Please help "error C2504: 'Activity' : base class undefined"

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7 comments, last by FLeBlanc 10 years, 10 months ago

Object and Goods are abstract.

When I derive a class called TruckArrive from it, the titled error occurs.

Please help

#pragma once

#include <string>
#include "..\NavMeshLoader.h"
#include "..\Pathfinding\Detour\Include\DetourCommon.h"
#include "..\Pathfinding\Recast\Include\Recast.h"
#include "DetourNavMeshQuery.h"
#include "..\Objects\Objects.h"

class Idle;
class Objects;
class Goods;

#ifdef WIN32
#    define snprintf _snprintf

// Uncomment this to dump all the requests in stdout.
#define DUMP_REQS

// Returns a random number [0..1)
static float frand()
//    return ((float)(rand() & 0xffff)/(float)0xffff);
    return (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;

inline bool inRange(const float* v1, const float* v2, const float r, const float h)
    const float dx = v2[0] - v1[0];
    const float dy = v2[1] - v1[1];
    const float dz = v2[2] - v1[2];
    return (dx*dx + dz*dz) < r*r && fabsf(dy) < h;

static int fixupCorridor(dtPolyRef* path, const int npath, const int maxPath,
                         const dtPolyRef* visited, const int nvisited)
    int furthestPath = -1;
    int furthestVisited = -1;
    // Find furthest common polygon.
    for (int i = npath-1; i >= 0; --i)
        bool found = false;
        for (int j = nvisited-1; j >= 0; --j)
            if (path[i] == visited[j])
                furthestPath = i;
                furthestVisited = j;
                found = true;
        if (found)

    // If no intersection found just return current path.
    if (furthestPath == -1 || furthestVisited == -1)
        return npath;
    // Concatenate paths.    

    // Adjust beginning of the buffer to include the visited.
    const int req = nvisited - furthestVisited;
    const int orig = rcMin(furthestPath+1, npath);
    int size = rcMax(0, npath-orig);
    if (req+size > maxPath)
        size = maxPath-req;
    if (size)
        memmove(path+req, path+orig, size*sizeof(dtPolyRef));
    // Store visited
    for (int i = 0; i < req; ++i)
        path[i] = visited[(nvisited-1)-i];                
    return req+size;

static bool getSteerTarget(dtNavMeshQuery* navQuery, const float* startPos, const float* endPos,
                           const float minTargetDist,
                           const dtPolyRef* path, const int pathSize,
                           float* steerPos, unsigned char& steerPosFlag, dtPolyRef& steerPosRef,
                           float* outPoints = 0, int* outPointCount = 0)                            
    // Find steer target.
    static const int MAX_STEER_POINTS = 3;
    float steerPath[MAX_STEER_POINTS*3];
    unsigned char steerPathFlags[MAX_STEER_POINTS];
    dtPolyRef steerPathPolys[MAX_STEER_POINTS];
    int nsteerPath = 0;
    navQuery->findStraightPath(startPos, endPos, path, pathSize,
                               steerPath, steerPathFlags, steerPathPolys, &nsteerPath, MAX_STEER_POINTS);
    if (!nsteerPath)
        return false;
    if (outPoints && outPointCount)
        *outPointCount = nsteerPath;
        for (int i = 0; i < nsteerPath; ++i)
            dtVcopy(&outPoints[i*3], &steerPath[i*3]);

    // Find vertex far enough to steer to.
    int ns = 0;
    while (ns < nsteerPath)
        // Stop at Off-Mesh link or when point is further than slop away.
        if ((steerPathFlags[ns] & DT_STRAIGHTPATH_OFFMESH_CONNECTION) ||
            !inRange(&steerPath[ns*3], startPos, minTargetDist, 1000.0f))
    // Failed to find good point to steer to.
    if (ns >= nsteerPath)
        return false;
    dtVcopy(steerPos, &steerPath[ns*3]);
    steerPos[1] = startPos[1];
    steerPosFlag = steerPathFlags[ns];
    steerPosRef = steerPathPolys[ns];
    return true;

class Activity
    Objects *Actor;
    Goods *Target;
    Activity() : Actor(0), Target(0) { }
    Activity( Objects* actor, Goods* target ) : Actor(actor), Target(target)
        mStep = 0;

        m_navQuery = NULL;

    void InitNavMesh(const dtNavMesh *navMesh);
    void SetNavMesh(const dtNavMesh* navMesh) { m_navMesh = navMesh; }

    void findPath();

    void ReCalc();

    virtual bool OnUpdate(float seconds) = 0;

    void Update(float seconds);

