Cant play correct a Wave File

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-1 comments, last by SharinganShuriken 10 years, 5 months ago

Hello Guys,

i have the problem that when i try to read and load a Wave File that by the start of playing the File i get always a little crack, i used befor the WaveStream Class and there works everything perfect but i would to have my own Class, but the really strange thing is that the length of the Wave File is everytime different between the WaveStream Class and my own Class sad.png

WaveStream Class, everything works perfect:


using (WaveStream waveFile = new WaveStream(fileName))
this.description = new SoundBufferDescription();
this.description.Format = waveFile.Format;
this.description.SizeInBytes = (int)waveFile.Length;
this.description.Flags = BufferFlags.ControlFrequency | BufferFlags.ControlPan | BufferFlags.ControlVolume;

this.buffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(device, this.description); = new byte[this.description.SizeInBytes];
waveFile.Read(, 0, (int)waveFile.Length);
this.buffer.Write(, 0, LockFlags.None);


My Class


byte[] waveBuffer = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
int waveFileLength = waveBuffer.Length;

uint chunkID = Mathhelper.GetInt(waveBuffer, 0);
uint chunkSize = Mathhelper.GetInt(waveBuffer, 4);
uint format = Mathhelper.GetInt(waveBuffer, 8);
uint subchunk1ID = Mathhelper.GetInt(waveBuffer, 12);
uint subchunk1Size = Mathhelper.GetInt(waveBuffer, 16);
ushort audioFormat = Mathhelper.GetShort(waveBuffer, 20);
ushort numChannels = Mathhelper.GetShort(waveBuffer, 22);
uint sampleRate = Mathhelper.GetInt(waveBuffer, 24);
uint byteRate = Mathhelper.GetInt(waveBuffer, 28);
ushort blockAlign = Mathhelper.GetShort(waveBuffer, 32);
ushort bitsPerSample = Mathhelper.GetShort(waveBuffer, 34);
uint subchunk2ID = Mathhelper.GetInt(waveBuffer, 36);
uint subchunk2Size = Mathhelper.GetInt(waveBuffer, 40);

WaveFormat waveFormat = new WaveFormat();
waveFormat.FormatTag = WaveFormatTag.Pcm;
waveFormat.Channels = (short)numChannels;
waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond = (int)sampleRate;
waveFormat.BlockAlignment = (short)blockAlign;
waveFormat.BitsPerSample = (short)bitsPerSample;
waveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond = waveFormat.SamplesPerSecond * waveFormat.BlockAlignment;

this.description = new SoundBufferDescription();
this.description.Format = waveFormat;
this.description.SizeInBytes = waveFileLength;
this.description.Flags = BufferFlags.ControlFrequency | BufferFlags.ControlPan | BufferFlags.ControlVolume;

this.buffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(device, this.description); = waveBuffer;
this.buffer.Write(, 0, LockFlags.None);


What make i wrong ? sad.png



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