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4 comments, last by Dr_Asik 10 years, 9 months ago
I have difficulty understanding the difference between those two values of the DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT enumeration. MSDN documentation states:

Use this flag to specify the bit-block transfer (bitblt) model and to specify that DXGI discard the contents of the back buffer after you call IDXGISwapChain1::Present1. This flag is valid for a swap chain with more than one back buffer, although, applications only have read and write access to buffer 0. Use this flag to enable the display driver to select the most efficient presentation technique for the swap chain.
Use this flag to specify the bitblt model and to specify that DXGI persist the contents of the back buffer after you call IDXGISwapChain1::Present1. Use this option to present the contents of the swap chain in order, from the first buffer (buffer 0) to the last buffer. This flag cannot be used with multisampling.
So, Sequential is for displaying the contents of the chain "in order", in other words, in the same order as you called Present(). If so, is Discard not in order? Obviously an older picture should never be shown before a newer one. What kind of "most efficient presentation technique" would this flag enable then?
What if your monitor's refresh rate is 60fps and your code is able to render at 90fps. In this case, every one out of two Presents, the queue will be full. What happens then? Does Present block until the next vsync, capping your rendering rate to 60fps and introducing input lag, or does it discard the oldest buffer in the queue with the new one and allows you to go on with your rendering code as fast as you can? Do these DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT flags have any bearing on the issue?

It's pretty simple. If you use DISCARD, then as soon as you call Present the contents of the backbuffer are wiped away. If you use SEQUENTIAL, then the contents of the back buffer remain after calling Present. The order of what you see on the screen is the same in both modes, it's always the same order in which you call Present.

As for your refresh rate question, that depends on what you pass as the SyncInterval parameter of IDXGISwapChain::Present. If you pass 0, then the device never waits and always presents to the screen as soon as the GPU is ready to do so. If you happen to present outside of the VBLANK period then you will get tearing. If you pass 1, then the device waits until the next VBLANK period to flip buffers. So in your 90fps scenario, the device would then effectively be locked at 60Hz since that's the fastest that the display can output to the screen. If you pass 2, then the device waits for the 2nd VBLANK period which would cap you at 30Hz.

Thank you very much. I am trying to understand the behavior of Present, i.e. under what circumstances does it block or not. This is what I could gather, please correct me if I'm wrong:

If SyncInterval is 0, Present always returns immediately. Rendering runs as fast as it can.

If SyncInterval is 1, two things can happen:

- Either the swap chain is full, in which case Present blocks until the next vblank

- Or the swap chain is not full, in which case Present returns immediately.

This effectively caps the framerate to the refresh rate of the display, but does not force the framerate to whole dividers of the refresh rate either, as described by Nvidia here. I am wondering in what circumstances is this behavior (framerate locked to whole dividers of the refresh rate, i.e. 15, 20, 30fps) observable as I can't seem to reproduce it just by playing with the buffer count and sync interval. Is this a Direct3D9 thing?


Are you running in fullscreen? The behavior is different between fullscreen and windowed, since in windowed mode your backbuffer actually goes through the desktop composition system before it gets displayed on the screen.

I tried both and didn't notice any difference in regards to Present's behavior.

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