XNA - I like it, but should I continue to use it for 2D games?

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2 comments, last by cozzie 10 years, 5 months ago

So just wanted to get other peoples opinions on this.

I am working on the design of a new 2D game, targeted for the PC platform.

My question is, since t win8 is the next big thing, and with XNA is no longer being further developed. Since this kind of 2d game can be built with no problems in the current XNA framework, and the game will not need to support anything 'metro' style, does it make sense to just build it in XNA? it should run fine in win8 in the legacy style non metro space. Assuming getting onto the windows storefront is not a requirement.

I love the XNA platform, and really am not looking forward to learning something new be it Unity etc, since i am only developing 2d games that do not require the power of a bigger engine. But i'm just wondering if others that love to make 2D games plan on continuing with XNA development even with win8 and metro style apps growing in popularity, or would pursuing development with the XNA platform be a mistake? and i should focus my efforts on a new development platform that will fully integrate with the win8?


just wondering how others feel on this topic


I don't see any problem, unless you want to use dx10 or higher features that is. Windows 8 is normal Windows. You are not forced to make metro apps for win8.

If you want to go higher you can switch to MonoGame or SharpDX toolkit - they are very very very similar to XNA in terms of API design, so it should be easy to get used to :)

+1 for MonoGame here. It's an open source implementation of XNA that works across multiple platforms (including android, iOS & linux - PS4 is in the works). Active development community as well, so it's easy to get help if you get stuck.

I fully agree, with the addition that these decisions in my opinion should always be made based on what your specific goal and targetgroup is. Don't let yourself get talked into a lot of work that you don't need (same feeling like with premature optimizations)

Good luck on the game, looking forward to some screenshots or something :)

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