XCode Info.plist missing NSPrincipalClass

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2 comments, last by polyfrag 10 years, 8 months ago

I'd post this on the Apple forums but they're down right now.

I'm following NeHe's OpenGL tutorials code for XCode/Cocoa and I made a Command-Line project and am using the source provided.

But it said Info.plist was missing or NSPrincipalClass wasn't specified. I tried using an Info.plist from one of my iphone projects.

I tried renaming it to battlecompworlded-Info.plist (my project name) with NSPrincipalClass set to NSApplication. But still the same error.

What do I do?


Maybe the source is expecting a bundle to be present for locating some resources? Did you try creating a "Cocoa Application" project instead? Because a Command-Line project doesn't have a bundle.

Okay, Cocoa it is then. But how do you change the window title in the GUI editor? [edit] I see now.

How do I change the class of the NSOpenGLView to my OpenGL view class?

[edit] Had to use "custom view" widget instead of what it said in Apple dev tutorial.

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