FarCry 3 sky, water and fire rendering

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1 comment, last by AlisonFernandes 10 years, 8 months ago


FarCry 3 sky, fire and water simulation amazed me, it wasn't the most.realistic.simulation.eva!!1! (tbf, my graphics options aren't even near to being maxed out) but, they look damn good and rendered pretty fast in my humble machine.

That being said, does anyone know any article / paper about the rendering in FarCry 3, with emphasis on water and/or fire techniques?

PS: While searching for this I found something related, the fire spreading algorithm created in FarCry 2.


These might be of interest - some details on the sky in there:


Big version of the lighting presentation:


Small version of the lighting presentation:


Amazing, they touch other useful topics I was also interested, thanks!

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