overloading operators?

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12 comments, last by Tevong 22 years, 5 months ago
I''m doing this exactly the same way the book has done it but i keep getting errors. Since I''m new to this I don''t know where to start debugging. Here''s the class in which I declare the operator thing: class CVehicle //no base classes { friend class CWeathersystem; private: unsigned int weight,capacity; float topspeed; public: void printdata(); //constructors and destructors CVehicle(); ~CVehicle(); unsigned int getweight(){return weight;} unsigned int getcapacity(){return capacity;} float gettopspeed(){return topspeed;} int setweight(unsigned int newweight); int setcapacity(unsigned int newcapacity); int settopspeed(float newtopspeed); CVehicle operator + (CVehicle right); //<----------here }; Here''s the function: inline CVehicle CVehicle::operator + (CVehicle right) { return CVehicle(weight+right.weight,capacity+right.capacity, topspeed+right.topspeed); } I dont'' see what''s wrong with this. All it does is return the added weight, topspeed and capacity of the 2 vehicle objects.
Signed: ___T____
hm... what error does the compiler give you ?

Anyway, I don''t think you can specify the inline keyword outside the class declaration. Try something like this :

  class CVehicle{   // stuff...   inline CVehicle CVehicle::operator + (CVehicle right)   {      return CVehicle(weight+right.weight,capacity+right.capacity,      topspeed+right.topspeed);   }};   
You need another constructor with which to create the vehicle you are returning.

CVehicle(int weight, int capacity, float topspeed);

You probably want to rename the members so they can be distinguished from parameters - ie m_weight etc.

CVehicle (int weight, int capacity, float topspeed)
:m_weight(weight), m_capacity(capacity), m_topspeed(topspeed)
quote:Original post by Prosper/LOADED
hm... what error does the compiler give you ?

Anyway, I don''t think you can specify the inline keyword outside the class declaration. Try something like this :

Actually you can. Functions written inside the class declaration are automatically considered "inline". If you want a member function to be inline but the code for it elsewhere it''s perfectly valid to use inline outside the class. However, there is no guarentee that functions will be expanded as inline.


It looks like you have a space between the word operator and the symbol +

You need operator+ (Cvehicle...)

Hope this helps

How would you define the << operator with the ostream class, so you could do something like this:

  CCustomClass class;cout << class;ofstream fout;fout.open("debug.txt");fout << class;fout << flush;fout.close();  

without getting where it''s stored in memory (0xABCDEF12 or something)?
Here''s a simple example on how to overload the << operator.

  class Point{  public:  Point() : x(0), y(0){;}  int x;  int y;};//Overload the << operator when dealing with Pointostream& operator<< (ostream& os , Point& p){  os << p.x;  os << p.y;}int main(){  Point p;  ofstream fout;  fout.open("debug.txt");  // Out to screen.  cout << p;  //Out to file.  fout << p;  fout << flush;  fout.close();}  


quote:Original post by brad_beveridge
It looks like you have a space between the word operator and the symbol +

You need operator+ (Cvehicle...)

Sorry, not true. operator is a keyword just like any other in C++. The help for operator says the following:
quote:from MSDN


C++ Specific —>

type operator operator-symbol ( parameter-list )

The operator keyword declares a function specifying what operator-symbol means when applied to instances of a class. This gives the operator more than one meaning, or "overloads" it. The compiler distinguishes between the different meanings of an operator by examining the types of its operands.

C++ (and C) ignores whitespace.

The problem is the distinction between binary and unary operators. + is both binary and unary (a + b <- binary; +b <-unary). Unary + is useless for most pseudo-arithmetic types (it doesn''t change the value: +(-3) is -3). Binary + cannot be implemented as a member function since it needs two objects and returns a third. You can make += a member function, though, since it modifies the left-hand parameter:
class CVehicle{...public:  inline CVehicle &operator += (CVehicle &v);  friend CVehicle &operator + (CVehicle &v1, CVehicle &v2);};//// compiler will attempt to make this inlineCVehicle &CVehicle::operator += (CVehicle &v){  weight += v.weight;  capacity += v.capacity;  topspeed += v.topspeed;//  // return the modified object  // note that ''this'' is a pointer so it must be dereferenced.  return *this;}//// note that opertor+ is not a member functionCVehicle &operator + (CVehicle &v1, CVehicle &v2){  CVehicle v; // uses default constructor; better have one!//  // operator + can access private data member because it is a  // friend function:  v.weight = v1.weight + v2.weight;  v.capacity = v1.capacity + v2.capacity;  v.topspeed = v1.topspeed + v2.topspeed;//  // return the result of the addition  return v;} 

You could have used a different constructor for v in operator+ above (CVehicle v(v1.weight + v2.weight, v1.capacity + v2.capacity, ...)).

Oh, and use whitespace liberally. As I''ve noted, C++ ignores it so it makes code nicer to look at and read.
Err - I am not sure that that is true?

The operator+ is associated with the lhs parameter so it only takes one parameter - the rhs.
To elaborate (unnecessarily ) on the binary operator thing:

If the first operand of an operator is an object, then that operator can reside in the class of that object, but if the first operand is a builtin-type, or a class-type that you cannot change the declaration for, then you must declare the operator as a global functions.

e.g. consider a vector class that must have the binary multiplication defined for multiplying a scalar with the vector:
  class Vector{   float x, y, z;    // The following can only accomodate invocations of the form:   // vector * scalar   const Vector operator * (const float s)   {      return Vector(x*s, y*s, z*s);   };    // A global friend operator accomodates invocations of the form:   // scalar * vector   friend const Vector operator * (const float s, const Vector &v);}; // global operator (scalar * vector)const Vector operator * (const float s, const Vector &v){   return v * s; // return v.operator * (s);};  

(the rest of the class was omitted for brevity)

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