    Activity *FindBestActivity(Objects *actor);
    std::string ToString();

    // *todo separate these into a module
    dtNavMeshQuery* m_navQuery;

    const dtNavMesh *m_navMesh;

    dtQueryFilter m_filter;

    dtStatus m_pathFindStatus;

    enum ToolMode
    ToolMode m_toolMode;

    int m_straightPathOptions;
    static const int MAX_POLYS = 256;
    static const int MAX_SMOOTH = 2048;
    dtPolyRef m_startRef;
    dtPolyRef m_endRef;
    dtPolyRef m_polys[MAX_POLYS];
    dtPolyRef m_parent[MAX_POLYS];
    int m_npolys;
    float m_straightPath[MAX_POLYS*3];
    unsigned char m_straightPathFlags[MAX_POLYS];
    dtPolyRef m_straightPathPolys[MAX_POLYS];
    int m_nstraightPath;
    float m_polyPickExt[3];
    float m_smoothPath[MAX_SMOOTH*3];
    int m_nsmoothPath;
    float m_queryPoly[4*3];

    static const int MAX_RAND_POINTS = 64;
    float m_randPoints[MAX_RAND_POINTS*3];
    int m_nrandPoints;
    bool m_randPointsInCircle;
    float m_spos[3];
    float m_epos[3];
    float m_hitPos[3];
    float m_hitNormal[3];
    bool m_hitResult;
    float m_distanceToWall;
    float m_neighbourhoodRadius;
    float m_randomRadius;
    bool m_sposSet;
    bool m_eposSet;

    int m_pathIterNum;
    dtPolyRef m_pathIterPolys[MAX_POLYS];
    int m_pathIterPolyCount;
    float m_prevIterPos[3], m_iterPos[3], m_steerPos[3], m_targetPos[3];
    static const int MAX_STEER_POINTS = 10;
    float m_steerPoints[MAX_STEER_POINTS*3];
    int m_steerPointCount;

    class NavMesh
        static NavMeshLoader& GetNavMeshLoader()
            static NavMeshLoader m_NavMeshLoader;
            return m_NavMeshLoader;

    void SetSrcPos(const D3DXVECTOR3& src);
    void SetDestPos(const D3DXVECTOR3& dest);
    float* GetPath(int index);
    float m_SrcPos[3];
    float m_DestPos[3];

    // iterating the path
    int mStep;





Well, you haven't included the code actually causing the error, but it seems you try to derive from the class Activity when the type is not visible and complete. Either you forgot to #include the header where Activity is defined or cyclical dependencies prevent the definition from being known at the point in question.

#pragma once
#include "..\Objects\Objects.h"
#include "..\Activities\RunToObject.h"
#include "Activity.h"

class Objects;
class Activity;
class RunToObject;
class Goods;

#define MAX_BACK_MOVE 5

class TruckArrive : public Activity

    static int mBackMove;

    RunToObject runToObject;


    TruckArrive(Objects *obj, Goods* goods);

    bool OnUpdate(float seconds);


#pragma once

#include "..\SkinnedMesh\skinnedMesh.h"
#include "..\Activities\Activity.h"
#include "..\Activities\RunToObject.h"
#include "..\Activities\Idle.h"
#include "..\Activities\TruckArrive.h"

#include "MotiveBase.h"

//#include "..\myDX9Widget.h"

class myDX9Widget;
class TruckArrive;

class Objects
    friend class InverseKinematics;
    Objects() : m_pAnimCtrl(0), energy(0) { }

