c++, Help up with algoritham and/or math

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7 comments, last by BaneTrapper 10 years, 7 months ago


Currently i am trying to figure out how i am gonna calculate vision range of my units in 2d tile based map.

The issue is my map goes up to 100x100 in size, and i need access of variable in one of tiles for AI logic.

For example:

o = player;

x = sight range

n = tile out of sight range

In case x = 1

Amount of tiles in sight = 4

n n n n n

n n x n n

n x o x n

n n x n n

n n n n n

In case x = 2

Amount of tiles in sight = 12

n n x n n

n x x x n

x x o x x

n x x x n

n n x n n

In case x = 3

Amount of tiles in sight = 24

n n n x n n n

n n x x x n n

n x x x x x n

x x x o x x x

n x x x x x n

n n x x x n n

n n n x n n n

What do i do for calculation?

I need to loop each tile and check its type, i also need to figure out the tile that is closest,

How would i access the tiles from a vector that are filed like this?

I have a position in vector, and sight range.

vector<Tile> tileList; //10x10 map vector array...
int unitsVecPos = 25;//units position in vector array
int sightRange = 3;//range of tiles unit can see from its origin
//Check if there is a grass tile in the sight range of unit


1: How to calculate amount of tiles i need to loop in case of x sight range?

2: Any idea on algorithm for accessing the tiles when looping for sight range?


for(int i = 0; i < amountOfTilesToLoop; i++)
    if(tileList[tileIDStart + i].type == GrassType)//I the tileIDStart + i is totally wrong but :(
        if(ThisTileIsCloserThenLastMatchingTile == true)
            //Tell AI there is food here

If you are not concerned about visibility, the fastest method to determine which cells are within a certain radius of another cell is to use the midpoint circle algorithm.

My initial thoughts:

Since you're on a grid you can immediately reduce your checks by getting only the tiles that are within position +/- sight in (x,y). Have a function that returns the set of tiles in this subgrid.

In this subgrid do a collision detection with a circle against each of the 4 points of the tile's boundary. Or if you're only using the center point then c1. Given, at least one of these points must have a distance to position that is <= to sight. Make this into a function that inputs the tiles from the previous step and returns an even further culled set.

Since your sight range is a diamond in your ASCII art, you could just use a simple Manhattan Distance check:

I'm sorry about any spelling or grammar mistakes or any undue brevity, as I'm most likely typing on my phone

"Hell, there's more evidence that we are just living in a frequency wave that flows in harmonic balance creating the universe and all its existence." ~ GDchat

it appears your storing a 2d world map as a 1d array (list) of map squares (tiles). in that case, your difficulty comes from storing the data in a structure other than the manner that the data naturally occurs. the natural structure of a 2d tile based map is a 2d array, not a 1d array list of tiles.

once you switch from a tile_list[100] to a map[10][10], everything becomes easy.

player is at x,y (IE map[x][y]).

visual range =2;

the area of tiles to loop through is :

for (x0= x-2, x0 <=x+2, x0++)

for (y0= y-2, y0 <=y+2, y0++)

// process tile x,y

for the closest tile of a given type, its the old "find the best" search algo:

best_dist=some very large value (like 100 tiles away on a map thats only 10x10)


for each tile to check (a double for loop in x0 and y0):

if tile isn't the type we want, continue.

if dist2player < best_dist:

best_dest= dist2player,

best_tile = x0,y0

return best_tile, best dist, or both.

dist2player < best_dist returns the first matching tile found at whatever the closest distance is.

dist2player <= best_dist returns the last matching tile found at whatever the closest distance is.

dist2player can just be bounding box distance from x1,y1 to x2,y2:

return lesser of: (x2-x2) or (y2-y1).

or true Euclidean 2d distance:

dist= sqrt ( (x2-x1) * (x2-x1) + (y2-y1) * (y2-y1) )

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"




1: How to calculate amount of tiles i need to loop in case of x sight range?
2: Any idea on algorithm for accessing the tiles when looping for sight range?

the number of tiles to check will be (vis_rng * 2 + 1 ) ^ 2. ie: vis_rng=3, number of tiles to check = 2*3=6. 6+1=7. 7*7=49 titles.

if you want to use a 1d array, you just address it like a bitmap. array index = y*map_width+x. then you do the usual 2d array stuff, and convert to a 1d array index for lookups from your tile list.

but a 2d array is a cleaner implementation.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"




I am thankful for such list of replies.

I gave it a hour, still no clear knowledge how to get this done.

For now i will hardcore the code until i get more interest intro getting a algorithm.

I got the idea how to loop and check if the X is in sight range, but i got no idea how to check only tiles that are in sight range because if i loop all the tiles are they in sight range its not gonna be fast.

I just figured out a simple solution (Sight range to amount of tiles)

int total = 0;
for(int i = 0 i < sightRange; i++)
total += sightRange - i;
total = total * 4;

That is amount of tiles.
I also figured out that i just wasted my time on something i don't actually need :D.
I need to figure out witch tiles i need to check from 1d array...

The number of tiles for sight range N is

2 * (N * (N+1))

"Most people think, great God will come from the sky, take away everything, and make everybody feel high" - Bob Marley

If you are not concerned about visibility, the fastest method to determine which cells are within a certain radius of another cell is to use the midpoint circle algorithm.

Would anyone be willing to post a simple example using "midpoint circle algorithm." i just cant figure it out.

EDIT:: I am also gonna use this to make a highligh/(How much does he see), so it shows how long, or much can a player can see.

In other words, a highlight is gonna be drawn on each tile that fits this algoritham on his "Sight Range"

Trying to make AAA title AI.
Report day 1:
This will be so cool! i am so gonna get this done.

Report day 2:
Well this seams pretty complicated.

Report day 3:

Frustration, pain, HOW?.

Report day 4:

I am writing this to say, i quit!

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