Opengl ?.x and what Tutorial

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12 comments, last by Carducci 10 years, 5 months ago

I have just started reading NeHe's tutorial (OpenGL 1.x) and have now been told that it is old and that I should learn a newer version. I am ok with it being harder. What version should I learn? I am guessing it would be the newest (4.4 - I think). My computer does support OpenGL 4 (OS: OS X 10.9 Mavericks). Even though I am programming using Objective-C with the Cocoa API, I know C++ and WinAPI, so I can easily translated it. Next, What is a good tutorial for the version of OpenGL that you said for the first question?.

Thank you very much,




At least 3.3. In the 3.0-3.2 versions there were big changes in the structure of the OpenGL just like in DirectX 10. Since then the structure remained just expanded.

This is an OpenGL 3.3 tutorial I found some time ago:

Ok, Thanks. And a quick question, Why is everyone voting for 3.x? I would think that 4.x would be better since it is newer. is the best source of modern OpenGL 3.x+ tutorials I've seen. Very informative and goes into great detail at everything.

There are more 3.x tutorials than 4.x tutorials and also 4.x is not supported on all that many hardware, I believe any Intel laptops only support up to 3.1 or 3.2 last time I checked.

OpenGL 3.3 is a good aim, it was released at the same time as OpenGL 4.0 too I believe and the differences is that OpenGL 3.3 is more widely supported.

I know mine supports up to 4.1. What's the difference between 3.x and 4.x. And, Won't 4.x kinda be the future of it, until 5.x, etc.. If it would be, then wouldn't it be better to learn it?

See Wikipedia for a list of changes.

If you no DX, then OGL equivalents are roughly:

OGL 3.1 => DX9.0c

OGL3.2 => DX10

OGL3.3 => DX10.1 (but no compute shaders)

OGL4.0 => DX11. No UAVs, no CS

OGL4.4 => DX11.1

Again, very rough comparison.

Unlike the move from DX9 to DX10 - which was a major API change - OGL versions are incremental. There are a few deprecated features from version to version, but that shouldn't be a concern for you.

Given all that, it doesn't really matter were to start, as long version>=3.0. Make sure you learn the programmable pipeline and not the fixed-function pipeline(shaders good, glBegin()/glEnd() bad!).

There are some very good tutorials here.

Ok, Thanks. And a quick question, Why is everyone voting for 3.x? I would think that 4.x would be better since it is newer.

I think because opengl 3.x introduced the programmable pipeline. Opengl 4.x just added a bunch features. If you understand opengl 3.x it is very easy to transition to opengl 4.x. So it is important that you learn the programmable pipeline and not the fixed pipeline of opengl < 3.x.

@Carducci Yeah, I get that. But, since 4.x just adds more features, wouldn't it be better to learn those a long with it, instead of learning something older so you can switch to the newer one easier?

Ok, I have narrowed it down to two questions. Since I like the poll feature on this site, I am adding another question. I will have it up soon.



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