    Objects(SkinnedMesh* _mesh, myDX9Widget *_Owner);
    virtual ~Objects(void) {
        OutputDebugStringA("Cleanup code for Objects\n");
/*        if (StateMachine != NULL)
            delete StateMachine;
            StateMachine = NULL;

        if (m_pAnimCtrl != NULL)
            m_pAnimCtrl = NULL;

        if (activity != NULL)
            delete activity;
            activity = NULL;


    virtual void Init()

         if (animations.size() > 0)


    void SetPos(const D3DXVECTOR3& _pos) { m_vPos = _pos; }
    void SetRot(const D3DXVECTOR3& _rot) { m_vRot = _rot; }
    void SetScale(const D3DXVECTOR3& _scale) { m_vScale = _scale; }
    void SetScaleCenter(const D3DXVECTOR3& _scale) { m_vScaleCenter = _scale; }
    void SetRotQuat(const D3DXQUATERNION& _quat) { m_quatRot = _quat; }
    void SetRotCenter(const D3DXVECTOR3& _rot) { m_vRotCenter = _rot; }

    void AddToPos(D3DXVECTOR3 &vPos)        { m_vPos += vPos;     }
    void AddToScale(D3DXVECTOR3 &vScale)    { m_vScale += vScale; }
    void AddToRot(D3DXVECTOR3 &vRot)        { m_vRot += vRot;      }    

    D3DXVECTOR3 GetPos()                    { return m_vPos;   }
    D3DXVECTOR3 GetScale()                    { return m_vScale; }
    D3DXVECTOR3 GetRot()                    { return m_vRot;   }


    bool IsVisible() { return mVisible; }
    void SetVisible(bool bVisible) { mVisible = bVisible; }

    D3DXMATRIX GetWorldMatrix()
        D3DXMATRIX matWorld;
        if(m_vRot.x != 0.0f || m_vRot.y != 0.0f || m_vRot.z != 0.0f)
            D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll(&m_quatRot, m_vRot.x, m_vRot.y, m_vRot.z);
            D3DXMatrixTransformation(&matWorld, &m_vScaleCenter, NULL, &m_vScale,
                &m_vRotCenter, &m_quatRot, &m_vPos);
            D3DXMatrixTransformation(&matWorld, &m_vScaleCenter, NULL, &m_vScale,
            NULL, NULL, &m_vPos);

        return matWorld;

    SkinnedMesh *GetMesh()
        return mesh;

    virtual void OnUpdate(float dt) { return; }

    virtual void Update(const D3DXMATRIX& mat, float dt);
    void Draw();

    void UpdateMatrices(D3DXFRAME_DERIVED* f, D3DXMATRIX* m);
    void SetAnimation(std::string name);
    void GetAnimations(std::vector<std::string> &animations);

    SkinnedMesh *mesh;
    D3DXVECTOR3 m_vPos;
    D3DXVECTOR3 m_vRot;
    D3DXVECTOR3 m_vScale;
    D3DXVECTOR3 m_vScaleCenter;
    D3DXVECTOR3 m_vRotCenter;
    D3DXQUATERNION m_quatRot;
    D3DCAPS9 m_d3dcaps;


    int m_activeAnimation;

    std::vector<std::string> animations;
    Activity *activity;
    float energy;

    //*todo DXWidget doesn't have reference to m_vRenderObjects
    myDX9Widget *Owner;

    bool mVisible;


class CWarehouse : public Objects
    CWarehouse() { }
    CWarehouse(const CWarehouse& warehouse) { this->mesh = warehouse.mesh; }
    CWarehouse(SkinnedMesh *_mesh, myDX9Widget *_Owner) : Objects(_mesh, _Owner) { }


class CCB : public Objects
    CCB()  { }
    CCB(const CCB& ccb) { this->mesh = ccb.mesh; }
    CCB(SkinnedMesh *_mesh, myDX9Widget* _Owner) : Objects(_mesh, _Owner) {  }


