TILE_SIZE, (sprite.Bounds.Bottom + 1) / TILE_SIZE].Type) == Collision.Impassable || StaticTileInfo.GetCollisionType(_world[sprite.Bounds.Right / TILE_SIZE, (sprite.Bounds.Bottom + 1) / TILE_SIZE].Type) == Collision.Impassable) sprite.IsOnGround = true; else sprite.Velocity = new Vector2(sprite.Velocity.X, 0); } else { float intersectionDepth = RectangleExtensions.GetHorizontalIntersectionDepth(sprite.Bounds, tmp); sprite.Position += new Vector2(intersectionDepth, 0); sprite.Velocity = new Vector2(0, sprite.Velocity.Y); } 

This if (verticalMovement) part also looks a bit suspect, there is a condition in which the position gets updated but not the velocity? That can't happen for horizontal movement though. The position and velocity always get updated symmetrically.

Nice catch- I need some restructuring there. (Structure is really my weakness :P) - Thanks a lot.

This is more suspect:

velocity.X = MathHelper.Clamp((float)Math.Round(velocity.X, 4, MidpointRounding.ToEven), -MAX_MOVE_SPEED, MAX_MOVE_SPEED);

It could round velocity differently for left and right. Log velocities and positions while jittering or not jittering to find out if it is the case.

This might very well be it. I won't be able to try this until tomorrow, but I can see why this could cause the jittering.

Thanks a lot for the input :-)

Check out the game I am making here -

Hey again.

I just wanted to check back, and say that I managed to solve the problem. The problem was the two for loops in the WorldCollision method. So basically I had to change the maximum range to check within. See below:


for (int x = sprite.Bounds.X / TILE_SIZE - 1; x < sprite.Bounds.X / TILE_SIZE + 2; x++)
                for (int y = sprite.Bounds.Y / TILE_SIZE - 1; y < sprite.Bounds.Y / TILE_SIZE + 2; y++)


for (int x = sprite.Bounds.X / TILE_SIZE - 1; x < (sprite.Bounds.X + sprite.Bounds.Width) / TILE_SIZE + 1; x++)
                for (int y = sprite.Bounds.Y / TILE_SIZE - 1; y < (sprite.Bounds.Y + sprite.Bounds.Height) / TILE_SIZE + 1; y++)

I believe that the reason it was jittering is that the player sprite has a different size than the tiles. Each tile is 32X32, while the player sprite varies in size based on the current animation frame (For pixel perfect collision detection). The way I calculate the maximum iteration value (can you say that?) makes sure that it checks the tile exactly next to it, both to the right and downwards, whereas it only did so to the left and upwards before.

Anyways- Thanks for your input, just wanted to post the solution in case someone else could use it :-)

Check out the game I am making here -

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