How to get .x file info

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6 comments, last by Dragonsoulj 10 years, 6 months ago

I have an x file with several subsets in the mesh object. I would like to reference each subset by its name, but I can't find a reliable way to do that. I thought when I loaded it, there would be some kind of information saved that would include the string name.... Maybe I'm smok'n something.

Does anyone know what I mean and how to do it?


Seriously? No one can point me in the right direction? I know it can be done, I just don't know a good way to do it.......


D3DXFRAME frame;;

If you don't mean frames then subsets are usually ID'ed by a DWORD.

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Its the frame name in the .x file its like this here.

Frame Wheel05 {

FrameTransformMatrix {



Mesh {//here is your mesh for this frame name

4416;//number of vertices .







Is there no way to get that without going through the file as text?

I have tried to read the file like a text file, but I keep getting EOF before the end; resulting in an incomplete list.....

If its stopping on Ctrl-Z you should read the file in binary mode and handle CR/LF yourself.

I'm using std::ifstream with "ifstream::in||ifstream::binary"

How should I handle CR/LF?

If the number is 10 or 13, you are at the end and start of a new line. I believe the order is 13 then 10 for Windows, 13 for Linux, and 10 for Mac*, depending on if it is using an actual newline (read: Enter style keypress) or if the program is just writing out a newline (which could vary).

* I may have Linux and Mac flipped.

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