    MotiveBase Motives;


class Goods : public Objects
    Goods() { }
    Goods(const Goods& goods) { this->mesh = goods.mesh; }
    Goods(SkinnedMesh *_mesh, myDX9Widget* _Owner);
    void OnUpdate(float dt);

    virtual Activity *DefaultActivity(Objects*, Goods*) = 0;
    // The priority of the job the worker needs to clear up first
    virtual float PriorityInterest(Objects*) = 0;

class Pallet : public Goods
    Pallet() { }
    Pallet(const Pallet& pallet) { this->mesh = pallet.mesh; }
    Pallet(SkinnedMesh *_mesh, myDX9Widget *_Owner) : Goods(_mesh, _Owner) { }



    Activity* DefaultActivity(Objects *object, Goods* goods)

    // The priority of the job the worker needs to clear up first
    float PriorityInterest(Objects *object)
        return 1.0f;


class Carton : public Goods
    Carton() { }
    Carton(const Carton& carton) { this->mesh = carton.mesh; }
    Carton(SkinnedMesh *_mesh, myDX9Widget* _Owner) : Goods(_mesh, _Owner) { }


    Activity* DefaultActivity(Objects *object, Goods* goods)

    // The priority of the job the worker needs to clear up first
    float PriorityInterest(Objects *object)
        return 1.0f;


class COperator : public Objects
    COperator() { }
    COperator(const COperator& op) { this->mesh = op.mesh; }
    COperator(SkinnedMesh *_mesh, myDX9Widget* _Owner) : Objects(_mesh, _Owner) {  }



class Lorry : public Objects
    Lorry() { }
    Lorry(const Lorry& lorry) { this->mesh = lorry.mesh; }
    Lorry(SkinnedMesh *_mesh, myDX9Widget* _Owner) : Objects(_mesh, _Owner) {  SetVisible(false); }
    ~Lorry() {
        if (activity != NULL) {
            delete activity;
            activity = NULL;

        if (m_pAnimCtrl != NULL)
            m_pAnimCtrl = NULL;

    void Update(const D3DXMATRIX& mat, float dt);

    Activity* DefaultActivity(Objects *object, Goods* goods);

    // The priority of the job the worker needs to clear up first
    float PriorityInterest(Objects *object);

It is hard to understand your current code as there is an awful lot of it. You probably have a circular header dependency. Check out this article for an overview of how to structure your code.

I'd also advise you to consider splitting your code into more headers, and placing more of the implementation in source files.

I believe your onUpdate in TruckArrive needs to be Virtual:

virtual bool OnUpdate(float seconds);

"I have more fingers in more pies than a leper at a bakery!"

I believe your onUpdate in TruckArrive needs to be Virtual:

virtual bool OnUpdate(float seconds);

No, that is not the problem. If a function is virtual in a base class, none of the implementations in subclasses need to mark themselves virtual. In C++11 it would be a good idea to use the 'override' keyword though.
lucky6969b's problem is just simple inclusion chaos. He needs a better plan on which class needs access to what, he needs to stick to the "one header, one class"-rule, he needs to use more implementation files instead of just writing almost everything in the header, he needs to make better use of forward declarations.


I have segregate everything into files.


#pragma once

#include "..\SkinnedMesh\skinnedMesh.h"

#include "..\Activities\RunToObject.h"
#include "..\Activities\Idle.h"
#include "..\Activities\TruckArrive.h"

#include "MotiveBase.h"

//#include "..\myDX9Widget.h"

class myDX9Widget;
class Activity;
class TruckArrive;

class Objects
    friend class InverseKinematics;
    Objects() : m_pAnimCtrl(0), energy(0) { }

