How the BIOS, first software and basics of writing your own language/compiler work

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13 comments, last by cr88192 10 years, 5 months ago

How did they write the first software as initially there was no software platform/tools to work with.

When a computer boots up where is the fundamental point where it's loads data from a certain section/sector of the HD into the memory/cpu etc, is the Bios pre-programmed to search and load this data from a pre-defined sector of the HD in which case the BiIOS must have it's own memory/CPU and HD manager to start the initial process. So can the Bios be seen as an OS in it's own right. How was the first ever BIOS programmed?

Where is the fundamental point where the PC's OS takes over, in other words what data is loaded into memory first from the OS and by which OS process.

So your given a new PC with a blank BIOS,HD, and all the hardware specs, i.e instruction sets, hardware maps/data paths. Where do we go from here. What device is used to program the BIOS(assuming we have no other software loaded device to do this), what language is used for BIOS programming and and what is the order of operation of the BIOS. In other words how does the BIOS work. say I now want to create my own language/compiler what is the next step. If there is no software(apart from the BIOS) how do I write/store my compiler and language specs.

I like to have a go at writing a very basic lanague/compiler this where all my language will do is write out text and maybe allow for the four basic arithmetic operatios. Any tips on where I start.

You have way too many questions in one post. You could benefit from a class/book on computer architecture. Some of the things you ask can be answered by searching the web for things like "boot process".

Don't get too caught up on these questions of how the first software or the first BIOS was programmed. Computers have been getting more complex very gradually, and the early computers were nothing like the modern ones. In particular, they didn't have such things as a BIOS, an OS or a compiler. You initially programmed them by toggling switches, then by punching holes on cards... To give you an idea of how different those times were, John von Neumann is one of the pioneers of computing, and he thought creating an assembler (a program that can convert human-friendly assembly code to binary executable) was a waste of precious computing resources to do clerical work.

If you want info about how the BIOS works, I think what you were looking for is , but I'm pretty sure that's not what you mean.

The rest of your question makes no sense: language compilers have nothing to do with the BIOS, and it's not the language (or the compiler) that implements the writing of text to the screen; the operating system that provides APIs for that, and it's the device drivers (controlled by the operating system) that make the hardware display written text; the arithmetic operations are performed by the CPU.

Now, in the old days, there used to be an old language called BASIC, and it would allow you to write and compile programs that could be run directly from the BIOS, but that is no longer the case... With regular PCs, today everything is done through an operating system. you no longer have any access to the BIOS.

i believe the source code for dos or a clone thereof is available online. that will explain the boot process in glorious detail. as i recall, there's a boot sector on the HD that the HW is hard wired to read from at powerup. This contains your bootstrap code that loads the OS. the bios is a low level HW interface that the OS can use. dos and bios interrupts were the way to do game I/O at one time.the timer and opl3 chips were other chips you talked to directly for games once upon a time.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


When I was young (many decades ago now) computers were simple affairs. On power up (or when the RESET line was pulled low) all CPU registers were reset to zero. A special CPU register called the "program counter," which held the address of the next instruction to execute, would be read and the data from the address it held would be transferred from core memory (yes, magnetic cores) to the "instruction register" and executed. Often the first few words of memory contained a "jump" instruction that would reload the program counter with a different address higher up in memory containing an initialization sequence, and thing would get interesting from there.

Of course, once they were up and running, the boot loader would continue to load the OS, which in turn would load and run programs. On a mainframe that would mean spooling requests from card readers or paper tape or magnetic drums, and later magnetic disks. Some more expensive mainframes would have their work queued by minis (eg. a PDP-8 would front-end an IBM 360) which transferred jobs over a high-speed FIFO.

When the microcomputer age came along, some manufacturers combined the bootloader with parts of the OS proper and called it a 'BIOS.' This was an integral part of the OS that ran the IBM "PC" that many later came to know as the desktop computer. Most competing micros did not have a BIOS, and some had something similar but with a different name (eg. TOS).

Modern computers no longer have a BIOS either. They have a bootloader just like the mainframes of yore and an OS image flashed directly into memory. Even modern "PC" computers mo longer use a BIOS, although they often ship with one to execute in "legacy mode", since even Microsoft Windows does not use anything except the bootloader portion.

When we bring up new systems these days, we just flash the bootloader image, an OS kernel image, and usually a basic "root filesystem" onto an SD card and stick it in a slot on the breadboard. The bootloader still lives at memory address zero, and when the CPU is powered on or the RESET line gets pulled low, all the registers are cleared to zero, and the program counter is used to pull the words from memory address zero and load them in to the instruction register for execution.

Most bootloaders are written in C with a smattering of assembly. Some hobbyists write bootloaders in assembly for kicks.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

So, it's been awhile since I took the classes, so I might not be 100% correct about everything but....

When the computer first powers on, it does a few things that it was built to do regardless of operating system, at a certain point in the boot up process there is an instruction that tells it to jump to the location where the operating system is installed which is when the OS takes over.

Everything about how a computer runs is binary data. It just depends on how that data is being interpreted that determines what happens.

As pointed out already, the instruction pointer is pretty much the most important piece of data... the instruction pointer contains the memory location of the next piece of data to be considered an instruction. Registers contain data that is to be interpreted as parameters.

