Best way for a complete beginner to learn Open GL.

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12 comments, last by DragonBooster 10 years, 3 months ago

Hi guys i am new to these forums, its nice to meet you all at this wonderful website.

I am a experienced C/C++/C# Programmer which is strong in all three for 3 years and knows good O O P design and techniques like polymorphism and encapsulation etc.

I also know 3D maths (Vectors,Linear Alegbra,Quaternions,Matrices etc.), i also plan to make a 3D game with Open GL and some other libraries.

I have helped before in game development as an artist so i know how long it takes to develop a game not to mention i am doing this solo so it will take aprox 3/4 years depending on how fast i go.

Anyway do any of you know good Open GL Learning Resources, preferably modern Open GL 3.3+.

I am very practical and want to get straight to the point in programming, what i mean is that i learn by doing, most of the Open GL i went through is mostly theoretical, now i do know that theory is very important as well but the resources i went through were mostly theoretical but had virtually nearly no code.I want to actually do something as well as reading theory.Also there other tutorials that don't even tell you where exactly to put the code or tell you the structure of a Open GL program. The only thing i know is the rendering pipeline.

I already fully tried these tutorials/resources:

-Red Book 8th Edition. ( Worst of them all )

-Super Bible 5th Edition.

-Open GL 4.0 a Core specification.

-GLSL 4.0 Cookbook.

-Open GL insights.

-Beginning game programming through Open GL second edition.

-Modern Open GL graphics programming.

- ( GLFW outdated );

Currently the libraries i use for rendering purposes only are :

-Gainput ( User Input );

-GLFW ( Context&Windowing);

-GLEW ( Extension Loading );

-freeGlut ( Updated Version and better version of GLUT ).;

-Assimp ( Model Loader );

I would highly appreciate any help at all happy.png. Thank you for reading.


Could you please move this to Open GL. Thank you.


Have you looked at Learning Modern 3d Graphics Programming? smile.png

I haven't used it myself, but it seems fairly popular and might be the sort of resource you're looking for. It goes into quite some detail on theory, but I believe there are plenty of well-explained code samples included as well.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Here are some extra resources. Just poke around and find one you're comfortable using to learn from.

Thank you for the resources guys, i highly appreciate it biggrin.png .

Use shaders.

IMHO: don't lose your time with fixed-function pipeline (I've lost 6 months studying that) because your lines of codes will grow exponentially, and with shaders, you will learn interesting stuffs at the same time knowing that you are in the right way of learning OpenGL. Also, never hardcode geometry (use OBJ models or something for the job). cool.png

Have you looked at Learning Modern 3d Graphics Programming?

I learnt with this one. And at the time I didn't even had half the experience the OP has (instead of 3 years with C++ I think I had more like 3 months with it biggrin.png ).

It starts head on with the more modern OpenGL 3.3 (core profile) programmable pipeline, so no fixed-function cruft, and has all the matrix/vector/rasterization theory you need to get going. It has a series of small programs organized on a big workspace so you can follow them and tear them apart on your IDE of choice.


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

Thank you very much guys, i will definitely check out Learning 3D Modern Graphics Programming.

I'm currently building a video tutorial series on my website that covers OpenGL shaders that you might be interested in.

Interesting. I will check it out and thanks, however, i have a trouble learning from videos. Thanks anyway smile.png

The Chubu, did ArcSynthesis help you learn most of Open GL or did you use another resource with it?

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