    Objects(SkinnedMesh* _mesh, myDX9Widget *_Owner);
    virtual ~Objects(void) {
        OutputDebugStringA("Cleanup code for Objects\n");
/*        if (StateMachine != NULL)
            delete StateMachine;
            StateMachine = NULL;

        if (m_pAnimCtrl != NULL)
            m_pAnimCtrl = NULL;

        if (activity != NULL)
            delete activity;
            activity = NULL;


    virtual void Init()

         if (animations.size() > 0)


    void SetPos(const D3DXVECTOR3& _pos) { m_vPos = _pos; }
    void SetRot(const D3DXVECTOR3& _rot) { m_vRot = _rot; }
    void SetScale(const D3DXVECTOR3& _scale) { m_vScale = _scale; }
    void SetScaleCenter(const D3DXVECTOR3& _scale) { m_vScaleCenter = _scale; }
    void SetRotQuat(const D3DXQUATERNION& _quat) { m_quatRot = _quat; }
    void SetRotCenter(const D3DXVECTOR3& _rot) { m_vRotCenter = _rot; }

    void AddToPos(D3DXVECTOR3 &vPos)        { m_vPos += vPos;     }
    void AddToScale(D3DXVECTOR3 &vScale)    { m_vScale += vScale; }
    void AddToRot(D3DXVECTOR3 &vRot)        { m_vRot += vRot;      }    

    D3DXVECTOR3 GetPos()                    { return m_vPos;   }
    D3DXVECTOR3 GetScale()                    { return m_vScale; }
    D3DXVECTOR3 GetRot()                    { return m_vRot;   }


    bool IsVisible() { return mVisible; }
    void SetVisible(bool bVisible) { mVisible = bVisible; }

    D3DXMATRIX GetWorldMatrix()
        D3DXMATRIX matWorld;
        if(m_vRot.x != 0.0f || m_vRot.y != 0.0f || m_vRot.z != 0.0f)
            D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll(&m_quatRot, m_vRot.x, m_vRot.y, m_vRot.z);
            D3DXMatrixTransformation(&matWorld, &m_vScaleCenter, NULL, &m_vScale,
                &m_vRotCenter, &m_quatRot, &m_vPos);
            D3DXMatrixTransformation(&matWorld, &m_vScaleCenter, NULL, &m_vScale,
            NULL, NULL, &m_vPos);

        return matWorld;

    SkinnedMesh *GetMesh()
        return mesh;

    virtual void OnUpdate(float dt) { return; }

    virtual void Update(const D3DXMATRIX& mat, float dt);
    void Draw();

    void UpdateMatrices(D3DXFRAME_DERIVED* f, D3DXMATRIX* m);
    void SetAnimation(std::string name);
    void GetAnimations(std::vector<std::string> &animations);

    SkinnedMesh *mesh;
    D3DXVECTOR3 m_vPos;
    D3DXVECTOR3 m_vRot;
    D3DXVECTOR3 m_vScale;
    D3DXVECTOR3 m_vScaleCenter;
    D3DXVECTOR3 m_vRotCenter;
    D3DXQUATERNION m_quatRot;
    D3DCAPS9 m_d3dcaps;


    int m_activeAnimation;

    std::vector<std::string> animations;
    Activity *activity;
    float energy;

    //*todo DXWidget doesn't have reference to m_vRenderObjects
    myDX9Widget *Owner;

    bool mVisible;



Here the what the Activity.h file looks like

#pragma once

#include <string>
#include "..\NavMeshLoader.h"
#include "..\Pathfinding\Detour\Include\DetourCommon.h"
#include "..\Pathfinding\Recast\Include\Recast.h"
#include "DetourNavMeshQuery.h"
#include "..\Objects\Objects.h"

class Idle;
class Objects;
class Goods;

