Convert pixel formats in Compute Shader

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13 comments, last by JB3DG 10 years, 6 months ago

Hi guys

I have a 64bit R16G16B16A16 image which i need to convert to a 32bit R8G8B8A8 image using Compute Shaders. Does anyone have any examples of how to do this?



That depends. What's the use case? Do you want to compress it or just straight convert? Do you want to rescale or do you want to clamp? Etc.

Im not too familiar with the terminology but ill try to describe it....rescale sounds the closest. Basically so that half the max 16bit value would line up with half the 8 bit value and so on.

The hardware can do the format conversion for you. Just sample the source texture as a Texture2D in your compute shader, and it will be converted to 32-bit floating point. Then write to a RWTexture2D, and it will be converted to the destination format.

Thanks. I am still getting garbage out though. And for some reason, I am getting a pitch of 3584 when i lock the 64bit surface which is odd since i should only be getting a pitch of 3520 (440*8). Any ideas?

That's typical. Usually the pitch includes some padding for hardware-specific reasons. You just need to copy/read the first 3520 bytes, and then make sure you advance your pointer by 3584 to get to the next row of pixels:

const uint8_t* mappedData = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(mapped.pData);
std::vector<uint8_t> texelData(width * height * texelSize);
for(y = 0; y < height; ++y)
    memcpy(&texelData[y * width * texelSize], mappedData, width * texelSize);
    mappedData += mapped.RowPitch;

How are you interpreting the data once you map it? Are you using a floating point format, or an integer format for your texture?

That's typical. Usually the pitch includes some padding for hardware-specific reasons. You just need to copy/read the first 3520 bytes, and then make sure you advance your pointer by 3584 to get to the next row of pixels:

const uint8_t* mappedData = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(mapped.pData);
std::vector<uint8_t> texelData(width * height * texelSize);
for(y = 0; y < height; ++y)
    memcpy(&texelData[y * width * texelSize], mappedData, width * texelSize);
    mappedData += mapped.RowPitch;

How are you interpreting the data once you map it? Are you using a floating point format, or an integer format for your texture?

I have tried both but i think am messing up badly somewhere in my setting of the resource and access views. When loading the Texture2D i was using the D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA struct in the initial data parameter for the CreateTexture2D method. When i copy from the RWTexture2D after mapping it I am using a Assembly/SSE blit function of my own making as i find it faster than memcpy. Works quite well provided it contains proper values...

But yeah i would guess the 2 key points where i am messing up are the loading of the Texture2D from the 64bit surface, and the way i am setting up the Texture2D and RWTexture2D objects inside the compute shader itself.

Anyone got an example of how i should be copying the data into the source?

Update: I switched from trying to use a ComputeShader to my old faithful fullscreen quad and pixel shader. However i have 2 questions as I am still getting mostly garbage but a bit more legible than previous efforts.

Some source and a screenie:

The render target in the popup square (I hooked it from the game and when saving to file it comes out right) is a R16G16B16A16_FLOAT format. In accordance with this my input layout for the vertex shader is:


The shader resource that I copy the original render target to is the same size and format.

Here is how it is loaded:

void CamToTex::CreateInput(void* data, UINT pitch, UINT stride)
	src_view = NULL;//Gets released and recreated at each redraw

	subsrc.pSysMem = data;//Raw data from mapped render target
	subsrc.SysMemPitch = pitch;//Set to 3584 from mapped render target
	subsrc.SysMemSlicePitch = 0;
	ZeroMemory(&tdsc, sizeof(tdsc));
	tdsc.Height = 440;
	tdsc.Width = 440;
	tdsc.MipLevels = 1;
	tdsc.ArraySize = 1;
	tdsc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT;
	tdsc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
	tdsc.Usage = D3D10_USAGE_DEFAULT;
	tdsc.BindFlags = D3D10_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE;
	ID3D10Texture2D* temp = NULL;
	HRESULT hr = dev->CreateTexture2D(&tdsc, &subsrc, &temp);
		hr = dev->CreateShaderResourceView(temp, NULL, &src_view);
		dev->PSSetShaderResources(0, 1, &src_view);

I have verified that the raw data is correct by saving it to a bitmap which showed correctly.

The render target that i create however to reprocess to 32bit is a 440x440 R8G8B8A8_UINT surface. No extra processing is done in the shader. The shader resource view is sampled and applied to the full screen quad as is.

After the rendering is complete the render target is copied to a mappable surface, mapped, the bytes copied into the image which is displayed on that small screen on the 3D parts in the image below.(excuse lack of anti aliasing and low res textures...I run on lowest settings during these kind of experiments)


Any ideas? i suspect its going bad at the loading of the shader resource but....

That is very likely an issue with the pitch. You mentioned using your own blit function; are you sure that it takes into account that pitch may not equal to width * numBytesPerPixel? Also, the pitch of two resources with exact same width can be different. In fact, during every Map(), the pitch can potentially change.

In the compute shader, you don't have to care about the pitch of the resource as the addressing hardware on the GPU will take care of that for you (though you still need to stay within the addressable dimensions of the resource).

As a side note, the vertex format is completely unrelated to the render target format; you don't have to use 16-bit floats for the vertices even though the pixel format of the target happens to use them.

Niko Suni

That is very likely an issue with the pitch. You mentioned using your own blit function; are you sure that it takes into account that pitch may not equal to width * numBytesPerPixel? Also, the pitch of two resources with exact same width can be different. In fact, during every Map(), the pitch can potentially change.

In the compute shader, you don't have to care about the pitch of the resource as the addressing hardware on the GPU will take care of that for you (though you still need to stay within the addressable dimensions of the resource).

As a side note, the vertex format is completely unrelated to the render target format; you don't have to use 16-bit floats for the vertices even though the pixel format of the target happens to use them.

Good point....ill try changing the order of things a bit.

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