Every program a computer executes is in machine code, machine code is nightmarish to write/debug because it has only the most basic of statements. Add/sub/increment/jump/and/or/not etc... there isn't even any output or input commands. (Output is implemented as moving data to specific memory locations output devices are looking at to interpret as output and Input is implemented as devices setting data values in specific memory locations OSs look for to interpret as input)

The advantage of machine code (Other than the computer being able to read/interpret it) is that it is so simple that it was fairly easy to map to Assembly code. Assembly has the same instruction set as machine code, but is *more* human readable. With assembly code it became possible to write the first higher language compilers such as fortran/basic. As the languages became easier to comprehend it became easier to do more complicated things and thus higher and higher level languages became possible, to the point now that Java and .Net are able to compile to an intermediate virtual machine code which could than be re-compiled or interpreted to machine specific machine code.

Apparently, the first programs where written in assembly by hand and translated manually into machine code. So the first tool to convert asm to machine code was written in machine code. The first C compiler was likely written in Asm, and c++ in C, etc. Of course once you have an asm compiler you can rewrite a better one in asm.

Sandy White wrote 3D Ant Attack on the ZX Spectrum without an assembler!

"Most people think, great God will come from the sky, take away everything, and make everybody feel high" - Bob Marley

Since I am also an old fart, let me tell you some war stories.

I have written programs without an assembler. This was for a Z80 processor in an MSX2 computer (1987, perhaps?). I had bought an assembler/disassembler for MSX on 1986 (they were separate programs), and when I updated to an MSX2, the assembler stopped working. So I would plan the program similarly to how Sandy White did it, enter the program byte by byte and then use the disassembler to verify I didn't make any mistakes. I don't recommend this to anyone, other than perhaps to convince yourself that it can be done. I only did it because I really wanted to learn assembly and because I was 12, which means I had a lot of free time.

When I bought a PC in 1992, I spent a few weeks writing assembly programs from DEBUG (a command-line low-level debugger that was shipped with MS-DOS). This was a big improvement. :)

Among other things, I wrote a program that would switch to 320x200 8-bit color graphics mode (using INT 10h services from the BIOS), would draw a picture of a Mandelbrot set, and would allow you to zoom in different parts of the image (navigating with the numeric keypad). The whole thing was only about 350 bytes and didn't use any OS services, just the BIOS. So I put it in the boot sector of a floppy disk and I added code to try to boot again if you pressed 0. It was basically a fancy version of the "Non-System Disk, Press any key" message you would normally get from a floppy disk (which is also a program stored in the boot sector).

I also spent some time figuring out how some viruses work. Stoned was a brilliant piece of work.

To be totally honest, I don't know how anyone can learn how a computer really works these days. Computers are fantastically complicated, and modern OSs make it very hard to really interact with the machine directly. On the other hand, beginners now have access to the Internet, so perhaps that's enough to offset the complexity.

I once was so fed up with the slowness of BASIC that I typed a several pages long listing of numbers from a journal into C64 BASIC data statements and a tiny loop to poke them into memory to get access to a monitor (thats basically just a crude hex-editor, not even an assembler). Then I could start it up and use two cryptic statements to write it to a floppy disk for later use. I would then look up opcode numbers from a machine language book one by one to "program" something and put in some hex numbers. I never got very far cause there must have been a number wrong in the journal and it would crash sometimes, it was also too tedious to actually get more than a trivial program that way.

Somehow I got my hands on an assembler later that was a bit like a slightly modified version of the BASIC editor with line numbers and single line input and could compile that, but it was still very difficult to get something working and documentation was a rare thing, I just had 2 books and the computer manual.

I remember that thing would when getting a signal on a reset, NMI or IRQ line load one of the 3 last 2 byte words from memory and jump there. Because there the ROM was placed it could jump back a bit at start up and initialize the stack pointer and the IRQ and NMI pointers (double jump so programs could change them in RAM) and then jump into the BASIC ROM and show the prompt.

I think I read once (IIRC) even a PC did start at the end of the first MB and the higher bits were masked such that the program would run from wrap around into the beginning of address space with the BIOS ROM and that would enable keyboard and monitor to make you able to edit the BIOS-settings, print a bit of text and then search for connected drives to load up a bootsector.

You might want to try programming on some old console game systems. GBA is my favorite and lets you do almost everything, and is powerful enough to run compiled languages (usually C). NES is even more barebones, and could at least do your super simple learning language, but for any actual game making you pretty much have to use assembly.

As you get lower and lower level, the line between software and hardware begins to blur. Starting from a totally blank modern PC may not even be possible, because we're so far removed from the days of no other computers being around to work off of. I doubt they're designed to ever function from a totally software-free state. And even if it is possible, you're so close to hardware fiddling, you might as well learn that too, in which case you can start from an even lower level point, such as designing the CPU itself :) I kind of want to try that sometime... routing transitors and all to read opcodes from memory, operate on registers accordingly, and write back to memory. And then you might as well learn how to create transistors from raw materials... or go with vacuum tubes. Either way, then you'll have to go out digging to find some raw materials in the ground to work from :lol: Then you're pretty much as low level as you can get.

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