#ifdef WIN32
#    define snprintf _snprintf

// Uncomment this to dump all the requests in stdout.
#define DUMP_REQS

// Returns a random number [0..1)
static float frand()
//    return ((float)(rand() & 0xffff)/(float)0xffff);
    return (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;

inline bool inRange(const float* v1, const float* v2, const float r, const float h)
    const float dx = v2[0] - v1[0];
    const float dy = v2[1] - v1[1];
    const float dz = v2[2] - v1[2];
    return (dx*dx + dz*dz) < r*r && fabsf(dy) < h;

static int fixupCorridor(dtPolyRef* path, const int npath, const int maxPath,
                         const dtPolyRef* visited, const int nvisited)
    int furthestPath = -1;
    int furthestVisited = -1;
    // Find furthest common polygon.
    for (int i = npath-1; i >= 0; --i)
        bool found = false;
        for (int j = nvisited-1; j >= 0; --j)
            if (path[i] == visited[j])
                furthestPath = i;
                furthestVisited = j;
                found = true;
        if (found)

    // If no intersection found just return current path.
    if (furthestPath == -1 || furthestVisited == -1)
        return npath;
    // Concatenate paths.    

    // Adjust beginning of the buffer to include the visited.
    const int req = nvisited - furthestVisited;
    const int orig = rcMin(furthestPath+1, npath);
    int size = rcMax(0, npath-orig);
    if (req+size > maxPath)
        size = maxPath-req;
    if (size)
        memmove(path+req, path+orig, size*sizeof(dtPolyRef));
    // Store visited
    for (int i = 0; i < req; ++i)
        path[i] = visited[(nvisited-1)-i];                
    return req+size;

static bool getSteerTarget(dtNavMeshQuery* navQuery, const float* startPos, const float* endPos,
                           const float minTargetDist,
                           const dtPolyRef* path, const int pathSize,
                           float* steerPos, unsigned char& steerPosFlag, dtPolyRef& steerPosRef,
                           float* outPoints = 0, int* outPointCount = 0)                            
    // Find steer target.
    static const int MAX_STEER_POINTS = 3;
    float steerPath[MAX_STEER_POINTS*3];
    unsigned char steerPathFlags[MAX_STEER_POINTS];
    dtPolyRef steerPathPolys[MAX_STEER_POINTS];
    int nsteerPath = 0;
    navQuery->findStraightPath(startPos, endPos, path, pathSize,
                               steerPath, steerPathFlags, steerPathPolys, &nsteerPath, MAX_STEER_POINTS);
    if (!nsteerPath)
        return false;
    if (outPoints && outPointCount)
        *outPointCount = nsteerPath;
        for (int i = 0; i < nsteerPath; ++i)
            dtVcopy(&outPoints[i*3], &steerPath[i*3]);

    // Find vertex far enough to steer to.
    int ns = 0;
    while (ns < nsteerPath)
        // Stop at Off-Mesh link or when point is further than slop away.
        if ((steerPathFlags[ns] & DT_STRAIGHTPATH_OFFMESH_CONNECTION) ||
            !inRange(&steerPath[ns*3], startPos, minTargetDist, 1000.0f))
    // Failed to find good point to steer to.
    if (ns >= nsteerPath)
        return false;
    dtVcopy(steerPos, &steerPath[ns*3]);
    steerPos[1] = startPos[1];
    steerPosFlag = steerPathFlags[ns];
    steerPosRef = steerPathPolys[ns];
    return true;

class Activity
    Objects *Actor;
    Goods *Target;
    Activity() : Actor(0), Target(0) { }
    Activity( Objects* actor, Goods* target ) : Actor(actor), Target(target)
        mStep = 0;

        m_navQuery = NULL;

    void InitNavMesh(const dtNavMesh *navMesh);
    void SetNavMesh(const dtNavMesh* navMesh) { m_navMesh = navMesh; }

    void findPath();

    void ReCalc();

    virtual bool OnUpdate(float seconds) = 0;

    void Update(float seconds);

    Activity *FindBestActivity(Objects *actor);
    std::string ToString();

    // *todo separate these into a module
    dtNavMeshQuery* m_navQuery;

    const dtNavMesh *m_navMesh;

    dtQueryFilter m_filter;

    dtStatus m_pathFindStatus;

    enum ToolMode
    ToolMode m_toolMode;

    int m_straightPathOptions;
    static const int MAX_POLYS = 256;
    static const int MAX_SMOOTH = 2048;
    dtPolyRef m_startRef;
    dtPolyRef m_endRef;
    dtPolyRef m_polys[MAX_POLYS];
    dtPolyRef m_parent[MAX_POLYS];
    int m_npolys;
    float m_straightPath[MAX_POLYS*3];
    unsigned char m_straightPathFlags[MAX_POLYS];
    dtPolyRef m_straightPathPolys[MAX_POLYS];
    int m_nstraightPath;
    float m_polyPickExt[3];
    float m_smoothPath[MAX_SMOOTH*3];
    int m_nsmoothPath;
    float m_queryPoly[4*3];

    static const int MAX_RAND_POINTS = 64;
    float m_randPoints[MAX_RAND_POINTS*3];
    int m_nrandPoints;
    bool m_randPointsInCircle;
    float m_spos[3];
    float m_epos[3];
    float m_hitPos[3];
    float m_hitNormal[3];
    bool m_hitResult;
    float m_distanceToWall;
    float m_neighbourhoodRadius;
    float m_randomRadius;
    bool m_sposSet;
    bool m_eposSet;

    int m_pathIterNum;
    dtPolyRef m_pathIterPolys[MAX_POLYS];
    int m_pathIterPolyCount;
    float m_prevIterPos[3], m_iterPos[3], m_steerPos[3], m_targetPos[3];
    static const int MAX_STEER_POINTS = 10;
    float m_steerPoints[MAX_STEER_POINTS*3];
    int m_steerPointCount;

    class NavMesh
        static NavMeshLoader& GetNavMeshLoader()
            static NavMeshLoader m_NavMeshLoader;
            return m_NavMeshLoader;

    void SetSrcPos(const D3DXVECTOR3& src);
    void SetDestPos(const D3DXVECTOR3& dest);
    float* GetPath(int index);
    float m_SrcPos[3];
    float m_DestPos[3];

    // iterating the path
    int mStep;


What the Idle.h and TruckArrive.h look


#pragma once

#include "Activity.h"

#define MAX_IDLE_TIME 8 // ehhh. slack for 8 seconds

class Objects;
class Activity;
class Goods;

class Idle : public Activity
    float mTimeInIdle;

    Idle() : mTimeInIdle(0)    { }
    Idle(Objects *actor, Goods *target) : Activity(actor, target), mTimeInIdle(0) { }

    bool OnUpdate(float seconds);



#pragma once
#include "Activity.h"

class Objects;
class Activity;
class RunToObject;
class Goods;

#define MAX_BACK_MOVE 5

class TruckArrive : public Activity

    static int mBackMove;

    RunToObject runToObject;


    TruckArrive(Objects *obj, Goods* goods);

    bool OnUpdate(float seconds);

I got these error messages.

Error 1 error C2504: 'Activity' : base class undefined e:\jacky\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\perfectsim\perfectsim\perfectsim\Activities\TruckArrive.h 15 1 PerfectSim
Error 2 error C2504: 'Activity' : base class undefined e:\jacky\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\perfectsim\perfectsim\perfectsim\Activities\Idle.h 19 1 PerfectSim
Error 3 error C2614: 'Idle' : illegal member initialization: 'Activity' is not a base or member e:\jacky\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\perfectsim\perfectsim\perfectsim\Activities\Idle.h 25 1 PerfectSim
Error 4 error C2504: 'Activity' : base class undefined e:\jacky\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\perfectsim\perfectsim\perfectsim\Activities\TruckArrive.h 15 1 PerfectSim
Error 5 error C2504: 'Activity' : base class undefined e:\jacky\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\perfectsim\perfectsim\perfectsim\Activities\Idle.h 19 1 PerfectSim
Error 6 error C2614: 'Idle' : illegal member initialization: 'Activity' is not a base or member e:\jacky\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\perfectsim\perfectsim\perfectsim\Activities\Idle.h 25 1 PerfectSim

Objects.h includes Idle.h which includes Activity.h which includes Objects.h. This kind of circular dependency is an excellent indication that you need to refactor.

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